Get Me Out of Here

by | Mar 3, 2016 | Throwback | 18 comments

This week has been one of those that I haven’t been able to keep track of what day it is.  And unfortunately, I’ve kept thinking it’s a day later than it is.  There’s nothing worse than leaving work on a Tuesday thinking it was Wednesday all day.

I knew it would happen eventually–I’m running full speed in a million different directions, but you guys?  I am burnt out.  I’ve never been one to love travel (I much prefer Netflix in my living room–travel usually stresses me out), but I have never craved a cottage in the woods more.

Which got me thinking.  The last true vacation J and I took together was our honeymoon.  Six years ago.

Lately, every time we travel it’s for an event.  A wedding.  A funeral.  Some jam-packed-family-filled weekend that we have to squirrel vacation time away for.  Don’t get me wrong, those are fun (not the funeral, obviously).  But they are not vacations.  They all provide some level of stress and drama.  
As much as I’d love some tropical escape with all you can drink cocktails and unlimited sunshine, it just isn’t a realistic option at this point.  They’re expensive and require a lot of planning.  Finding an entire week to take off of work just seems impossible to me.
But I’ve been sitting here for way too long staring at my jam-packed calendar thinking I just need to get away.  I’d love some secluded cabin in the woods and a weekend without any obligations.  It’s tough to find the time.  It’s tough to coordinate schedules.  But I think at this point, it’s more necessary than not.
We’re within driving distance of some amazing places.  Blowing Rock, Charleston, Athens just to name a few.  I’m so tempted to hop onto AirBNB, snag some cozy little place, and take off running.
This feeling let’s me know one things: we’re doing it wrong.  One of my closest friends is always jet-setting here and taking off there.  She and her husband sit at the beginning of the year and they plan out their travel.  Turns out–that’s pretty normal.  Who knew.

I’ve learned lately that if it’s not on my calendar, it’s a pipe dream.  I schedule in catch up calls with friends and when to get my oil changed.  So why aren’t I scheduling in R&R?  
I get it now.
How do you guys handle your travel?  Do you wait until you’re burnt out and plan an emergency getaway?  Or are you more like Kim (sorry, calling you out friend :)) and plan out your vacations strategically, ensuring you always have something to look forward to?
I remember in college my best friend and I would live and die for our little trips away.  We’d plan something fun (on a built in break–I miss those) and looking forward to it would make everything else feel easier.
I think we had the right idea back then.  
All this to say, I’m tired.  And burnt out.  And I need a little break.  So if you see a little brunette sitting in the corner of the Starbucks on Park with a list of AirBNB rentals up on her computer, say hi.  Because that’s totally me right now.

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  1. What you've written sounds like it could have been pulled straight out of my head. I used to plan travel and quick getaways. Now, I don't. I miss them. I crave them.

  2. You have successfully put to the right words where I needed them to be!! My husband and I are terribly at scheduling R&R! It took us 4 months AFTER our wedding to plan our honeymoon to paint an accurate picture of our procrastination. We are actually going to Florida in 2 weeks and I have no idea how it came to be!!! What fire got lit! But we will be doing multiple things in 3 days so I'm hoping some part of the vacation will be R&R! =)

  3. I give your friend a lot of credit for planning her trips that far in advance. I'd say we go some where maybe once or twice a year? Chris works SO much that it's hard for him to take the time. But he definitely needs a vacation. Preferably some place without wifi haha. I hope that you guys find at least a long weekend to get away and relax though. 🙂

  4. Man I feel ya! With kids every vacation day is because someone is sick or something needs a doctor appointment, I haven't taken a week long vacation since my first was born 5 years ago…it's always been a few days here, a few days there…one day…one day…

  5. Girl, you need to get away! It's so good for the soul. I'm a vacation planner—I need those getaways and periods of rest to pull me through the crazy times.


  6. I'm the same way and don't plan out my travel very well 🙁 I have friends who seem to take a trip every month and can't figure out how they do it! I need to get better at planning travel out for the whole year.

  7. We do a little of both, but you know that already! Lol. You definitely need a vacation though!!

  8. oh my gosh girl, you deserve a break! seriously, even if it's just a quick weekend away. you absolutely deserve it. i always have a trip planned (i don't think i am normal though) and i am always looking forward to something. i have been going on vacation every year (if not every few of months) since 2007. it's like vital to my well being though. KC could not travel for 10 years and be fine, but not me. that being said, i like to do do do do things, go go go, so we don't really relax. the cruise should hopefully be a little relaxing. anyway. ramble much? i hope you can find the time, even a day away would be a nice break. if you don't like to plan, enlist someone's help who does (like your friend! heck, i'd be happy to help lol).

  9. Girl, you have to make time to get away on the regular!!! We make a point of getting away at a minimum three times a year (and we have two friggin' kids.) You're homework from Mrs. B is for you to find a vacation weekend and GO!!!!

  10. EVERYONE needs to get away and recharge…schedule it in!
    We don't plan vacations. Most of our traveling has been due to moving. However, I'm thinking something for this Christmas would be nice…

  11. I always plan far in advance. It's totally the type A in me but it's also great because it gives you something to look forward to and also save your money for. I love booking trips for anniversaries, birthdays, etc and foregoing the presents. That way you are "celebrating" something on your trip and it gives you a reason to pack up and go!

  12. Hi! New to your link up – looking forward to reading along! I say you need to do a combo of both – plan some strategic big vacations and be open to little weekend getaways. I do know that my spirits begin to lift just by planning a future vacation! R&R is a mental must . . . you should try to do just a quick little inexpensive something to change the pace!

  13. I hear you. Life can get really hectic but you have to take time for yourself too. Your friend and her hubby do have it right by planning out their vacation at the beginning of the year. If you wait until everything falls into place for it to just happen, it won't happen.
    Do it today. Figure out where you want to go and start making the arrangements.

  14. We haven't travelled anywhere together, without family, since our honeymoon 8 years ago. Traveling just isn't something I can budget in right now. Hopefully our ten year anniversary will be great!!!

  15. I don't at all think you're 'doing it wrong', I get so caught up in feeling jealous (something usually rare for me) of friends who get to travel ALL of the time, but the truth is, everyone's situation is different and a million trips does not equal instant happiness! That being said, you guys deserve a weekend– or even a fun day trip somewhere. With my family being in a different state, we've had years where our only trips are going to see them– which we love, but it's different when you're traveling solo with your husband.

  16. Haha, thanks for the shoutout friend! Another reason for sitting down and planning my trips at the beginning of the year, is to create a budget and ensure that we save enough each month in order for the trips to actually happen. So, the strategy is to figure out how much we need and divide by how many months we have, and then BAM — that is how much we have to save in order to make it happen. It's too overwhelming for me if I don't plan it in advance. You know I am always happy to talk travel and we definitely need a Girls Weekend stat! I think the Blue Ridge Parkway is calling my name again! xo

  17. I was just thinking about this topic this morning! Whenever we travel, it's felt like it's for something or someone else. I'm SO excited to have the opportunity next month to just take a trip with my boyfriend and our dogs for US <3


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