No Duh

by | May 1, 2014 | Throwback | 25 comments

>> This is kind of one of those “uh, no duh” situations.  But I never expected to see my body changing through the c25k program.  I know that’s kind of stupid, but I wasn’t in it for that if that makes any sense.  I was doing it to challenge myself mentally.  Obviously it’s a physical challenge, but I don’t know–it just wasn’t on my radar.  Sometime last week I was changing and caught a glimpse of my abdomen and just thought well hello there definition.  I’m feeling better and stronger every single day, and I’m so thankful for that.

Keeping things very real here: 
-my skin is strange and breaks out in hives/splotches whenever I get warm (weird, I know)
-this is immediately after a run, so yes I’m sweaty and gross
-my stomach is a road map of scars because I’ve had too many surgeries.

>> For the love of everything holy, PLEASE pay attention to medical bills.  You may not be dealing with anything of that sort–but just keep that nugget of info handy in case you ever do.  Insurance companies and hospital billing are not flawless systems, okay?  Do not rely on them to handle everything solely.  Be aware of your coverage and pay attention to what is being billed and how.  Our deductible (which is extremely high) was met pretty early on in the whole medical saga last year.  Lucky for us–it ended up being a good thing because in the long run our deductible was such a small percentage of what we would have owed once it was all said and done.  With that said, however, two extremely high bills (total of $6,000) were billed out of network.  I found that strange considering the two hospitals in our area are run by the same system.  And the other was billed and covered in network.  I had to be persistent, but I finally got someone on the phone (4 months later) and they resubmitted the claim.  It was a mistake on their end.  A mistake that would have cost us SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS if I hadn’t caught it.  So all that is a very long way of saying just know what your coverage is–even if it seems hugely confusing.

>> When I’m on my own for dinner, I eat the weirdest things.  The other night I had a salad, some chips and guac, a bowl of cereal and ice cream.

>> There have been crazy storms in our area the last few days.  I don’t normally mind storms at all–but when they bring freaking tornados?  No thanks.

>> OPI Strawberry Margarita.  I hope it was worth the $88 I paid for it (this was the polish I was going to get when the Camry broke down and I had to call a tow truck.  This is my life).

I picked out flecks from Seche Vite Collage Overlay (thanks, Jennie) to use as decor.
Sometimes a simple mani is necessary in life.
linked: TNF, Stuff&things

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  1. Gahhh… I want your fucking nails. Like, your ACTUAL nails. Well, this got creepy fast. hahaha ;P
    You're looking awesome girl!!! Keep up the great work!

  2. Love the nail color as always!! And you're looking GOOD! (Creepy? Maybe?) Like, I should maybe start exercising, good. Also, I love your solo dinner choice 🙂

  3. You look amazing! I started a 5k program this week (the nike version of c25k), so I'm hoping I have some results as well! Gorgeous nails as always! I've been wanting some new OPI polishes and just might add that color to my list 🙂

  4. Holy abs chica!! 🙂 I love that Opi color; it's one of my go to's!! I am done with these storms!!!

  5. Dang girl!!! Look at those abs!!!! Maybe I should be running too!

    I need that OPI color, yesterday. That is amazing. Even if your car had to crap out to go get it….:(

  6. The C25K program totally changes your body! It's wonderful 🙂 I was starting at my calf muscles in class this morning, haha. Also my sister and I both break out in a rash like thing when we get hot or take a really hot shower too. We think it's because we both have crazy allergies to everything on Earth 🙂

  7. You diet sounds like mine when no one's around. Just random, whatever sounds good food.

    I get splotchy too if I'm exercising outside. Gotta love definition!

  8. Stop I swear that was my dinner the other night but I started with the cereal and of course I had to end with ice cream! Girl look at your stomach! Amazing your abs look great!!!! Tell me your ab routine because it's clearly working!! xoxoxo

  9. "Picking out flecks" sounds like so much work! Like are there tweezers involved? That's a great idea but you know, the lazies and all. Love that pink color!

  10. I can't even see your stomach scars! I have stomach scars too, they form an upside down T. I thought about getting them tattood but I have learned to love them for what they are. 🙂

  11. Girl, you look fantastic!! And I love love love that polish!!

  12. You look amazing!! Perfect figure! And pretty nail paint too 🙂

    Well I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, instagram, twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you follow and I will follow back right away!! 🙂

    Keep in touch

  13. Okay, so although $88 is a little steep for a polish (is that a funny story yet? haha), it's fab!! Such a rich and pigmented strawberry! And the holo flecks are the perfect way to add some sparkle. Simple doesn't have to be plain!
    And, uh, your body is rocking, girl!

  14. Hellllooooooooooo nurse! Or, writer as the case may be.. Ha! But damn girl, be proud, your body is lookin fine! Be proud!

    And the nails. I love <3

  15. DAMN GIRL! LOOKING GEWDDDD!!! Bikinis all day, everyday for you! I eat REALLY strangely when Dave is away as well – he's gone now for 2 weeks (left yesterday morning) and already I am eating a scone for breakfast instead of toast and fruit… eek. Don't even want to know what I'll eat for dinner tonight… probably ice cream 😉

  16. love that nail polish! it's the perfect color for summer
    stop by! im hosting a rikshaw design giveaway! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  17. Great job with c25k! I love that nail color and the sparkly accents!

  18. That's so good that you paid attention to your bills and were able to catch that $6,000 mistake!!

  19. I'm totally there with you on the hospital bills! Our hospital charged us $4,000 extra when Isla was born. I called my insurance company to make sure that I understood our deductible correctly, and they even offered to call the hospital for us to straighten everything out. (Though by the way, if you ever have a baby, ultrasounds and lab work are usually not covered as routine prenatal care, they're optional diagnostics)


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