Are you on autopilot?

by | Dec 4, 2023 | Real Life | 0 comments

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If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last 15 years, it’s that literally everything is temporary. Good or bad, nothing is here to stay forever. And while that can certainly be a depressing thought. It can also be tremendously reassuring if you’re in a season of difficulty. I also try to keep that thought front of mind when we’re in a sweet season in effort to remember to cherish it. Everything is fleeting. And as we get older, the days seem to fly by so quickly.

When I was in college, I had a friend who was slightly older than me tell me that each year will pass quicker than the last. And now that I’m a parent, that statement is more true than ever before.

Sometimes the time passes so quickly that it’s easy to look back and think what have I even done with all this time? Often, we’re just surviving the days, attempting to get through one difficult thing after another. Raise your hand if you’re guilty of ever saying “we just have to get through this next week and then everything will slow down.” 🙋🏻‍♀️GUILTY!

But here’s the thing — sometimes in that time that’s passing so rapidly, we introduce tiny, micro-habits that end up changing our lives. Has that ever happened to you? For better or worse, we are what we do repeatedly. And when we live on auto-pilot, we tend to hand over the control for our lives to our circumstances. We operate out of defense, not offense.

When we’re on autopilot, we don’t plug and play choices that we’ve made into action. Instead, we allow our circumstances to fully dictate how we operate. And there’s nothing wrong with that. There are certainly seasons of life where this is all we can muster. And that’s okay. But the point I’m trying to make here is that if you’ll look back over a period of time, you’ll see a life lived. Whether by choice or not, the time passes, and we do. We do something.

This year, even though it’s been a bit of a dumpster fire year, I’ve tried to pay attention to the things I’m doing. Whether on purpose or not, I wanted to see how I was spending my time. There were certainly periods where I was just surviving (because y’all, that’s all I could do). But there were also times where I was super intentional. And the cool thing is, time continues to pass. We’re gifted a fresh start every 24 hours.

My life looks completely different today than it did six months ago. And, my God, it looks entirely different than it did a year ago. Some of that is due to circumstances for sure. But a lot of it is due to what I’ve chosen to do with my time.

If you’re itching for some change, be sure to watch my Youtube video. It’ll help get you where you want to be in six months!



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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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