The Breakdown…

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Throwback | 19 comments

So I had an emotional breakdown on Thursday.  I can laugh about it now, but y’all.  I try to give you a pretty basic idea of what it’s like to be a football wife.  And I honestly do my very best to be as supportive as possible (and I think I do an okay job at that).  But it is hard sometimes.

To be fair, we are nearing the end of the season.  Which in general just means I am exhausted.  You do something long enough and it starts to wear on you.  I’m blaming that for the fact that I literally broke down in 16-year-old-boyfriend-just-dumped-you tears when J texted that he couldn’t make it home for dinner on Thursday night.

I’m used to not having him around.  But I usually get one night.  Thursdays used to be our jam, but this season they switched their schedule around a little bit.  And since J is the Ops guy, all the other coaches get to go home to their lonely wives while he stays for another late night.

And sometimes I throw tantrums about that.
Just keeping it real, y’all.
He took me to Hardees when he got home that night so all is forgiven.  I kid (not about the Hardees, I never kid about Hardees).  But about the all is forgiven part.  Because in reality there isn’t anything to forgive.  This is our life.  This is football.  It didn’t matter though.  He still apologized and we compromised to find a way to survive the remainder of the season.  And we got to have a steak lunch together on Friday.  So in the end it was all okay.  And then we lost on Saturday.  By 4 points.  In the last 2 minutes of the game.  Ah.  The roller coaster that is This Football Life.
Okay!  And now to switch gears.  I’m hosting a 31 Bags catalog party this week.  There are lots of great options for Christmas gifts, so be sure to take a look and share with your friends!  SHOP THE PARTY HERE!
Also, be sure to check out yesterday’s post for a fun new Sunday link-up that’s launching this coming Sunday!

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  1. It's ok to get worn out, and be pissy, and have a teenage temper tantrum. In a weird way, I think it shows how much you DO care and love spending time with J. <3

  2. I totally understand where you're coming from!! I can't imagine what football season is like, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel and Hardees is always a good idea!

  3. While I can't relate to what you go through sometimes, I understand. I probably would have done the same thing. I have also never eaten at a Hardees, crazy I know. Stay strong lady and have a great day! 🙂

  4. I know I already told you this, but you are TOTALLY allowed to have meltdowns. And you're awesome for being so transparent here. I think that transparency, done in a way that doesn't feel like you are airing all your drama and dirty laundry for the world to see (a line which you balance wonderfully, by the way) is what sets great bloggers apart from good ones. And you're an EXTRA great one! 🙂

  5. It's ok to breakdown over silly things sometimes. I'm glad you finally got to have some time together.

  6. You know what, breakdowns are fine. Sometimes it feels better to just let it out! So sorry friend, I'm glad it's almost over! Glad you got to have a nice lunch on Friday too 🙂

  7. Glad to read this…I, too, have my own breakdowns and while I don't like to admit it, they happen and they are not fun. Glad he made up for it – a hot ham & cheese from Hardee's would do it for me too! =) Seriously though, sometimes you just have to vent and they have to get over it. Hope you have a great rest of the week!

  8. I still don't know how you do it. Good for you for making it this far into the season without a breakdown. And good for J for realizing that junk food heals all 🙂

  9. Oh girl, breakdowns are totally necessary sometimes. I'm glad you guys were finally able to spend time together. Also, I have never been to Hardee's. I don't think we have it in Canada? I might have to try this goodness next time I'm in the U.S., especially if it's an "all is forgiven" kind of place. Haha.

  10. Sometimes you just need a good, old fashioned breakdown. It's good for the soul! Keep your chin up… you're nearing the light at the end of the tunnel!


  11. Tis good to cry. I have vowed I am past all that though LOL! End of the season is coming love!

  12. I know that's got to be hard! I'm so used to Adam being around every evening that when he's not or he's out of town I feel so lonely and I've definitely had an emotional breakdown just like what you described!

  13. Oh, I miss Hardee's! We have Carl's jr. out here (owned by same company) but they are not the same, no hot ham and cheese sandwich out here. Anyway…it's good to have a tantrum/breakdown once in a while and it is understandable. Glad the day/week improved though.

  14. Girl you're allowed to have bad days!!!! It's GOOD to miss your man! (And it's good to get food after, too.)

  15. Girlfriend, I totally get it. I'm right out here with you. 🙂 xoxo

  16. Girl I'm sorry. I can't even imagine. You are a strong woman and sometimes it's ok to cry. We all have those days.

  17. Glad you found a way to make the best of things. I can imagine that you are both over the business of football season at this point in the year. Maybe you could make a fun to do list of all the things you guys want to do together after football season?? It could be something fun to look forward to 🙂 Thinking of you!!

  18. Love your honesty! I know that has to be rough but you are almost through the season! You are so supportive and it's ok to break down sometimes! And it would be worse if you didn't miss your husband while he was gone 😉


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