1)I went shopping yesterday and realized all over again how much I hate shopping.  I’m just no good at seeing something, picking it up, trying it on and buying it.  Also?  Noticing a black and green theme here.  Strange.
OPI The Color To Watch

2) Got my nails done last weekend for the first time in a really really long time.  I might have immediately purchased this nail polish on Amazon.  From the pedicure chair…on my phone.  Sorry for the internet pic, it’s hard to take a photo with my left/gimpy hand and no one wants a photo with a missing pinky.

3) These have basically saved my life.  I’m not normally a huge sparkling water fan, but these are so good, packed with nutrients and are even infused with green tea extract so they have a bit of that caffeine kick I need mid-day.  I’ve found them at wal-mart.  Target has the same things just called “chill” instead of Ice.

4) I hesitated to buy a $24 sweater from Old Navy but then I went and dropped $23 on candles at Bath and Body.  I have a weird shopping problem.  These candles are like crack though.  I have tart warmers throughout the house so these will live in my office and will only be allowed to be burned while writing.  See what I’m doing there? 1.2.

5) I’m doing all the laundry today.  I mean it, ALL OF THE LAUNDRY.  Putting all of it away that’s been camped out on the dresser and actually washing and putting away the mound that’s been growing in the closet.  I hate doing it, but I’m excited for it to get done.

Happy Friday, folks!!


Decide what to be…

Decide what to be…

When I was a sophomore in high school
I didn’t make it into Wind Ensemble.  
All of my friends did.
If you weren’t a band geek, that’s the advanced band.
The band that wasn’t a joke.
The band that competed.
I was embarrassed.
And hurt.
And mad at myself.
So I worked my ass off and gloated slightly when my teacher had to award me first chair in concert band.
I was the best of the mediocre.  And I was proud of that.
And the next year, I didn’t only get placed in Wind Ensemble,
I made 4th Chair, which was still considered a “first flute.”
I realize this all sounds very geeky.  And I’m okay with that.  Because I am a geek.
But what I’m trying to say is:
It took a year, but I got where I wanted all on my own.
And then I got denied to ASU.
I’ll admit it, I applied and wanted to go because that’s where Mr. Husband was going.
But if you’re familiar with our love story, can you blame me?
I was embarrassed.
And hurt.
And mad at myself.
So I worked my ass off and made straight A’s at WCU.
I wanted to make sure there wasn’t a seed of doubt that I’d get accepted to ASU sophomore year.
And I did.
This isn’t me bragging.  I guess it’s a round about way of trying to tell myself that I’ve been told before that I’m not good enough.  And instead of it stopping me or causing me to hate myself, it made me work harder.
So, Joey.  Why is your book still sitting in the closet?  
Yeah.  I’m wondering the same thing.
ps…it’s really hard to type with a broken finger.  I might be a little MIA until this thing heals up.
9 Years!

9 Years!

9 years.
My car had been broken down in the HS lot for days, and I was finally calling a tow truck.
The cute football guy pulled up in his old white Chevy to check on me.
And my life changed forever.
Mr. Husband, I’m glad we got married, but more importantly?  I’m glad we’re friends.

[eight years ago on our very first anniversary!]
Love you
High Five Friday

High Five Friday

High five for Friday!  There’s a first time for everything, and today it’s my first time linking up with Lauren From My Grey Desk 
1) Random texts from the husband always brighten my day.  Do you know Old Greg?  Oh, college days.
2) If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times.  I am a really, really slow reader.  But I devoured this series in 48 hours.  And I’m still thinking about the characters.  Probably my two all time favorite books ever.  And that’s a pretty hard slot to fill.  Pick them up here: 1 & 2 
3) Cheap sushi with Amber.  Perfect.  
4) I was able to stay up late enough a couple times this week to actually see Mr. Husband, which was nice.
5) I may or may not have gotten sucked into a Laguna Beach marathon yesterday and it immediately brought me back to high school.  And you know we all tried to get those Kristen sweep across bangs.

Oh, so you’re just…

First things first…don’tcha just love the new design?  I owe it all to the sweet, lovely & talented Ms. Carley.  
On to business…
“Oh, so you’re just a nanny?”
Can we talk about this?  Please?  Yes.  I have a college degree.  In writing, actually.  Well, more specifically English with a concentration in Creative Writing.  I am an educated woman.  [But I never claimed to be smart.–that’s a story for another day].
Would you ever utter the phrase(s):
Oh, so you’re just a teacher?  
Oh, so you’re just a lawyer?
Oh, so you’re just a doctor? 
Get my point yet?
People are suited best for different things.  I knew at 18, thank God, that I liked writing and that I was interested in English.  I never once changed my major.  I was also not so naive to be fooled into thinking my major was actually preparing me for one specific job in particular.  I actually kind of liked at the time that it didn’t.  I felt like the world was wide open to me.
I tried the jobs, y’all.  I really, really did.  My resume is embarrassingly long ranging from Tanning Bed Manager to Account Executive for a newspaper.  None of it was for me.

It wasn’t until this past year that I really, truly made the decision that nannying is it.  For good.  It may not be the most glamorous job [says the girl who literally swam in a pool of drool today], but I don’t think everyone can do it.
No, I take that back.  Any moron can keep a baby alive.  But I don’t think people understand what exactly being a nanny entails.  And I won’t get into it right now.  But I like my job.  And I’m good at my job.  And I sufficiently add to my household income and we can pay our bills.
So tell me.
What is everyone’s big problem with
just being a nanny?
Can we please take the just out now?