Joyful by Design

Limiting beliefs & comparison

Limiting beliefs & comparison

Oh friends. This post is coming to you from a burning deep in my heart. These thoughts have been swirling for some time, but I've been unable to pinpoint exactly what it is I want to say on the subject. But after a sleepless night that prompted a 4AM dive down an...

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The law of attraction: You find what you look for

The law of attraction: You find what you look for

(For those of you who prefer to consume content by listening 🤗) At the risk of sounding dramatic, things in my life sort of fell apart earlier this year. That just happens sometimes. Life is fine and then suddenly it isn't. I'm a fairly optimistic person, generally so...

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A wakeup call about arbitrary standards

A wakeup call about arbitrary standards

** I have had a few requests to provide audio for my blog posts. So if you'd rather consume this blog post via audio, here you go!** This is a silly little tale that I hope will serve as a powerful wakeup call about the stupid things we beat...

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Decide & do

Decide & do

I've started this blog post three different times. I know what I want to say, I think. But I just can't figure out how to say it. So instead, we're going to time travel back into the good old days of blogging where I just talk to you like a good friend. Sound good?...

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