Joyfulness (n.)

A condition of supreme well-being and good spirits.

It’s not enough

It’s not enough

It’s December 2nd. It’s been almost 2 months since I last got up, got ready, and drove to work for the day. It’s been almost 2 months since I gathered my belongings, switched off the light and turned in the doorway to get one last look. I was emotional. Sad to leave....

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Dear little one, (A strange life update)

Dear little one, (A strange life update)

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I've worried since the moment I found out you existed. I worried if you would stick around. I worried about being a terrible mother. I worried if you would be okay. I worried if I was feeding you enough, if I picked the...

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Some things.

I did it again. I dropped off the face of the planet just like I promised I wouldn't. OG blog friends -- do any of you just sort of feel...old in the online space these days? I ditched socials, at least in the consistent consuming/posting kind of way back in May of...

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It’s been a while & everything has changed: BIG NEWS

It’s been a while & everything has changed: BIG NEWS

Well hello! Yes, I'm going to just drop right on in here like I haven't been totally MIA since December. It's 8:35 PM, and I returned from a walk just a bit ago in an attempt to escape the house. And now I'm hiding in the office that's soon to be a nursery because the...

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More of the story: trust the process.

More of the story: trust the process.

I originally wrote this post at the end of July 2020. It all felt just too fresh and raw and real to share at the time. There were still so many unknowns surrounding our next steps. And if I've learned anything from Brené Brown, it's that I don't share anything until...

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Life update: I have some explaining to do…

Life update: I have some explaining to do…

We can do anything if we put our minds to it. Take your whole life then you put a line through it. Friends. Hi. I've ached to return to this space. It's on my mind often, and I miss it terribly. But would you believe me if I told you that literally the day I posted...

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Weekly Roundup 6/19

Weekly Roundup 6/19

Is it just me or did this week fly right by? Some of you might not know this, but I now work part time for the college where my husband coaches. It started out as something to get me out of the house and into the community where we were building our lives. But it...

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Weekly roundup 6/12

Weekly roundup 6/12

Happy Friday, friends! Even though I had Monday off (it was my Birthday!), it's felt like an incredibly long week. Things were busy, the weather was crazy and I've had an annoying, lingering sinus headache for literally three days now. So to say that I'm already...

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Things I’ve tried recently

Things I’ve tried recently

Remember when you could trust the recommendations you saw online? Before the term influencer had ever been uttered? Yeah, I miss those days. It was my favorite part of blogging. There were certain bloggers who I trusted wholeheartedly. If they told me a shampoo...

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