Stuff & Things That Make My Life Easier

by | Feb 18, 2016 | Throwback | 18 comments

It’s been an off week–one where everything has felt harder than it needs to be.  So instead of sitting here having a pity party for myself, I’ve decided to think about all the things that make my life easier when I feel like everything is just too hard.

Setting the coffee pot the night before.  If you’re anything like me, you need all incentives to get yourself out of bed, especially at the ungodly time my alarm sounds (cough, 5, cough).

Buffer.  If you’re a blogger who still works a full-time job, you need buffer.  Actually, if you’re a blogger in any capacity, you need buffer.  I felt a bit icky about scheduling tweets out, but I’ve made an intentional practice of mixing my scheduled content (hello, sharing blog posts) with in-real-time tweets.  Do you want a post on how I use this?
Long wearing nail polish.  I don’t even feel like Joey with this one, but I never have time to paint my nails anymore.  But I like to have my nails painted.  I love my Sensationail Gel kit, but I’m picky about how long I let my nails get–so that’s a little too long wearing.  I’ve been relying heavily on Julep lately.  I picked up a new Revlon Gel Envy polish just because I liked the color–and that baby is still going strong 6 days in.  Not a single chip.  I just used it with my standard Seche Vite, not the partnered top coat.
Asking for help.  I’m a I can and will do it all myself girl.  I always have been.  But I forget sometimes that one major blessing that comes from marriage is having a partner.  I’ve made a point to ask for help when I need it.  Our neighbor also had us take that Love Language test–and I got Acts of Service (duh), so when I came home from being out of town on Sunday to find J scrubbing our shower, I could have melted into a puddle of love.  
The TKO fitness running band.  I’m ashamed to admit that I haven’t taken this on a run yet (yes, I’m that girl who runs with her phone in her hand, so I know this will come in handy), but what I have used it for is work.  The first several hours of my work day are kid-free doing house-management tasks.  I tend to listen to an audiobook or a podcast–but I don’t always have pockets (hello, yoga pants).  This baby has saved me from having to shove my phone in my bra.  It’s super comfortable and very easy to remove for all those pee breaks.
You already know how I feel about Wunderlist.  But it’s worth mentioning again in case you missed it.
My Apple Watch.  I promise I have a detailed post on how this makes my life easier coming soon–but if you’ve been on the fence about it–I totally and completely recommend it.  My 2 biggest concerns were 1) it’d be too heavy and 2) it’d be too large for my wrist.  I’m picky about wearing stuff on my wrists which is why I liked the fitbit flex–it was small and practically weightless.  I forget I have my watch on almost all the time.
Saying no.  Do it.  It’s so super freeing.
Okay, that’s probably about it for today.  What are some things that make YOUR life easier?

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  1. I had a small breakdown last summer and after talking with my aunt, she helped me realize that it is okay to say no.
    I think the Apple Watch would get me in trouble since we can't use our phones at work. I feel like it'd be a cheat. BUT I also feel like the FitBit isn't super accurate because it sometimes will buzz while I'm sitting at my desk going over paperwork. Definitely not taking steps. AND I wish I had the version that showed the time.
    Happy Thursday! Hope the weekend is restful and relaxing for you.

  2. I wear my Nike Fitness watch all the time. The big display makes it easy to check time when I'm tutoring or in meetings etc. I think I want to update to the Apple Watch later this year though cause my Nike is breaking – the band is totally worn out now and breaking on the inside. Looking forward to your review.

  3. I neeeeed to get in the habit of setting the coffee. I tend to not drink it until I'm driving to work, but I'd love to reach the point where I double up on cups in the morning. I'm excited for your post on the Apple Watch!

  4. It's nice having that partnership with your spouse, it's so special. Being pregnant has really made me rely on Kyle more and he has truly stepped up to the plate.

  5. I would love a post about Buffer. I signed up and tried to use it, but cannot figure out how to do the scheduling part, it just posts it in real time, which is of no help to me, haha! So I'd love a post on how to use it, yes I could probably go look it up on the internet, but always forget…perhaps I'll go do that now…

  6. I'm a do it myself girl too and just like you, I love when I see hubby doing something without me having to ask. It doesn't happen a lot but when it does its awesome!

  7. Chris has been wanting me to get the Apple watch, he got one recently. They went on super sale at Best Buy and sold out before I could decide so I think I will wait until the price drops again. Cant wait to see your thoughts on it!!!

    I'd love to see a post on buffer. It might come in handy for my food blog.

  8. Yes! Definitely asking for help. That's so sweet that your hubs has been helping out 🙂 That's why we're partners for life 🙂

  9. That nail polish sounds awesome. I always feel better when my nails are done. It makes it even better when they actually stay polished for a good amount of time. It takes time to do them so I want them to last!

  10. Buffer is awesome. I've switched over to Hootsuite and really like it as well. And coffee….always a must.

  11. I listen to podcasts when I walk the dogs and now I just put my phone in my coat pocket. However, when it's 95 degrees that will be a challenge. I thought about trying a flip belt, so I don't get a tan line from an armband.

    And I AM enjoying Wunderlist. Haven't branched out to iCal yet though.

  12. Love this post! I do love the Apple Watch – but I love the watch I wear + I just got a Fitbit Charge HR so I feel silly to get one right now… but probably in the future!

    Southern Style

  13. I now have a coffee pot that I can set up the night before and it's the BEST!!!

  14. i would love a post about buffer! i signed up for it aaaaaaaaaages ago and have no idea how to use it, so i don't. lol.


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