In A Box

by | Mar 25, 2014 | Throwback | 13 comments

Oh, hi!
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been kind of killing myself behind the scenes lately.  I mentioned last week that I’ve been waking up and diving straight into work at 6AM.  I’m so thankful that I even have this opportunity to throw myself completely into my dreams (thanks, husband).  But it’s totally and completely exhausting!  By the end of the day, my brain is complete mush.
I’m enjoying this so much.  I’m enjoying it because it’s so out of my comfort zone, and I can feel myself growing.  Writing is where I’m comfortable.  Revising makes me quake in a corner.  And yet every day, I do it.  Same thing with the running thing.  I never want to, but I never regret it once it’s done.  I can feel myself getting stronger.  I can practically see the walls crumbling down.
I was always the kind of person who lived so comfortably inside my box.  I could see outside of it, but I could never bring myself to bust out.  I’m out of my box.  And it’s exciting and terrifying and so much fun.  I put so many limitations on myself, and basically told myself that things I wanted only happened to other people.
But why?
Why can’t it be me?
So I’m killing myself behind the scenes.  And someday, it’ll be totally and completely worth it!

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  1. Keep up the great work. We all need to step outside our box…me included! But people like you inspire me to live a little bit more outside of my comfort zone each day…so one day, one day – it's all a work in progress…one day at a time 🙂

  2. it WILL be worth it!. change will never happen unless you work for it and changes only happen outside of your comfort zone. i'm excited to hear how it all turns out!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  3. I'm currently crammed inside my box- the world does look pretty nice from in here! Good for you for pushing your limits, I can't wait to read your book, these early mornings and long days will totally be worth it- you've got this!

  4. It will all be worth it in the end and you will know how hard you worked for it! In the meantime surround yourself with positive people that support you…..and someone to grab a drink with when your head needs a break! xoxoxo

  5. Teach me how to not regret running – I just can't get there! Good luck with your revisions!

  6. Whoohoo you get it done girl! Following your dreams is scary and hard but totally worth it.

  7. You go and get your dreams girl!!!!

  8. Good for you for not only stepping outside of your box, but for not running straight back into the comfort of it! Proud of you! 😀

  9. Good job!! It's already worth it if you see yourself changing and growing!

  10. The first 10 minutes of running are the hardest! Way to go!

    If I could STOP revising my writing, that would be amazing. I think I like revising more than writing, or at least I spend the majority of my time rewriting!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

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