Confession: A change

Confession: A change

Okay, it’s confession time.
Remember when I said I’m naturally skinny (and that you could hate me?), well, I think my eating habits are catching up to me.
I don’t keep a scale in my house.  I just don’t.  I don’t think it’s nice or fair or healthy.  I say that because I feel like I would be obsessively weighing myself watching the pounds fluctuate and spiral into a deep depression for the smallest gain.
But lately?  I’ve been feeling a little sluggish.
And I’m noticing my clothes fit me a little differently.
And the stick says I’m not pregnant, so it must be my habits.
It could be five pounds.  Ten? Maybe fifteen?
It’s nothing that would probably be noticeable to anyone else.
But what does it matter what is noticeable to another person when I. feel. gross.

Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I eat what I want when I want.
And the strange thing is?  I hardly ever want veggies or greek yogurt or fancy smoothies.
I want fast food.
And potato chips.
And dessert.  Lots and lots of dessert.
But I’m making a change.  No, really.  I am.
I’m vowing for the rest of the month of September that I will not eat any fast food.
(If you really knew me and knew how often I surrender to fast food in lieu of cooking, you’d probably scoff at this).
I can’t swear off desserts.  Not entirely.  Not unless you want to hear about me in the news.
I’d be the girl who hurled herself off the tallest building mourning the loss of ice cream and cupcakes. 
But I’ll limit them.  [wow, it actually hurt to type that].
Maybe a smaller treat every other day?
That one?  I’m not so sure I’ll be able to pull off.
But the no fast food?   I’ll do it even if it kills me.
Which it won’t because it’s the eating of fast food that will kill me.
I’m swapping pancakes for cereal and a banana.
I already love edamame, so I stocked up and will exchange that for my afternoon snack of a bag few potato chips.
I’m also restarting the Julian Michaels 30 Day Shred.
This is happening y’all.
I don’t care if I lose a pound.
I don’t even know what I weigh.
I just want to feel better.
Dont Quote The Raven

How Conversations Get Here?

How Conversations Get Here?

I’m not really sure how the conversation got here
but somehow Mr. Husband and I started talking about Kangaroos.
And then, for some reason, I found myself pulling up some kangaroo videos.
And I came to the conclusion:
Kangaroos are just the strangest looking animal on the planet!
I think they might totally be my favorite, though.

It’s Okay: ugly cry edition

It’s Okay…
-That yesterday ended with me coming straight home, crawling into bed and throwing myself a pity party.  I think stress just caught up to me, and I was feeling so low and completely weepy.  My stomach was feeling off all day, so I loaded up on pepto, antacids and turned S&TC on which turned into Gossip Girl which later inspired a DVD marathon of Dawson’s Creek.
But before the marathon, Mr. Husband came home.  He was surprised to find me in bed already (7:30, don’t judge).  And he gave me that “I’m concerned” look which sent me into the ugly cry.  Why is it that when someone shows concern or asks “are you okay?” we burst into tears?  Either way, I pulled the whole scrunched face head in hands high pitched only-dogs-can-hear-you-now explanation of why I was crying.  Or rather, lack of explanation.
It’s also okay that after I sobbed into my husband’s shoulder my night turned way around.  Mr. Husband crawled into bed next to me, played me in Words With Friends and analyzed the kids on GG and later Dawson’s Creek with me.  Also, Bailey cheered my up by being her adorable cute self.  
Also, we kind of taught our dog to say “I love you.”  She’s not really saying it, but whatever makes us laugh, right?
It’s totally okay.
It’s really okay.
It’s going to be okay.

Its Ok Thursdays

A kindness

This is probably going to come across as one of those “duh” things.
But I’m noticing something.
I don’t mean to be, but sometimes I’m very short.
I get through what I have to get through and move on to the next.
I’m very rarely in the moment and I’m often just rushing.

I used to be an extremely friendly and kind person.
In fact, Mr. Husband will tell you that’s what drew him to me way back when 
(we’re talking at 13 years old!)
But life has left me a little jaded.
And I’m not mean (at least not usually) but I’m definitely not as nice as I could/should be.
Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with gratitude.
I’ll stop for a second and just think gosh, I got lucky.
And those moments remind me to take that extra second and offer kindness to another person.
I’m not talking about buying someone a car or curing them of cancer or anything miraculous.
I’m talking about something anything that is no skin off your back but makes their life a little easier.
Everyone is so worried about themselves (trust me, I am too)
that we sometimes forget that we can help other people.
For instance, we’re getting new neighbors.
The moving truck was parked on our street yesterday morning, 
and I saw the movers trying to maneuver between our driveways
(all our houses are very close together in this neighborhood).
And I thought, you know what?  Get off the darn couch.
I swung the door open, introduced myself and explained that I wasn’t leaving and that they were welcome to block my driveway.
They were so so grateful.
And it was nothing for me.
And it made their life easier.
And as I walked back inside and back to my couch, I felt good.
And it made me think about that episode of FRIENDS 
when Joey tries to tell Phoebe there are no self-less good deeds.
And I’m okay with that.
If feeling good happens to be a side effect of being kind to another person,
I’ll take it.
Martini Weekend.

Martini Weekend.

I crossed the dirty martini off my bucket list.
It doesn’t mean I liked it.
It also took me an embarrassingly long time to drink it.
And I made that face every. single. time.
Thanks, Mr. Husband, for capturing THAT moment.
That’s what I did this weekend.
What did YOU do?