Weekly Roundup 6/19

by | Jun 19, 2020 | Real Life | 1 comment

Is it just me or did this week fly right by? Some of you might not know this, but I now work part time for the college where my husband coaches. It started out as something to get me out of the house and into the community where we were building our lives. But it quickly turned into one of my favorite places to be. And as you can imagine, the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on our traditional operations there. And this week has been crazy busy as we gear up for our first of many orientations next week. I swear it was just Monday.

Remember how I mentioned how much I was loving the Galloway method? Well, that’s still true. I’m totally digging how “easy” it is to crush 4+ miles at a time. But friends? We’ve hit a snag. Remember all those years ago when I was working on the edits for the book? And I decided to challenge myself with the C25K program? And then I landed in a doctor’s office who joked well, I’ve seen this before: couch to 5k to boot? Spoiler alert: I’m pretty sure I have another stress fracture in my left foot. I mean, you’d think I’d learn by now that watching Netflix is a much safer activity. I’m already dreading the down time. I’ve really come to enjoy my time on the pavement–and these days my anxious little heart (and head!) really need it.

Speaking of anxiety. Woof. I mean, the current state of the world is enough to make anyone feel a bit anxious. But if you’ve been following along for any amount of time, you know that our 2019 was the pits. Like, take into consideration everything that 2020 has doled out and I would still argue that 2019 was a harder year personally. (Please know and understand I recognize this statement is dripping with privilege. That little joke was a lot funnier before the last few weeks.) Well, friends. We are THISCLOSE to making some pretty big changes around here. I have to be annoying and say that I can’t say anything specific quite yet–but if you wouldn’t mind sending up some prayers, crossing your fingers & toes and maybe eating a few extra desserts in our honor these next few weeks, I’d appreciate it. I can’t help but have these lyrics on repeat in my head.

We’re in the homestretch of the hard times
We took a hard left, but we’re alright.
Yeah, life can sure try to put love through it,
but we built this right, so nothing’s gonna move it.
The Bones; Maren Morris

I’m excited to share all that’s about to unfold. But I also promise that once I finally personally process everything that’s happened the last 487 days, I will share. Because you know how much I love a good God story. And this one is so dang full of unimaginable and completely unexpected disappointment, heartache, fear and unfairness. But it’s also just so, so beautiful. And despite the fact that in some ways, we’re still very much in the midst of it all, I can stand here and say God. Is. Good.

Until next time, be well and stay joyful.



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1 Comment

  1. A good God story and a Good God story are always uplifting because, yes, God is good and Good.
    What are you doing at the college? It sounds like a fun job, being in that environment.
    And yep: 2019 was much, much harder personally. 2020 is falling apart, I think, because it’s an election year and the opportunity was there.


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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