Why I Quit Facebook

by | Jan 21, 2015 | Throwback | 20 comments

I had another post in mind for today, but as the week has gone on I just thought it might be a good time to talk about

why I quit facebook.

I love the internet.  I love that it connects me to people I would otherwise never know.  I love that there’s a way to keep tabs on people I knew in a past life.  I love that it gives me a place to express myself while simultaneously archiving all my memories to stumble upon later in life.

I am, by no means, against social media.  In fact, I love it.  I’ve always been the kind of person who likes sharing stories, hearing about other peoples’ lives (even if it’s stuff they think might be boring).  People fascinate me.  And let’s face it…I’m nosey.  Just like a good bit of the rest of the world!

But here’s my problem with Facebook.

It has somehow become a place where people feel the need to air things that shouldn’t be aired.  It’s become the breeding ground for complaints and it fosters an environment that allows people to comment on such things in a public fashion.

Facebook, at its inception, was the greatest thing ever.  It was the birth of social media as it exists today (sorry, Myspace, you tried).  I remember sitting in my dorm room hoping and praying that WCU would be the next university admitted to the wonder of the internet.  And boom!  When we finally had access, I’m pretty sure my entire composition class spent the hour creating our profiles.

But after a while it felt more like an addiction.  A habit.  I no longer enjoyed it.  In fact, it got to the point that whenever I’d check in, it put me in a bad mood.  It also opened its doors to the world which changed the entire nature of the beast for me.  What was once a place to connect with my peers became a place where everyone and their mother (literally) felt they could express their opinions on my world.  And some might be okay with that, but I just wasn’t.

It didn’t make me happy anymore.
In fact, it did the opposite.
So I quit.

I know a lot of arguments could be made that the same goes for any social media.  And I guess to some degree you are correct.  But facebook is its own breed.  I don’t know how this happened, but people use facebook differently than they use any other social media outlet.

My life is online.  And it probably always will be.  But I will never get back on facebook.

But if you like me and want to hang out
you can find me on instagram & twitter
which, unlike facebook,
I love.

It’s simple but liberating to realize you have the freedom to choose what you do.  And if something is causing you pain that once brought you joy, you have the right to walk away.

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  1. Facebook IS definitely its own breed. And that myspace comment… hilarious! I kinda forgot about it until you said that. Good for you for ditching FB.

  2. this was literally my first blog post ever. i stopped fb for about 4 yrs for the same reasons you stated, only starting it again this past year for the blog (many companies i worked with wanted me to have one). i get tired of the political rants, but for the most part it's not bad. i think it's mostly bc i don't follow many people!!

  3. Yes. I've given it up twice. I went forever the first time and then wanted to reconnect with family, but then the friend requests from co-workers started again. And I thought no. Plus a Twitter friend had given it up recently. So I deactivated on Dec 1 and haven't looked back since.

  4. I am so with you on this! I got off Jan 1st this year and am so happy that I did! I remember being the same way at Auburn, just waiting for them to bring it to our school, and it was so exciting when they did! But somewhere along the lines of letting everyone on, it just changed. And it wasn't good! PLUS why have FB when Instagram is so much more fun?!?

  5. Facebook stresses me out sometimes, I find myself limiting my time on there because of all the drama.

  6. i rarely go on facebook for anything other than my blog page because of that same fact! I dont think I'll ever quit just because I have family all over the world and it really does help us stay connected!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  7. This is all spot-on. However, I know so many people who live all over the country now that it's the only way I can keep up with their lives. I like to know how many kids people have, where they're moving to next, etc. Just last night, I had a fantastic conversation on there with a teacher I work with; I never get the chance to chat with her at school and I can see that she needs my support. So I'm grateful for that. However, I almost never post anything on my wall or others'.

  8. I'm so with you on this! I think Facebook was good for starting off college when you don't know anyone because it's an easy way to make connections- then it kind of lost its point. It's great to use it as a way to keep up with family or friends you don't see or talk to often, but when people use it as a way to complain 24/7 or be negative it's not worth the hassle.

  9. I go on there every day, but the only times that I post a status is when I have a new blog post. Or I might say something about a holiday or my anniversary. That's about it. I hate it when people use it to rant about something political, or someone that they know. Like go away. I have taken a break from it a few times and it was actually really nice. Definitely remember My Space too LOL.

  10. YUP!!! And this is why I'm deactivating my Facebook in the next few weeks. The only reason it's active right now is because I admin for a business page (not mine) and I have to have an active profile in order to do that. I rarely talk to anybody on there, and all my "friends" are people I haven't actually spoken to since high school/college so what's the point? And the only family members I care to keep track of are ones I can talk to outside of FB any time I want, so…yup. I agree with all of this. Plus I can't stand it when I get friend requests from people that I was never really friends with in the first place, in high school and such. Are they just that nosy?

  11. I only get on Facebook to check a few groups that I am a part of, my neighborhood page (which is a drama filled disaster but has some important need to know things sometimes) and to see friends kids that live in other states. I try not to just mindlessly scroll the news feed anymore and if I see a new station post something interesting I will go to their site and not dare click to see comments! It sure isn't what it used to be!

  12. Love this Joey! I miss the Facebook of the olden days, haha! It has evolved into something I don't always love. I understand a need to grow, but it's just a bit too much for me. I only usually check my blog page and my essential oils groups. I can go days without checking my personal page, or feed. So glad you're happier now that you're off it! 🙂

  13. You are so right about all of this!

    I still have a facebook (to keep up with my blog page… do I need a personal account? I should check on that.), but I want to delete it. I don't ever get on it. I never post anything… And I agree that all the posts on there are just negative and they add no value to my life.

  14. I literally agree with every single thing you said in this post, these are all the exact reasons I'm over Facebook too! Other than checking on some fitness groups I'm part of I haven't looked at it in going on two weeks now and I don't miss it at all. Trying to decide if I should just keep doing that or actually deactivate my account. The jury's still out on that.

  15. I'm so with you. I've deleted my Facebook a couple of times, and I need to just delete it once and for all. Facebook has definitely turned into something completely different than what it started as, and not really for the best.

  16. I actually hate Facebook and have for a while because it just tends to do more harm than actual good. Maybe that's just how I think about it but I just feel that we constantly have to show all of the really really monumental parts of our lives and be like "hey, look at me!" Or it's a place where we air out our mouths and thoughts and draw attention to ourselves. Either way, nobody wins.

  17. I haven't given up Facebook but I absolutely agree with your statements. I'm appalled that people feel they can post whatever about whoever or that people can have an entire argument in one post. Just today I witnessed four posts where people were bashing each other. It's ridiculous!

  18. I agree with you for the most part. While I haven't "quit" it altogether I hardly ever post anything on my personal page and really only ever get on for blog related things.

  19. Haha, poor Myspace…it tried so hard! I agree with so much of this…I've been on and off of Facebook pretty much since I joined. It really is its own breed, and I have so many issues with it, but I've never taken the plunge and quit altogether. I almost never post anything though, so the only thing keeping me there is seeing what's going on with my faraway friends and family.

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