The Better You: Mind

by | Jan 20, 2015 | Throwback | 16 comments

Change starts with your mindset.
In order to make any kind of change, you first need to work on your mind.  
You need to shift the way you: 
  • think about yourself
  • think about things
  • how you perceive things
  • feel about being uncomfortable
1. You need to know you are enough.

You are allowed to want thing things you want.  You are smart enough, determined enough, worthy enough, and capable enough to accomplish anything you want.
Until you can look inside yourself and find the confidence you need, nothing will get done.  Failure lives inside of insecurity and fear.  Don’t confuse uncomfortable for insecure.  Be secure in yourself in whatever situation you find yourself in.  Know yourself.  Value yourself.
Just like it’s important to fuel your body, it’s important to fuel your mind with positive thoughts.  Negativity is like poison to the soul and productivity.  If you think you are enough, you’ll find you are enough.

2. Set Goals

Decide what it is you want to accomplish.  If you don’t have a road map, you’ll find yourself wandering aimlessly without really ever getting anywhere. 
Rick Warren said it best:
Goals give your life focus

Goals are what keep us moving forward.  Small goals keep us inching closer to The Bigger Goals.  So it’s important to have both.  Dream big.  Have faith in yourself but also have faith in God that He will help you accomplish what you set out to.
3. Commit.

Commitment is all mental.  Drive comes from commitment which is fueled by your mind.  Don’t allow yourself to make any excuses.  You are capable of committing.  Don’t let laziness get involved. In order for things to change, you have to be committed and put in the work it takes.
What all of this boils down to is making the decision to keep moving forward constantly.  I think we all get a little comfortable and complacent in our lives.  What we have isn’t great…but it’s good enough.  But that’s not what we’re meant for.  We are not meant to simply exist.  I don’t know about for you, but I think growing and changing constantly is a little more fun.  It’s hard and terrifying and a lot of work, but it’s so incredibly worth it.  The journey you take when you commit to changing something is unlike anything else.  You learn a lot about yourself.  You start to care more about yourself.  They say the best way to gain confidence is to do exactly what you’re afraid to do.  
So do it.
Stay tuned for the next installment in this series next week!  
What are some things you want to work on changing?  What’s holding you back?
“Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods.”

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  1. what a wonderful post!!! i have not been feeling like i'm enough, especially in the blogging world! thanks for the reminder.

  2. I'm reading a book right now that is exactly like this post!! Positive, informative and more than anything else makes me feel like I can do anything! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  3. Mmmm… I've got some big ideas/possibilities/goals/dreams floating around in my head right now so I loved reading this. I guess those podcasts are kickin' butt, huh? I bet you have some big goals too!

  4. Love this post! Sometimes this is exactly what everyone needs to hear!

  5. I usually get through the goal stage pretty well, but sometimes get lost along the lines of commitment, so this post was definitely what I needed to read today.

  6. Great post! I know the hurdles in my mind of fear and insecurity definitely hold me back from doing things I want or need to do!

  7. This is such a timely post for me as I'm struggling with 1 and 3. I'm great with goals but then get stuck on thinking I'm not enough which then hinders my commitment and it's a vicious cycle.

    Looking forward to the next part of the series!

  8. I love this post! 1– YES! "Failure lives inside insecurity and fear"…totally get that! I definitely had a lightbulb moment with that one a couple years ago, where I realized that my worth isn't in what I accomplish…I'm already worthwhile, and I'm FREE and capable to accomplish things. And 3– that's one I need to work on. I'm kind of terrible at fully committing to my goals. 🙂

  9. Commit. Plan and simple. I really need to buckle down over this next month and get my workouts in and healthy eating before the wedding. It is officially in a month and this post was the perfect kick in the butt that I needed!

  10. #1 is the absolute best! This is an awesome post.

  11. Great post lady!! Like I've mentioned before, the only things that I want to change are my job situation (I want a full-time job!!) and I want to be better about my finances. So far so good on the finances. I also want to take the time to see my friends and enjoy fun things. 🙂

  12. I think fear of not being successful holds us back. Or if I don't become so good at something, it's not worth the time.

    Speaking of Rick Warren, I wanted to listen to one of the podcasts from June and they were deleted and I couldn't find them again (maybe that problem you had the other day) and today, when I turned my bluetooth on, one from June that I wanted to listen to just, out of the blue, started playing. That was kind of nice.

  13. Hmm these kind of posts tend to hit me when I need to hear it. I am one of those who gets completely comfortable and complacent in my life. I get scared of failing. I think I am scared of succeeding too, oddly enough. I know that I am destined for great things, I just need to figure out what those things are and work towards them!

  14. You are enough. One of my favorite quotes. And commit. Yes, yes, yes! No more excuses, just do it!
    Great post Joey!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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