A lifestyle blog.

And author website.

Hi, I´m Joey

It’s my hope that this website, which I founded in 2009, will become a regular source of inspiration, encouragement and comfort for you. We’re old friends here, and I’ve got stories to tell (and things to share). So grab a cuppa (or a glass) and stay a while.

While blogging is how I started my out-loud writing career, my debut novel, Yeah, maybe was released in 2014 and became an amazon bestseller. See more novels from me under “books.” 

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When Backwards is Forward

When Backwards is Forward

I'm scared down to my bones. And it feels so good. I spent Sunday night googling Mercury in Retrograde at my kitchen counter with Amanda. She'd been hearing about it all over the place, and truthfully so had I. But I tend to take things with a basic understanding and just assumed that the...

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I’ll Keep Trying

I’ll Keep Trying

When I'd get broken up with in middle and high school, because I always did, I would lock myself in my bedroom and blare sad breakup songs. I'd let the feelings of loss and sadness, inadequacy and heartbreak wash over me, breaking me. I'd sit and cry until I couldn't cry anymore. I'd write it all...

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Confidence Comes From Doing

Confidence Comes From Doing

I don't know exactly where this mindset came from, I'm sure I'll find out after spending a 100 hours on a therapist's couch, but I grew up with this mindset that I'd already lost. I would see people doing things and think to myself I can't ever do that. It wasn't a matter of confidence or...

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Tiny Decisions

Tiny Decisions

At a complete loss on how to deal with a situation, I spent a lot of time with myself, inside my head. I pulled out the adult coloring book I promised myself I'd color in weekly that hadn't been touched in months, pulled out the colored pencils, and dove in. I was instantly faced with decisions....

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 Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



If you’re into the kind of books that suck you in, make you fall in love with the characters and root for the underdog, then you’ll probably love these stories.