What do you do for you?

by | Feb 23, 2016 | Throwback | 17 comments

I was starting to lose myself.  It was happening quietly.  Slowly.  Little by little.  A yes here.  A yes there.  And before I knew it, I was gone.  The parts I loved about myself, the parts I loved about my life, I’d stopped making the time for.  I was too busy.

I spend all of my time doing for others.  I don’t say that selflessly.  It’s just the way my life has been set up, and that’s okay.  I’m a people serving kind of person, I always have been, I hope I always am.

But there’s a balance in a life like that, there has to be.  Boundaries are set for good reason.  The things I kept sacred, protected, I stopped making a priority.  The more full my days became, the less I felt like myself.

When that happens, it’s hard to pinpoint why exactly you don’t feel right.  It’s shocking how sly life is, creeping in, sucking away your identity leaving you feeling lost and empty.  I didn’t know what was wrong.

I made vegetable soup last week because I wanted it.  And on Saturday night, I got it in my head to make an old pasta dish that J and I used to love.  Two hours into the process, J finally asked.  Why are you cooking again?  We could have just gone out.  I didn’t have an answer.  I just wanted to.

Then on Sunday, I made the time to get back into the gym.  I came home and ate the pasta I’d made the night before, followed by a bowl of the soup I’d made.

I felt like myself.  I felt happy and satisfied.  Content.  And it was then that it hit me.  I stopped making time for those things.  They seemed unnecessary in the business of my life, so they got cut.  It seemed harmless enough, but it turns out prepping meals for my little family in my little kitchen is important to me.

I let life get to the point that the things I used to enjoy became chores.  That was my fault.  I let life get that way.

That’s not okay.  That’s never okay.  You wouldn’t let someone else down like that, would you?  You wouldn’t nix something from your daily todo that someone else was relying on you for.  At least if you’re anything like me, you wouldn’t.  So why was it acceptable for me to eliminate all of the things that made me happy?  Because I stopped putting myself first.  I’d stopped putting myself second.  I’d stopped considering myself at all.

It’s no wonder that everything started to feel like work.  I stopped treating myself like a person.
It’s hard to balance, I’ll admit.  I work a full-time job balancing someone else’s life, and I chase dreams full-time. And there’s nothing wrong with that.  But the second I stop treating myself like a person is the second it all becomes wrong.
So I ask you this.  What do you do for you?  What makes you feel like a person?  What causes you to sit down at the end of the day and breathe a happy, contented sigh of relief?  
For me?  That’s cooking.  It’s keeping my little apartment looking like a home.  It’s smashing it at the gym.  Sometimes it’s putting in my earbuds and coloring, letting my creativity float around.  It’s journaling; it’s reading.  It’s writing.  It’s taking an hour to myself in the morning with my coffee and youtube.  
So tell me
what do you do for you?

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  1. I do baking and nail painting for me. If things get really bad, I'll take a pjs and netflix sesssion and that usually sorts me right out. I'm a grown up, I swear…

  2. Maybe this is why I've always cooked and baked so much. It makes me feel like I'm doing something, but in a good way, not just to stay busy.
    I think "meal planning" falls into this category for me. It's something I don't have to do, but it makes me feel better about me.
    My coloring book hasn't been getting enough action lately. Thanks for the reminder there.

  3. I literally just wrote a similar post in the last week. I was feeling just like you. I never took any time for myself and the things that make me happy. I vowed that in 2016 I was going to take my life back. Now I'm reading more, Journaling, and interested in my silly hobbies again. It's an amazing feeling. I'm glad you're getting back to you!

  4. This is SO important but I rarely take time for myself. Taking care of kids and a household and I quickly lose myself. (And way too many "yes'" as well!). Thanks for the reminder to carve out some me time – I miss it.

  5. Such a good point, and I don't feel like my husband gets it sometimes. I need to be alone, whether it's in public, in my own head reading, or just awake in the house later than he is. It's the first thing to go when things get busy (normally in favor of sleep!) but when I feel like I spend all of life with other people, I feel swept up with no time to reflect and I just don't like it. I wish I liked taking care of the house and cooking, though… it would be much more productive!

  6. So important to do stuff for yourself. I go to the gym twice a week, it's just for me, I take the kids drop them in the kiddie care. For a bit I felt so guilty that I was gone all day to just take them to another place to have someone else watch them. But then I realized, this is what I need to do for me so that I can stay sane and nice. haha…If I had it my way I would go everyday, but I'll settle for 2 days a week and sometimes on the weekend.

  7. Reading, cooking and definitely the gym are my things. Along with cleaning and painting my nails. I just love when both things are done.

  8. Three cheers for self care! I'm so glad you're taking time for YOU! The pasta you made looked delicious and I'm impressed with your coloring skills 🙂

  9. I love how you said you wouldn't let others down like that. Exactly!!! That is such a great way to put it! I have been playing around with the idea of facial Sundays just to give me a little pamper time on my own to de-stress from the week. I think this post has convinced me that I need that!I make time in the mornings before work for working out and blogging because that makes me happy. On Sunday mornings when i wake up, I usually read for an hour or so before I start the day. Watching my favorite shows with Chris after work. Little things like that make a huge difference!

  10. It's so important to do things for yourself, I usually go to the salon or have a spa day at home. It's amazing.

  11. You've got me thinking… what do I do for ME?? I love that you got back to doing things for yourself and hope you keep it up. All of your pasta talk makes me hungry for some delicious pasta. I'm off to make a list of the things I want to do for me that I enjoy.

  12. Yay for taking care of yourself! I'm just like you; always been one to serve others. It's hard to break that. I bake, and just started coloring. I love it!

  13. Such a good reminder! I'm so impressed that you have so many things that make you feel like you. It was like your list kept going and going and I was thinking… what would be on my list? This really hit home for me right now because I'm in a place of transition and so some of the things that made me "me" are no longer a part of my life so I'm working on finding and incorporating new things that are "me."

  14. 'You wouldn't let someone else down like that' – you hit the nail on the head there girl. it's important to do things for ourselves. sometimes people act like that is selfish, but i don't think it is. how are we to help others if we are not ourselves, or taking care of ourselves?

  15. Love this post! It's so important to do things for yourself. A lot of the time, I find myself putting everyone else first, but this is a great reminder that sometimes you just need to do you!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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