
How to get unstuck

How to get unstuck

I met up with a friend for coffee a couple of weeks ago. She'd texted me the night before and asked if I'd be up for it, and I said yes before thinking through the logistics. Jonathan and I are sharing a car right now. We have been for the last several months. And...

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How to stop procrastinating

How to stop procrastinating

It happens to the best of us. There's a task or project looming that you just. don't. want. to. do. Yup, been there. Avoided that. But one way or another, the task has to get done. So what do you do? How are you supposed to stop procrastinating? Well, I've gotcha...

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Spring Cleaning: Decluttering your Mental Space

Spring Cleaning: Decluttering your Mental Space

Spring has finally sprung here in Charlotte which means lots of pollen, sunshine, and an overwhelming sense of awakening. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like they spend the first few weeks of spring shedding layers both literally and figuratively? Spring...

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Boundary Check-In: When Dread Creeps In

Boundary Check-In: When Dread Creeps In

It's Friday. I woke up mentally and emotionally spent. It took everything in my power to respect the alarm clock this morning, and even once out of bed, it was a concentrated effort to open up my laptop. Dread. In the past, I would have dismissed that feeling,...

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How to make time

How to make time

You're busy. I'm busy. We're all freaking busy. At any given moment countless tasks are vying for your attention. There's a lot going on, and you're having a hard time balancing it all. Overwhelmed. Still, you have a dream in mind. There's a little nagging thought...

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