Stuff & Things 10/30

by | Oct 30, 2014 | Throwback | 18 comments

>>Whenever I find a new (to me) youtuber, I fall down a rabbit hole of zero productivity.  How I’ve managed to accomplish anything (never mind everything) since having found Colleen & Josh, I’ll never know.  I’m obsessed, and it’s a real problem.  They’re just so friggin’ weird, and I love it.  I like weird.

>> I really hope this works.  This is what evenings are like in my house.   J is imitating THIS video (YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT), and that was what was making me laugh so hard I was crying in Starbucks yesterday.  Man.  That husband of mine sure can make me laugh on the reg!  Sorry for the voice, I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.  And yes, we banter like that on the reg.
>> I tweaked my foot/ankle during my run on Tuesday and I’m being a big baby about it.  It’s definitely just sore–pretty sure it’s muscular, but it’s super annoying.  Just painful enough that it’s irritating.  Edited to add: yeah, no.  Now I’m fairly certain it’s a pinched nerve.  So that’s cool.  hashtag: ouch.
>> I’m having a blast with the youtube thing, people!  If you haven’t visited or subscribed yet, you really should!  For now, I’ll have new videos on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays!
>> I’ll be hosting a 31 bag catalog party next week!  It’s all online, and I’ll have all the details for you on Monday!  I’ll feature some of the best holiday picks as a gift guide for your mom, sister, girlfriend, coworker, etc etc!  Be sure to check in for that!  It’ll be lots of fun!

>> My head is still a messy place right now, but you guys.  I can’t even begin to explain to you how full my heart feels.  I appreciate your understanding with my vague-ness, and your support means so dang much.  I swear that sometimes I really think I couldn’t do this thing called life without y’all.  So consider yourself awkwardly hugged through the internet.
Okay friends!  It’s your turn!  There are ZERO RULES so any and every post is welcome!
Join the fun!


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  1. LOL J! I'm going to need him to throw on a wig and flick his hair back and show us his makeup application skills ASAP!

  2. My computer is driving me insane this morning, it's being soooo slow and I can't even watch that video because I have to do an update first. Ugh. Sorry, done complaining lol. I can't wait to check out the YouTubers you mentioned! Happy Thursday friend!

  3. You and your husband crack me up! Love it! I hope your foot/ankle feels better soon! I do the same thing, pretend something is fine when it isn't haha!

  4. You two are the CUTEST THING EVER.

    And I agree with Maddie that ankle pain IS the worst. I hope it gets better. Make yourself rest until it does! That's an order, lady! 😉

  5. Oh girl I'm sorry about your foot tweak – hopefully it feels better soon!! I know what you mean about the black hole of youtube…finding one video leads to 100 more!

  6. You two are freaking hysterical!!! Hope your foot feels better, lovey <3

  7. Hope your foot feels better. I love/hate watching youtube videos. 🙂

  8. Our heads are foggy together! Well wishes for the ankle. Cannot waitto check that YouTube when i am off work!!!

  9. Ugh, I've been dealing with some sort of pinched nerve situation all the way from my neck to my hip. It's awful! Hope your foot feels better soon!


  10. Ahhh I am so behind on everything here. I'd never seen that Momma I love you vid, so thanks for that. Also didn't know you were YouTubing, soooo… subscribing to you now 🙂 I'm sorry to hear you tweaked your ankle – how did you find out it was a pinched nerve? Just curious because there could be a nerve thing going on with my shoulder problems.

  11. You are awesome Joey! Loving your videos.

    I fall down a rabbit hole when I find someone new on YT, too!

  12. Totally agree – I don't think I could do life without my blogger friends! I swear the whole blogging world has meant so much more to me since we moved a couple of months ago and we don't know anyone here. It's so fun to check in with everyone everyday! Hoping your ankle feels better SOON!

  13. So sorry about your ankle! Your vlogs are awesome! xo


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