Favorite Fall Polishes!

by | Oct 31, 2014 | Throwback | 27 comments

**If you know me at all, you know I hate halloween.  So I’m choosing to ignore it completely.**
**Happy 30th Birthday to the sweet Lauren**
I thought since we’re about to dive into much cooler temperatures (thank you, NC, for allowing Fall to finally arrive) that it would be a great time to share my favorite fall polishes!
You have no idea how freaking hard it was to narrow it down to just a few.  Or maybe you do.  If you know me at all, you know how ridiculous my nail polish collection is.  To say this was a project would be an understatement.
Either way, I finally did it.  And now that I did, I’m realizing that two of the colors (now that I have them side by side) are freaking close…so you probably only need one of the two, but whatever.  Just go with it people.
1. Wet n Wild Megalast in Disturbia.  
2. Wet n Wild Megalast (Fall 2014 Limited Edition) Careful, it’s Vine-tage
3. Wet n Wild Megalast (fall 2014 Limited Edition) Echo Dark
4. Essie Chinchilly
5. Essie Merino Cool
6. OPI Over Exposed in South Beach
Watch the video that goes along with this post here:

Linked: TNFFriday Favorites

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  1. Yes! Another blogger besides me who hates Halloween! Thank you! 🙂

  2. These are all gorgeous, I'm particularly loving the OPI one and Wet n Wild Careful, It's Vine-tage. So pretty!

  3. I love those purple polishes, and I also think that Halloween should just be ignored.

  4. All of those polishes are perfection, love the blue!

  5. Your manicures are always flawless!! Love that pretty OPI color!

  6. Love Merino Cool and the Over Exposed in South Beach! I wish that we lived in the same city so that you could do my manicures too! 🙂 Have a fabulous weekend! 🙂

  7. These are so pretty. I need to switch my blush pink over to fall colors!

  8. Halloween haters for life!

    I think I need all of those polishes…. and your polishing skills.

  9. I don't like Halloween either! I love your fall polish choices…that last one OPI Over Exposed in South Beach looks amazing!

  10. I think the Essie one is my favorite– I wish I could get their polish to look as good on my nails as you do though!

  11. I need that Disturbia in a bad way. I've got to bite bullet and get some Wet n Wild polish. I've always steered clear of them because I love Essie so much. I'm officially going to try!

  12. I think Merino Cool is one of my all-time favorite fall colors! I love anything gray-toned…grayish blues, grayish purples, actual gray…I got a polish yesterday that's a gray with a gold/orange duo-chrome, and I'm so excited to use it this weekend! I've been using that Sally Hansen Hard as Nails you recommended, and it seems to be helping my nails not split/peel so badly within a day after taking my previous polish off. This weekend will be the 3rd time in a row painting them (with 2 or so days in between to let them breathe) and so far, so good!

  13. Love Chinchilly…and omg, have about three more of those colors you just posted. Apparently I love nail polish too. 🙂

  14. I love Essie for fall colors!

  15. CLEARLY Essie Chinchilly and Essie Merino Cool are different shades of beautiful brown. With Merino Cool being a tad darker than chinchilly. But that tad darkness makes all of the difference! Love all of those colors!

  16. Essie Chinchilly is my favorite!!! I basically wear it all fall and winter on my toes and several times on my fingers. That first color is amazing and I need it right now!

  17. If I didn't have my minions I would skip Halloween all together. So I love your polishes but I'm pale and pasty and god so white. I feel like I have to do neutrals or pinks all the time….holla at me about this problem. Furthermore, I want to show you a pic of my kid…..I had to work yesterday but my daughter and mom had the day off…..so they went to get manicures….you should have seen my 7 year old in the chair—- too funny!

  18. Love your video! You're adorable! And I do wear Chinchilly a lot. I love the Wet & Wild colors though. I had no idea they had such great colors! xo

  19. I am loving those Essie colors for 4 and 5. I have been looking to a shade similar, I will need to check those out next time I am at Ulta!

  20. Disturbia for the win! Look at you, becoming You Tube famous!

  21. Great video, cutieface!! I pretty much love all the colours you chose. Shocker, I know. Haha! I really do need to get a bottle of Chinchilly. It's so freaking pretty.

  22. Thannnnnks! (I am late to the party, naturally!). So last year I got a so navy it's almost black OPI polish for free. Used it this year and it looked like a blind person painted my nails so now I'm scared of dark ones but they look so pretty on everyone else!


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