


The weird thing is, I lived in the same home, in the same room, my entire childhood until the day I left for college. So you might be surprised to hear that I felt itchy, desperate, panicked to move a few months ago for the umpteenth time in my adult life....

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The Whole Story

The Whole Story

I went for a run this morning. Immediately after I finished, I wanted to post a picture to instagram. I know some people hate those types of posts, but I like them because they keep me motivated, and they keep me connected to people like me. But the truth is, I...

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The Messy Middle of Launching A Business

The Messy Middle of Launching A Business

It's 5:30AM. My husband is still asleep on the couch where he fell asleep watching TV last night, and the cat is pawing at my lap, begging for more cuddles. But I'm staring bleary eyed at my computer. It's too early to put in my contacts, and I'm too stubborn/lazy to...

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Sometimes Excuses Are Truths

Sometimes Excuses Are Truths

A friend texted me last night and asked me how book #2 was coming. It's not, I replied. I racked my brain searching for a reason, and I had plenty, but they all sounded like excuses. Because they are. The truth is, life got busy. I got wrapped up in work. My family is...

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When Backwards is Forward

When Backwards is Forward

I'm scared down to my bones. And it feels so good. I spent Sunday night googling Mercury in Retrograde at my kitchen counter with Amanda. She'd been hearing about it all over the place, and truthfully so had I. But I tend to take things with a basic understanding...

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I’ll Keep Trying

I’ll Keep Trying

When I'd get broken up with in middle and high school, because I always did, I would lock myself in my bedroom and blare sad breakup songs. I'd let the feelings of loss and sadness, inadequacy and heartbreak wash over me, breaking me. I'd sit and cry until I couldn't...

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