Tiny Decisions

by | May 10, 2016 | Throwback | 6 comments

At a complete loss on how to deal with a situation, I spent a lot of time with myself, inside my head. I pulled out the adult coloring book I promised myself I’d color in weekly that hadn’t been touched in months, pulled out the colored pencils, and dove in.
I was instantly faced with decisions. The big picture was overwhelming; I couldn’t figure out where to start. I sat for far too long staring, debating putting the book back in my drawer and losing myself in Netflix instead.
But I picked up a pencil and just started coloring, picking out patterns as I went along, only focusing on one thing at a time. As I continued, I trusted that the important pieces would become more obvious and that I’d know what to do when they did.
I colored the entire afternoon, making one tiny decision after another,
hoping for clarity.
My vision for how it would all turn out in the end kept shifting with every tiny pattern I added color to. And the ones I thought I made mistakes with just added to the beauty of the big picture in the end.
We all do this in life. We let ourselves get so overwhelmed by the big picture that we convince ourselves to quit before we’ve even started. We get hung up on our mistakes, thinking we’ve messed everything up for good when in the end, they just add to the beauty of our lives.
All we have to do is make one tiny decision after another. You have to trust your gut and pick out the parts that you think are important to focus on. Add your color and create your own image. 

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  1. I got a coloring book for Christmas and haven't used it since 2015, even though I see it on the shelf next to my desk every day.
    I think trusting your gut is the most important aspect here.
    Also, maybe I need to learn how to relax.

  2. Love this! 🙂

  3. This is such a great metaphor for life! Also, it made me want to whip out my adult coloring book. Thanks for such an honest and insightful post as always, friend.

    Kat 🙂

  4. Love this! So funny how you can relate life to coloring and it makes total sense! Just taking a small step, then another can turn into something wonderful.

  5. It turned out so pretty and like Kat said, it's such a good metaphor!

  6. Coloring is so satisfying and therapeutic, right??? I love your thought on making one tiny decision after another. That sounds like a great way to get started on the bigger picture!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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