Tips & Tricks!

by | Mar 21, 2014 | beauty, Loves | 22 comments

I get asked a lot how I paint my nails so neatly.  While I wish I could say I’m just good like that, that’s not true.  I shared one of my tricks before–you know, the pick it off in the shower method.  It’s a very technical thing.  While I have had a lot of practice over the years–it is rare that I don’t have anything to clean up.  Here are some things to help you keep your manicure neat:
  • Rest the pinky edge of the hand you’re painting with on a table to keep it steady.  Keep it on the table as you drag the polish out.
  • Don’t start painting right at the cuticle.  Put a small drop of polish in the center of your nail and push that up to just about your cuticle and drag down.  Use that as a base line for each side.
  • Use long, even strokes.
  • Don’t load your brush with polish.  Skim one side of the brush clean.  I also skim the top half of the polish side so I have a little polish ball at the base of the brush.
Pre-clean up using those tricks:

I clean up before I do a top coat.  Top coat should be the very last thing you do.
Clean up tricks:
  • Drag a clean dotting tool around the edge of your nail (tracing your cuticles).  Warning: this can be tricky and result in messing up your mani or a bigger mess.
  • Wash your hands with very warm water (or take a hot shower) long after your nails have dried.  Bring an orange stick and push off the unwanted polish.  Or you can be super classy and use your nails.
  • The method I use: I dip a small synthetic brush in pure acetone (think eyeliner brush).  That acts as an eraser and will remove all unwanted polish.  

Sally Hansen: Pacific Blue
Finger Paints: Paper Mache’
linked with: thenailfiles

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  1. pushing polish towards your cuticles? BRILLIANT. i was thinking of doing my nails today and now i just might try this! your nails look beautiful, btw 🙂

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I use the pushing polish and tiny brush in acetone tricks, too! When I do the acetone, I don't even wait for the polish to dry. As soon as I'm done paining that specific nail, I clean up any areas that need to be cleaned up – comes off SO easily!

  3. My tip: Go to nail salon 🙂

    Your nails look fantabulous!

  4. The hot shower trick is very clever! I might just give nail polish a try this weekend, I should probably be practicing for the wedding! That blue polish is gorgeous.

  5. Hmmmmm I need to try this just because I haven't painted my finger nails in forever and I want to practice making them look nice!

  6. I am not patient enough to do a "clean up" so I try VERY hard to take my time while I am painting my nails to "stay in the lines." I still come out looking like a five year old half the time but whatever! It was the thought that counted, right?! 🙂

  7. These are great tips! My nails always look a hot mess the first day I paint them because I usually have to wait until I shower to get the edges totally cleaned off– love the idea of waiting to do the top coat– seems so obvious but I definitely never do that!

  8. Great tips Joey! I use a small angled paint brush dipped into nail polish remover or acetone (depending on the stubborn-ness of the polish) to clean up around my nails/cuticles as much as possible. My little brush is starting to fray a bit at the ends though, so I might need to purchase a new one. I'm obsesssssssed with Pacific Blue by Sally Hansen – it is such a striking color!!

    aka Bailey

  9. I've watched them "push" polish when getting mani/pedis and it really is the secret to the professional look. However, I think my problem is that I just don't have the patience for this. I'm SO guilty of putting topcoat on too soon. Plus, I bit all my nails off last night out of sheer boredom. Eh.

  10. What a gorgeous blue! I scrolled down for the name and was surprised to see it's Pacific Blue, as I have that one but have never worn it!

  11. Yeah I need all the pointers that I can get! My left hand usually comes out great…my right is a work in progress. You are just showing off now with that blue color bahahaha it's like doing a tutorial with red and coming out perfect. I would have picked a light pink "voila see how good it looks?" 😉 I wish you lived closer I'd take my tools over and a bottle of wine and say you paint and I'll pour xoxoxo

  12. That is the most perfect glossy blue shade. I love it! Great tips! 🙂

  13. Love the mani! The dot feature is so cute, going along the side and top!! And I LOVE that we each did the shower "trick"!! Hahahaha! Great minds think alike!! Also, I need to get me a bottle of pacific blue. Like, as soon as possible. It's SO BRIGHT AND PRETTY!!

  14. Definitely trying these tricks next time I paint my nails, thanks!

  15. Gah – your nails are so pretty! I have such a horrible habit of biting my nails….whomp whomp.

  16. Mine never come out that clean but I'll have to try your tricks. I usually do the shower thing too for my toe nails. 🙂

  17. Thanks so much for these tips. Your nail polish always looks so good!

  18. Pretty! I rarely do my nails because I pick at them. But my daughter loves painted nails.

  19. Your nails look AMAZING (as always), and I will definitely be trying these tips. I'd also like to formally request your tips on making polish last for more than a day, because that's my second biggest nail polish problem! 😉

  20. My nails are always a HUGE mess and I end up picking TOO much off around the edges haha, definitely going to use some of those tips!


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