Big things!

by | May 8, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

>> This week started with a visit to the Athletic Trainer (perk of being a football wife–thank you so much to the Campbell Staff for seeing me) and the husband getting rear ended in a hit and run accident.  I’ll admit it.  I might have pulled out the bottle of Jack (Daniels, my friends) after that day.

>>What a difference a week makes, huh?  Last week I was excitedly sharing with you how my body was changing thanks to running.  Yeah, it’s changing alright.  But this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind! haha.  After my visit with the AT on Monday, I had an appointment set for Xrays today.

The good news is I finished the c25k program!  I completed it with a 30 (well, sort of 30+ because I was determined to get at least somewhat CLOSE to 3 miles–let’s face it…homegirl is a slowpoke) minute run on Sunday.  I felt great except for my foot which has been nagging me for weeks.  Yeah, well.  Myra, I can hear you yelling all the way from halfway across the world.  I’m plugging my ears singing “lalala.” Love you, gush.  Stupid stress fracture.  This would happen to me.  Netflix is a much safer activity.  I kid. Sort of.

>> Okay, Jennie?  You still have that glitter cannon, right?  Because I’m going to need you to fire it now.  THE REWRITES ARE COMPLETE.  It’s hard to say that because I don’t know if I’ll ever actually feel “done,” but it’s time to step away now and let the world at it.  Meeting with my old dear friend Sarah on Saturday morning and it’s out of my hands!  ::runs and hides in corner::  ::okay, maybe limps::

>> Orly Preamp, Sally Hansen xtreme wear White On,  Sinful colors Daddy’s girl (Flowers) and Pure Ice Beware.

Let’s just hope next week is a lot less dramatic!

Linked with: TNF and Stuff & Things 

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  1. Yay!!! (For the re-writes not the other crazyness)!! Hopefully this weekend you can relax without all the chaos of this past week- you seem due for an easy weekend!

  2. Gahhhh… your nails are so insanely cute!!! I'm loving that Orly color especially!
    Congrats on being "done" with your re-writes, girl!

  3. Oh no to the stress fracture!
    This'll give you time to hang out on the couch with some Netflix, right? 🙂
    I mean, now that your rewrites are done and all…Congrats!

  4. Rest up, friend, and congratulations on finishing the rewrites! That is HUGE news, and I am so, so, SO proud of you and happy for you!!!! <3

  5. Congrats on being done(ish) with the process! And your stress fracture helps me feel less guilty about my sedentary lifestyle, but it stinks that it happened to you!

  6. Yayyy for being done with rewrites!! I hope your foot feels better, limping is no fun and that boot probably doesn't match any of your other shoes.

  7. Ah, congrats on the rewrites!! And that sucks about your stress fracture…hopefully you feel better soon!

  8. Oh my gosh, your poor foot! On a bright note, your nails look great in that Instagram pic 😉 Congrats on finishing your rewrites!! And I absolutely ADORE your nails this week – your flowers are perfect and the colors are so pretty together!

  9. Yeah for seeing your post pop up in my feed! I saw your boot picture I'm sorry hunny! I plan on some couch surfing this weekend this week has been a tough one! Yeah for rewrites being done! Now I can go back to monopolizing your time through email! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! <3 <3

  10. Congrats on the rewrites!

    And sweet mani. They look fabulous.

    Sorry about the foot and the accident!

  11. You poor thing! I'm SO sorry about your foot!

    BUT OMG – the rewrites are done! YAY!!!!

  12. Oh no– so sorry about your foot! That sucks… But yayyyyyy for getting the rewrites done!!

  13. Yeah, I quite literally laughed out loud at the lalala comment. I love you and I told you so! BOOM, snuck that one in there, didn't I?!

  14. *aims glitter cannon*

    *lights fuse*

    *runs away*


    YAYAYAYAY!!! Congrats on finishing!! It's the best feeling ever!!! Err…until you start to think about what your betas will say, that is, but that's a worry for another day! 😉

    But the air boot…I feel you, girl. They're the pits. But WAY better than a cast because at least you can (carefully) take it off to shower. And AS IF that happened after you'd finally finished your rewrites! BOO TIMES ONE KAZILLION! I hope that you were still able to celebrate! Wait. Of course you were still able to celebrate. One doesn't need to stand in order to drink champagne. 😉

    And the nails. THE NAILS. I don't even know what to say except for they're perfect and gorgeous and I can't handle it. Purple flowers with a sparkle centre? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. The pink on your other nails is an awesome contrast. You killed this one, Joey!

  15. SO exciting about the rewrites! I'm sure it feels like the biggest relief ever! And I'm still so proud of you for finishing up the c25k program– stress fracture and all!

  16. your nails are so pretty! bummer about the ankle but yes lets hope this week is less dramatic



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