Stuff & Things 6/11

Stuff & Things 6/11

It’s officially my last day of sanity.  As of tomorrow, I shift into summer hours which for the rest of you might mean slower, more leisurely days.  But for me it means something completely different.  I’m currently a little overwhelmed trying to sort out my writing schedule around what my new summer hours will look like.  I know one way or another everything will get done, but I do worry just a little what that will mean for you know, any kind of actual life.

You shouldn’t cartwheel when you’re 29.  Nope.  Definitely not.  According to the aching in my entire body and the soreness in my left foot, while I can still physically cartwheel, I should definitely refrain in the future.  But hey!  At least I still CAN!  That’s something, right?  ::limps away::

I won’t be going back to the Aveda Institute.  I was planning an entire post where I was going to share my experiences over my last 4 encounters with them, but I realized it just wasn’t worth it.  The only take away is that I just won’t be back.  And I will no longer sing their praises or recommend them to anyone.  Their services are just fine.  I’ve never actually had a “bad” haircut from them.  But their customer service?  Yeah. No.  I get that it’s a school, but you’re literally training people to be in a customer service fueled career.  You’d think you’d care a little more.  So overall?  I won’t be back.

I kind of forgot Monday was my birthday.  Once I got home for the evening, I watched netflix and laid around.  I had a yummy dinner but decided I wanted something sweet.  I texted J and asked if he’d pick up something sweet on his way home (which isn’t uncommon for me).  I was expecting like a pack of M&Ms or something.  But no.  Homeboy walked in with a Carvel ice cream birthday cake and wine.  #winner.

I’m looking forward to a quiet weekend.  The only plans we have for Friday night are to order pizza and binge watch the new season of OITNB.  I have a good bit of writing to do/plan out for the next several weeks, also.  I’m eager to just lock myself in my office most of Saturday and pounding some work out.  Things have been so crazy (in a good way) lately, but sometimes it’s nice to just be quiet for a hot minute.

Okay friends!  That about does it for today!  It’s your turn!


Why Andy Grammer’s “Honey, I’m Good,” is an Accurate Depiction of Commitment

Why Andy Grammer’s “Honey, I’m Good,” is an Accurate Depiction of Commitment

Nah, nah, honey I’m good.
I could have another, but I probably should not.
I got somebody at home. 
And if I stay, I might not leave alone.

Now better men than me have failed
drinking from that unholy grail
 I’ve got her, and she’s got me,
and you’ve got that ass-
But I’ve kindly gotta be like
Oh baby, no baby, you got me all wrong baby.
My baby’s already got all of my love.
Let me first start with, no.  I’m not drunk.  And yes, I promise this will make sense and have a real point.  This song is catchy.  It’s one I find my self beat-bopping to.  But it isn’t one I ever really bothered to listen to.  Not the lyrics anyway.
But the other night I was running.  And when this song came on, I was close to losing my groove.  I wanted to quit, so I pushed myself to really listen to the lyrics and try to forget that I was running.  1) It worked.  2) I thought to myself…hmm.  Yup.  This guy is really on to something.
I am not poetic or even the most eloquent person despite what some of you comment down below.  But what Grammer does with this song is very simply put into words what a real actual commitment is like.
Because here’s the deal.  I’m not sure if this is common knowledge or not (I thought it was but…) when you find yourself in a committed relationship you do not become invisible and your eyes do not stop working.  You are a human being.  One whom someone else finds appealing enough to want to commit themselves to.  And like with all things, if one person likes something, chances are someone else might too.
Your significant other will not be the only person on this planet you find interesting.  They will not be the only person you find attractive.  They will not be the only person who is interested in you.  You might one night find yourself having a drink with your girlfriends and actually enjoying a conversation with someone else.  And that’s okay.

Before you all get the impression that either I or my husband have cheated, the answer to that is no.  But we also have no qualms about allowing (I hate using that word) each other to go out with our friends for an evening because we know to whom we go home to at the end of the night.
The thing is, being in and staying in a healthy, committed relationship takes work.  You choose that person, sure.  But you have to keep choosing that person.  It’s not like every other person falls off the planet just because you accepted a ring from a guy.  No.  The world still keeps spinning, and you have to work to hold on to the one standing next to you.  And despite how interesting or attractive you might find someone else, you have to make the choice to place your significant other before anyone else.  Oh, snap.  I didn’t mean for that to happen.  And would you believe I actually loathe all these new fangled words the kids these days are using.  I swear I only turned 29 on Monday, not 79.  Whatever.  I’m getting off topic.
What I’m trying to say here is that staying committed to one another isn’t just something that happens.  It’s something you have to choose and continue to choose.  You have to work at it.  Some days it will be the easiest thing you’ve ever done.  Others, he’ll have just pissed you off and some guy will be looking at you from across the bar and you’ll think to yourself…maybe.  I promise that’s never actually happened to me, so husband please don’t have a panic attack, but you know that I mean.
No, honey I’m good.
I could have another but I probably should not.
I’ve got to bid you adieu 
to another I will stay true.
Photo credit: NRP

A Dash of Sprinkles.

A Dash of Sprinkles.

As you’re reading this, I’m probably being very snoozy, easing into my day with messy hair and a nice cup of coffee.  Unless you’re reading this after 11AM in which case, I’m at my day job.  It’s my birthday, so I’ll be back with regular scheduled programming tomorrow.  
Everyone deserves a day off on their birthday, so since I’m the boss around these parts, I’m declaring today a holiday!  
See you tomorrow, friends!
Happy Friday: Wet n’ Wild Tree Hugger

Happy Friday: Wet n’ Wild Tree Hugger

Wet n’ Wild Silver Lake Limited Edition: Tree Hugger  
It’s Friday.  And that’s pretty much the most important piece of information I have for you today.  Oh, and if you can get your hands on any of the WnW Silver Lake Limited Edition products, do it.  
I got my hands on these and so far I’m in love.  That eyeshadow palette?  Swoon worthy!  

Close your eyes, jump, and hope for the best.

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
-Lao Tzu
If you’ve hung around these parts long enough, you know there are very few things that I allow to define me.  Writer is one.  Wife, another.  Believer, for sure.  And football wife.
I told you about how my marriage was untraditional.  How being a football wife involved sacrifices most would never assume.  It’s hard for outsiders to understand what kind of toll it can take on a family.  People forget the long hours the coaches put in and never know that they rarely see much reward.  It’s not an easy lifestyle to keep up with.  It’s unstable.  And the further in to it you get, the harder it becomes.
Before I get into this, know that the five years we put into the game were important.  They were hard, but they were wonderful.  But we are no longer a football family.
I’ve seen my husband more in the last 6 months than I have in the last 5 years.  We’ve eaten more meals together.  We’ve spent more time together with friends.  We’ve seen our families and we’ve taken trips.  We’ve sat on the couch both dozing off to some random television show.  We’ve gone to the gym together and made new friends.  We’ve had conversations about nothing, laughing until we cry at the randomness.  I’ve fallen more in love with the man who was a shadowy figure creeping in at all hours of the night the last five years.
If he came home tonight and said he thinks he made a mistake, that he misses the game, we’d dive back in.  I’d sit in a stadium every Saturday for the rest of my life if that’s what he wanted.  Once married to the game, it’s hard to get out.
I won’t get into the details of how it all went down.  That’s unimportant.  But the longer I sat, holding on to this secret, the more I realized it’s just a part of life.  People move on from the lives they thought they wanted.  
It wasn’t an easy decision.  One we discussed to death and prayed constantly about.  Whenever you decide to redefine yourself, it takes some time.  It takes some tears.  It takes a lot of back and forth, hoping you didn’t make a mistake.  But that’s the case with any kind of risk, really.  You never know for sure until you just do it.  Close your eyes, jump, and hope for the best.
We jumped.  That’s part of the reason we moved to Charlotte.  When we cut the cord and took that first gasping breath of civilian air, we realized the options were limitless.  We could go and do and be whatever we wanted to be.  And that was such a liberating feeling, though a little sad.
Though our hours are much more in sync these days, I don’t think it’ll really hit either of us until fall rolls around.  Until that first game day Saturday that we spend at the pool or…shock…sitting in a stadium as spectators ourselves.
Life does this.  The plans you think you have just aren’t the right ones after careful consideration.  And it’s okay to admit that.  It’s okay to think about what you want.  What is best for you, for your family, for the life you really want, and to go after that.  Whatever it is.  
And there you have it.  The final piece in this whole Charlotte puzzle.  The truth.  It feels…weird.  But it’s good.  Important.  Different.
And we’re just fine.