Stuff & Things #3

by | Mar 20, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

It’s Thursday.  You know the drill by now.
A very candid glimpse into the world of a writer.
>> I’ve been waking up at 6AM every day.  Some of you might be thinking “pssh, bitch please.  I get up that early or earlier every day, too.”  But I work for myself.  In my own house.  It would be verrrrry easy to laugh at the alarm when it goes off and snooze until 8 when J gets up.  But I work best first thing in the morning.  I also kind of feel like these early morning hours are stolen hours.  I can focus.  I can work my butt off, and by 9 AM, I’m on to the next chore or blogging business.  I’m proud of myself.  These revisions have been taunting me since 2010.  They’ve been scaring me since 2010.  And every morning, I sit in my office chair, space heater on, and I battle my fears–one word at a time.  This book will never be the kind of book I’d write now, but I’m more proud of what it’s becoming.
>>Tuesday night, Bailey came into the living room smacking her lips.  That’s never a good sign.  Sure enough, homegirl paid a visit to the 24 hour all you can eat buffet also known as the cat box.  So there I am, on the bathroom floor.  J is holding her head and laughing his butt off, and I’m scrubbing the litter and poop from in between her teeth with a tooth brush.  Get a dog, he said.  It’ll be fun, he said.  She then proceeded to put on the best “guilty dog” show ever.  If she wasn’t so afraid of the camera, we’d have youtube gold right there.

>>I’ve been eating generic cheerios for so long that now the real thing tastes funny to me.

>>I got a lesson in humility on Tuesday.  I run (and by run I totally mean jog slowly in between walking intervals) this “loop” around my house.  At any given point, I am no further than a backyard away from my house.  I’m a worrier.  And my thought is–if my stomach gets upset or if I fall (because c’mon.  It’s me we’re talking about here), I could get home without a problem.  Well, some athletic team had the same idea.  I was getting lapped.  By athletic, handsome college boys.  And I just had to take it.  But I finished my work out.  And went home.  Even if my pride was a little bruised.

>>Do squirrels make nests of some kind?  There’s this squirrel outside my office window that is consonantly walking off with mouthfuls of pine straw.  I mean.  WHAT could he be doing with all that pine straw?

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  1. i'm with you on the early AM wakings and getting up to do shit. even on weekends, i get up at my regular time and get shit done even if that shit is just email or blogging or whatnot. it's part of my morning routine, i love these quiet hours and i can just be with my thoughts. and you also feel so accomplished!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. We had the 'get a dog. it will be fun' conversation last night actually. I secretly love dogs, but our apartment is too small! Funny that you would have that story this morning though!
    I'm impressed you kept going when those runners came by, I hate seeing anyone when I'm out running. Usually I stop and walk then so they won't see my awful running!

  3. I LOVE early mornings before Tyson and Little K get up, the silence is like my golden hour!

    If you ever have kids that poop fun you had with the dog will continue, trust me.

  4. If I worked at home- there is NO way I would be able to get my butt outta bed! I'm just not a morning person AT all.

  5. Oh cat poop, it's like the most sought after treat ever 😉 It is hard getting up early, but I love feeling accomplished! 🙂

  6. Way to go on finishing you workout!! Remember they may have lapped you, but YOU are lapping everyone on the couch!
    Also,yes, squirrels do build nests.

  7. Ugh, the dog smacking his lips is the worst. thing. ever. When we had a cat staying with us, Scout would often go for the litter box. He freaking eats everything…
    I work best first thing in the morning 10am, I burn out.

  8. hahaha I love that you eat generic cheerios, but hey, sometimes the generic tastes better than the regular! Just not with soda though!

  9. Just found your blog through Amanda's (Meet at the Barre) and you are cracking me up! Generic cheerios…hey some brands really aren't that bad. I've heard there are some better generic versions of (gasp!) Lucky Charms. That is my favorite damn cereal ever, and if I can get my charm on for cheap, then heck YES!

  10. Girl when I use to run (not so much anymore) on this space by the water in Tampa it's called Bayshore. I had to stop because the last I time I was huffing and puffing along came like the High School girls cheerleading team in sports bras and they basically bulldozed me over… pride was never the same….oh to be 16 again….but not really 😉 I think you need to investigate that squirrel situation preferably with video proof. I have damn pigeons that made a nest in a tree by my window on the balcony and I hate those little flying rats they poop all over my balcony area!

  11. Dude. WHAT is with dogs eating cat shit? I don't get it!!! Why would you want to eat shit? Especially shit that's not your own!

  12. That is impressive, if i worked from home I wouldn't get up till at least 10 am. I am so not a morning person! The dogs eating cat poop. I don't get it but my Dad's dog does it all the time! Gross!

  13. I enjoy getting up early, having morning coffee alone in the quiet house and then getting a few things done. I like going food shopping first thing, too!

  14. Ewwwww Bailey, gross! I never thought that that could happen when they are in the same house but ick! At least you were able to take care of it, kind of?

  15. Oh nooo, eeeew!!! I could totally see my dog doing that if we had a cat. Bleh. And good for you for getting up so early! Mornings are definitely the most productive times (says the girl who never ever gets up before 7:45…)

  16. hahah! Oh my gosh, living in a college town I am constantly shamed by college athletes. I feel your pain!
    As for the squirrel….he's probably up to no good. Keep an eye on that trouble maker. He'll come after your cheerios next…


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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