These are my confessions….

by | Mar 26, 2014 | Throwback | 29 comments

Oh, Usher…
It’s Wednesday.
And I have some confessions for you.
Buckle up.

1. When my hair falls out in the shower, I stick it to the wall.  I always intend to collect it at the end and throw it away.  I almost never do.  At least not until it scares me to death when I get in thinking it’s a spider.

2. I don’t understand hardcore obsessions/crushes on celebrities.  Don’t get me wrong, I notice attractive actors, but I can’t imagine obsessing over any of them.

3. Like Kristin, I rarely wash fruit/veggies before eating them.  Who wants soggy lettuce anyway?  note to self: I need a salad spinner.  also: what is a salad spinner?

4. Along those same lines, unless I am washing my hands–I don’t like for my hands to get wet.

5. I bite the inside of my lips when I’m thinking/annoyed/upset/younameit.  Yes, it hurts.  No, I won’t stop.

6. If I put something in the toaster oven, I will burn it.

7. I know my dog kicks an obscene number of things under our bed.  I know it as fact.  When things go missing, I can pretty much assure you they are under our bed.  I won’t look.  I’m that afraid of bugs.  side note: my house is very clean.  there probably aren’t any bugs.  but i’m not risking it.

8. I can’t drink cold water.  Room temperature please or not at all.

9. I’ve worn the same necklace almost every single day for the last 10 years.

10. I can paint my fingernails like a champion.  My toenails on the other hand always look like a toddler painted them.  I think it’s the angle.  Also?  Its my toenails.  Who cares?

11. When I got sick last year, I never knew if something was going to go down (i.e. if I’d be rushed to an ER, have surgery, whatever).  So I kept my legs shaved everyday.  Yes.  I could hardly stand up or keep food down, but I shaved my legs every day.  #commitment

12. The inside of our microwave is disgusting.  Every time I use it (which is rarely), I tell myself I’m going to clean it.  And then I forget.

13. Since I’m practically in the midst of re-writing the ending to my novel, my brain is fried.  Which means: you’ll see more link ups around these parts for the next little while.

linked with: wednesdayconfessions

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  1. Now I'm going to be singing Usher in my head all day! I used to be obsessed with celebrities in high school, but I've luckily started to outgrow that craziness! It never would have occurred to me to shave my legs everyday in case of those scenarios, mostly because I am so lazy in that department- but I totally understand your logic because my laziness would totally lead to me being completely mortified.

  2. to easily clean your microwave: pour vinegar and water into a bowl then set on high for about 3 minutes. then wipe clean. the steam and vinegar will clean and sanitize and loosen the grime so that it's easy to wipe down.

    and i'm the same with hair. then my husband complained all the live long day about it so i started taking it with me and put it on his pillow. just kidding! i toss it before i squeegee the glass

    thanks for linking up!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  3. I am a room temp water gal as well! I keep the Brita out and then fill glass bottles for the fridge for the prince to have cold water. Ugh I don't have any male crushes in Hollywood they are all so short! I can't stand short man legs….but I did love Paul Walker RIP he was my love. I bite the inside of my cheek when I sleep….it's worse when I'm stressed. #11 love that dedication. #12….I haven't cleaned Mark's microwave ever….his mom will usually do it because she get's grossed out by how bad it is….whoops! #dontcare xoxoxo

  4. ewww haha my sister totally does that hair on the shower wall thing! And I don't get celebrity crushes either. I mean yea some of them are cute, but when people obsess it's weird.. they are JUST PEOPLE!

  5. My microwave is nasty too! I bought vinegar to clean it with last weekend and it's still sitting in the cabinet unopened. I swear I'll get to it eventually.

    I'm great at toes bad a fingers, I need my toes to look good for the beach! 🙂

  6. I do #1 too!!!! HAHAHA I am cracking up so bad right now!!

  7. I think about going to the er and my underwear choice daily, haha. The worst I felt last year one day was on a I need to wash clothes, haha. Also I'm glad someone else sticks their hair on the shower wall!! Salad spinners are awesome, great way to get stress relief while cooking dinner. Spinning your lettuce around and around as fast as you can 🙂

  8. Soooo…you posted the hair thing in the shower before and then I started doing it too! I hope it helps the drain? ha
    Salad spinners are awesome! Go getcha one! I also love to make big giant salads with lots of yummy stuff in them that last the whole week. 🙂

  9. Same re: nails and toes. I just don't LIKE painting my toes either. It's a pain to file, do cuticles, whatever. No thanks.

    As I get older ice cold water is harder for me to drink.

    I have a salad spinner but since I hate washing lettuce I never use it.

  10. 1) Is it sad that the Usher song makes me think of Glee first and Usher second?
    2) I do the shower thing too!! My husband used to be so grossed out by it, but I think he's learned to overlook it haha.
    3) I don't get hardcore celebrity crushes either. I blame the internet for being less celebrity stalking focused when I was prime celebrity crush age.
    4) I used to have an emergency stash of make-up and cute clothes in the basement during tornado season, so if my house was hit and I had to be on the news, I would still look presentable. So, I get your leg shaving!

  11. Salad spinners is the best (Bed, Bath, and Beyond)! I can't do cold water either- at work, I mix the hot and cold to get it juuuuust right 🙂 Good Luck with the ending!

  12. I can't think of a single celebrity who I am obsessed with. Although I would LOVE to hang out with Ellen for a day!

  13. I stick my hair to the wall in the shower too!!! I always get sad to see how many hairs I loose every shower. I do clean them out after each time, but I am just ridiculous OCD and I am afraid they will wash down the drain which would defeat my efforts to catch them all.

    I dont get celebrity obsessions either. They are just people. Only more ridiculous. Some dude thinks he is married to Taylor Swift right now and she had to take a restraining order out on him. He should be committed to a padded room, duh!

    I usually dont wash lettuce either. oops.

  14. Haha! I'm the same with my hair. Then it's my boyfriend who thinks it's a spider! He hates spiders.

  15. Yeah, I do the stick-the-hair-to-the-wall thing, too, and I never remember to take it out, so it falls off the wall, ends up down my drain, and then the drain gets stopped up and I have no one to blame except myself.

    Also, a salad spinner is the most amazing thing in life that I do not own. If I had one, I'd wash my lettuce. I only wash it if Dennis is watching. Same with most other veggies.

  16. I'm so with you on the hair to the wall thing! From viewing the comments your not the only one, lol! My husband gets kind of annoyed by it, ha ha!

    Props for your shaving commitment before surgery! Gosh your confession made me think back to when I had my Crohn's surgery thinking "When was the last time before that I shaved!" It probably wasn't too pretty!


  17. I rarely, aka never, wash futits & veggies either. I bite the insides of my cheeks…it's just a habit…I don't even know I'm doing it half the time.

  18. I do the same thing with my hair in the shower. You are a champ for shaving everyday, i usually only do it every 3 days except in the summer. I just cleaned my microwave this weekend but it was so gross, I always forget.

  19. Definitely had usher on my mind as well when I read the subject! I'm the opposite with rinsing because I'm paranoid, haha I rinse everything like 3x!

  20. Bahaha I totally stick my hair to the shower wall too!! The weird thing is it just seems to disappear by my next shower…. I have a shower cleaning fairy apparently

    I'm beyond impressed that you shaved your legs every day! I can't even bother when I'm 100% healthy

  21. My microwave is also gross. I'll clean it before my mom visits. Maybe.

    I don't get obsessions with celebrities either. I think some are nice, but I wouldn't go crazy over them. I know some people who went nuts over the Twilight actors, which scared me.

  22. You already had me cracking up at #1. I do the same thing and my husband gets so grossed out. Whoops!

  23. I hear salad spinners are amazing…I just don't have one. That's what pre-washed greens are for…
    I obsess over my toenails in the summer. So stressful. My fingernails are currently pretty gnawed down though. Can't win them all I guess…

  24. #1 and #8 – exactly! Me too. John hates when I forget to clean said hair off the side of the shower; however, better than it being down the drain and having a backed up shower. 🙂 Shaving everyday is hardcore. You go girl. 🙂

  25. I hate soggy lettuce, too, so I buy Earthbound Farms pre-washed baby arugula (there's a coupon on their website every week!) so I don't have to rinse it. Yucky soggy salad.
    No bueno on the painted toenails. Or finger nails for that matter….

  26. 1. Same! Except I do usually take it off the wall (after making, as Harris calls it, wall art), and throw it away.
    2. Same!
    3. I was always really bad about that when I was younger, but have gotten better! Nowadays, I use the Honest Co Fruit & Veggie Wash (it's a spray that you spray on, leave for like a minute, and then rinse off. I like it, and it makes me feel like it's actually cleaner!
    5 & 8: Same!
    10: Exact opposite haha

  27. I read this post yesterday during a small reading group (she don't tell) and I was literally having to stifle giggles the whole time. I have quite a few of these same confessions. Except for the cold beer. I like mine to be extra chilly – at least that's always my excuse for chugging them down so quick, you know before they get too warm 😉


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