
by | Oct 1, 2014 | Throwback | 23 comments

so…Izzie Stevens from Grey’s used this mug in an early episode and I’ve eyed it at CVS ever since.  i finally pulled the trigger a few weeks ago.


READING Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult!  I’ve been obsessed with our local library.  Please tell me I’m not the only person on the planet who still (excitedly) goes to the library weekly…

EATING Brownies.  Or at least until the pan I made for tailgate on Saturday is gone.  We’ve also been eating a lot of fruit and eggs (not together…duh).  J’s doing well on the whole 30 thing.  I’m doing well on the eat anything I want but limiting dairy thing.  I can’t even begin to tell you how much better my tummy sits after my morning coffee without dairy creamer.  Life changing.

DRINKING Water.  Lots and lots of water.  And chai tea.  Man, I love chai tea.

WATCHING None of the fall premiers.  Not even on purpose.  I just have such little time for TV right now that I prefer to settle in with Netflix (cough, Drop Dead Diva) for an episode or two when I have time.

LISTENING TO Or rather, obsessed with, the Sara Bareilles Pandora station.  I’m an odd duck and actually run to this station.  I like songs with lyrics that speak to and inspire me while I’m running.  Loving it.  Looooooving it!

EXCITED FOR So much!  Going to visit the BFF!  The next home game!  My first 5k!  Our 10 year high school reunion!

LOVING Stolen moments with the hubs.  Coffee shop writing sessions.  The fall weather.  (Still loving)Our new couch.  Eating real breakfasts.

Happy Hump Day Friends!!

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  1. What are you putting in your coffee if you're not using creamer? There are quite a few tasty alternatives! I was driving home yesterday rocking out to our girlSara B. Have you heard her cover "InYour Eyes?" Absolutely amazing!! Another one of my faves is " Undertow." Ugh, I would give my left foot for a sliver of her musical talent. Happy Hump Day!!

  2. Girl, I'm running my first 5k in 5 weeks. NEED. SOME. TIPS. Gotta start training and getting in shape for this. You got any pointers?

    On another note, yay for BFF visits, brownies and coffee shop writing!

  3. If our library was any good, I'd be there weekly. I was at the Ft. Leonard-Wood one at least once a week last year!
    What kind of creamer do you use?
    And Scott loves chai. I…do not. But I've made the homemade version for him a few times. Do you ever try the chai lattes?

  4. I love love love Jodi Picoult! Unfortunately we do not have a good library around here, it sucks!!

  5. So much goodness going on right now for you! I sadly don't get to the library as much as I would like, but I think I check the elibrary like 2 times a day! Love your reason for buying that mug 😉 It does look pretty cool!

  6. The Sara Bareilles station is a favorite of mine too, that and Hanson. No judging 😉

  7. You reminded me I requested 2 books from the library which I checked and are ready for pick up!!

    Yayy for your reunion, my 20 year reunion is next March. 20 freaking years!!

  8. Oh man. I'm glad you've been eating brownies, because I've totally been eating cookies. A student brought them to me, and I just couldn't resist. Mmm.
    I used to go to the library quite often. I need to start going again. I loved it.

  9. I usually go to the library a couple times a month to pick out new books, and then I walk there as needed to return them as I finish. Our local library is tiny but well stocked, and only a couple blocks away from my house. I love it!!

  10. Chai + brownies is what I would like right this minute, haha. I have yet to make a good chai now that the weather is getting colder…that's going on my to-do list!

  11. I'm obsessed with going to the library, but I have too many books to read to go because I know I'll check out about a million and never get to any of them.

    xo Julie

  12. Have you ever tried drinking your coffee black? I drink it like that every morning. I like chai tea too, and that book sounds good. I also don't watch like any popular shows except for Modern Family. I'm just not one to get on the bandwagon I guess! I hope that you are having a great week so far too! 🙂

  13. I love that mug so much!! Now that you mention it my mind just flashed to a scene with her holding it. Weird.
    It's not weird, I (kinda) go to the library almost every day. I have access to it through my kindle so I can borrow their e-books constantly. Well I like to think I go to it everyday since I still borrow from my library in Illinois all the way from Florida. Huzzah!

  14. Yum, I need some brownies, please and thank you. And may have to add that book to my reading list!
    xo Southern Style

  15. Oh brownies. That sounds so good right now. Yummy! And I'm with you on fall premieres. I've been so excited but haven't had the time! Our DVR is filling up! 🙂

  16. I have been soooo bad at commenting lately, but that doesn't mean I am not still here reading every day, and thinking of you often! Some things:

    I usually have Grey's on in the background on Lifetime while I am working (as in right now), so I recognize your new mug! I never read another Jodi Piccoult book after The Pact. I don't remember why I disliked that story, but I have always glazed over her books…maybe I should rethink? I miss chai tea! I am not avoiding the premieres, but I felt incredibly intimidated when they suddenly appeared on my DVR last week. I used to limit myself to three shows per season, but I am now up to like six! Ugh! I am excited for all of your upcoming adventures! And that you are excited about your 10 year reunion! Erica and I had absolutely no desire to go, especially without each other, so since it just so happens to fall on her due date, we used that as our excuse 🙂

    Miss and love you!

  17. Now I want a brownie, darn it! Haha… I looooove Sara Bareilles. Love! 🙂

  18. Look at you go with your no dairy! I haven't been to a library in forever, but the other day I discovered that I pass a pretty large one on my way to work. Who knew?! I graduated HS 13 years ago…..ahhhh! Haha! That sounds like a really long time.

    I love chai tea too….but chai tea lattes. Darn dairy. It gets me every time!

  19. Chai tea is the best!

  20. As if you've been seeing that mug for years!?!?! That is hilarious! You should probably go to bed earlier, but husband time is worth it I think! Especially when you really need those few moments!


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