Just a little gratitude & laughter

by | May 6, 2020 | Real Life | 0 comments

In all honesty, I’ve had this podcast episode ready to go since Sunday. But I decided, after being inspired by Maria of RunningMyselfTogether, to go for a run that day. It was my first run in…well, a really long time. And it was the furthest I’d run in…well, even longer. (A full 5K in case anyone was wondering. No, not much to brag about but for me, especially right now, it is.) So I ended up crashing out hard on Sunday night and gave myself a whooooole lotta grace.

This episode is a little different. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had some seriously conflicting feelings lately. At my core, I’m super grateful for any sense of normalcy, wherever I can find it. Sometimes that’s in my morning coffee. Other times it’s just in the bits and pieces of my job that make me feel sane. It’s also times like these that I’m thankful that even though I took a small, out of the house job back in February, I’ve otherwise spent the last 4+ years working remotely. So now that my out-of-the-house job is an in-the-house-job, there’s even some semblance of normalcy for me in that even.

I’ve also been really thankful lately for all that being an entrepreneur the last decade of my life has taught me. Primarily my ability to think on my feet and find fast, viable solutions. Every single day as an entrepreneur is a freaking adventure, to say the least. And though I relished the structure and normalcy that the college (where I now work) offers, the week leading up to the entire campus going remote felt like my super bowl. Like I’d been training my entire career to help make such an enormous pivot happen as seamlessly as possible. If you ever doubt for one second that God puts you right where you’re needed, let me tell you my story sometime. Because almost nothing has made sense in my life for the last 12+ months. But everything is slowly (and surelyfalling into place. I’m starting to have those moments of clarity.

Anyway, none of that is what today’s episode is about. Like, at all. Except that I realized over the weekend that these tiny moments of gratitude can really act as a mood booster. And if you’re like me, your mood has probably been swinging like crazy. I’ve felt some pretty high highs and some serious lows in the last 6 weeks. And as they say, laughter is the best medicine. So Mandy and I wanted to give you something fun and lighthearted this week. It’s stupid and silly and well, it won’t take up much of your brains pace.

So if you’re looking for some simple companionship or a sweet belly laugh, go ahead and give today’s episode a little listen. We really hope it brightens your spirits. We may or may not make total fools of ourselves all in service of helping you laugh a little. You’re welcome. 🙃😂


  • While on air, I couldn’t remember what phrase I had wrong when I typed it out. So when I’m telling the story about Jonathan and I looking at houses in Colorado one summer (over AIM, I must add because I feel like that was an important piece of the story I left out), the phrase I realized I had wrong was Half-assed. I typed out (and up until that day said out loud) half-asked.


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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