The importance of breaking (and what it’s taught me)

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Real Life | 0 comments

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Hi friends! Been a minute, huh? Obviously if you saw my last post you can imagine that life since then has been somewhat insane. 2023 hasn’t gone at all the way I envisioned on New Years Eve 2022. Not even close. Some of that’s good. Some of it…well, not so much (And no, that’s not a shameless plug for my newest book. But THIS IS). Either way, I’m grateful. Grateful grateful grateful. 2023 has felt like a slate wiped clean. A chance for a fresh start. An opportunity to pause for a moment and reevaluate. We tend to find ourselves on certain paths, and they’re comfortable enough, and they keep us busy enough that we never really stop to ask ourselves is this what we want?

You all know that my life took a hard left in 2019. I mean, a huge earth-shattering type of hard left. 2019 was painful in so many ways, and in the moment, I was far too hurt and disoriented to realize that 2019 was everything I needed it to be. 2019 broke us in all the right ways so that the pieces of our lives would fit together more seamlessly. We never would have made those changes on our own. So God broke us. And broke us. And broke us. And all of that brokenness transformed our lives. I had three wonderful years at the type of job I never would have found myself in otherwise, where I met lifelong friends and learned so much about myself. We bought our house in a town I never thought we’d live in. We had our son. All of those things? They’re all direct results of all the brokenness.

So when my life took a hard left earlier this year. An earth-shattering, devastating hard left, well, it felt different. I knew this time. I knew how important it is to break. I knew that sometimes we need life to knock us off the path we’re on to get where we’re meant to be. That doesn’t mean that this year has been easy — far from it, actually. This year has been equally as heartbreaking as 2019, just in vastly different ways. But what it has that 2019 didn’t is this underlying sense of peace. A calm-knowing that eventually, the broken pieces will serve an important purpose.

The moment things broke this year, I took action. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that action would serve as a bit of a fast pass for a life I’ve only ever dreamed of. And while that’s been so incredibly lucky, and I realize how absolutely fortunate I am, it’s also been terribly disorienting. As someone who has been riddled with imposter syndrome and crippling self-doubt my whole adult life, suddenly I was thrusted into a life where those two things were incredibly prominent. And I’ve battled both on a daily basis since that day at the end of February. Some days I win. Some days, well, not so much.

So I’ve spent a lot of this year learning behind the scenes. I didn’t want fear to rob me, yet again, of everything I’ve ever wanted. So I set out on a mission to learn all the ways I could ensure to stay resolved in the pursuit of happiness.

Something that was hugely important in that pursuit is learning not just how to properly set goals, but how to actually achieve those goals (self-doubt and imposter syndrome be damned). So that’s what you’ll find in this Youtube video. I’m sharing everything I’ve learned on the subject in my months and months of research.

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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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