Is The Apple Watch Worth It + How I Use It

by | Feb 24, 2016 | Throwback | 10 comments

I’m all for anything that makes life seem a little easier these days.  In the last 12 months, my life has done a full 180, and I’ll be honest in saying that 90% of the time it all feels like too much.

I adored my Fitbit Flex.  I wore it religiously.  I raved about it.  And the truth is, I still love the Fitbit franchise.  But a few months before Christmas, I started to finally feel what the Flex was lacking.  I needed a screen.  I needed a watch.  And life would be that much easier if I could screen calls from my wrist.  So the Charge HR went right onto my Christmas list.

And I got it.
And I loved it.
Then I found myself thinking how much easier life would be if I could screen my texts from my wrist.  My day job does not involve a desk.  And communication is the #1 priority at my job.  Things change on a dime.  My tasks and duties are communicated through text.  Schedules change on a whim.  I just found myself needing something…more.
So when the opportunity to exchange my Fitbit for the Apple Watch and only pay $100 more (well, actually $1000 more–this is a funny story, you should read it) I jumped on it.  I was totally hesitant but figured I could always return it if it wasn’t for me.
apple watch

Things I was concerned about:

  • As “plugged in” as I might seem, I take disconnection seriously.  I don’t like being glued to my devices.  I was worried it would make me feel too connected.
  • The size/weight/appearance.  I’m extremely picky about wearing stuff on my wrists.  I’ve always found bracelets/watches/etc uncomfortable.  The Fitbit franchise worked wonderfully for me because they are perfectly designed to be lightweight.  I wasn’t sure the Apple Watch would be.
  • Is it even really that necessary?  It’s a pretty sizable investment (especially when you actually end up paying $1000 at the end of the day–but hey, that was just me), and I was pretty convinced it was another Apple marketing ploy making me believe I just had to have it.
apple watch

The Truth:

Plugged In?  Yes.  You’re plugged in.  But for some bizarre reason, I find it actually relieving.  The text “glance” feature has saved everything for me.  I am always in the middle of doing something at work–so getting the little tap and being able to glance at the text (the whole text) from my wrist without 1) showing the read receipt and 2) stopping what I’m doing has been crucial for me.  It allows for me to make an educated decision about the urgency of the text.  If it’s conversational, I’ll get to it.  If it’s a task coming in from my bosses, I’m able to select a quick “ok” (or any other appropriate reply) from the pre-loaded responses.  
  • NOTE: I do not have all of the alerts set up.  That would drive me absolutely insane.  The only notifications I get “tapped” for are texts and calendar events that I have reminders set up for.
Size/Weight/Appearance.  Turns out this was a total nonissue for me.  It’s very lightweight and perfectly designed to the point that a lot of times I forget I’m wearing it until I get tapped.  I’m a person that cares much more about functionality and comfort in my wardrobe to care if it “looks” cool, but I like the way it looks.  I have the rose gold & lavender one, and I’m in love.
Is It Really Even Necessary?  No.  This is a luxury item.  But it has proven itself as seriously important in my world.  WHY?  Well, I’ll tell yah.

How I Use It:

I use it very simplistically.  I know I haven’t even BEGUN to tap into all the fancy features.  But it serves my needs this way without leaving me feeling overwhelmed.  Instead, it feels like the assistant I’ve always needed.

  • Watch: Because, well, duh.  Everything at my day job is time sensitive.  I have pick ups and drop offs sprinkled throughout my busy day.  I have set, repeating alarms, that remind me when it’s time to stop what I’m doing to go pick up a kid.  Trust me, it’s easy for time to get away from you, and kids get pretty pissed if you forget to pick them up
  • Calendar: Did you hear me?  Let me repeat it.  CALENDAR!!!  I’ve admitted more than once that I’ve become heavily reliant on my iCal.  I absolutely love that I can see my next appointment on my watch face (these are customizable, so you don’t HAVE to see them, but this is the #1 feature that makes my life so much easier).  It lets me me know where I need to be next, when, what I need to do/bring/have.  I’m telling you–this watch is the assistant I’ve always needed.
  • Notifications.  I don’t have my phone on me 99% of the time.  Aside from allowing me to glance at my texts (which prevents me from having to STOP what I’m doing to make sure the text that comes through isn’t important), it also allows me to see if it’s another stupid google website telemarketer calling or if it’s my Mom.  Again, it helps prevent me from stopping what I’m doing to check my phone.  I love this.
  • Fitness Tracker.  I haven’t tapped into this one as much as I’d like–but it DOES have a ton of options for tracking fitness.  As a general, daily activity tracker, it does pretty well.  There’s a lag when you go to check your heart rate (unlike the Charge HR), and it’s harder to hit your 10,000 steps.  I need to research this further, but I’m fairly certain the Apple Watch is a more accurate pedometer.  I consistently get somewhere between 6 and 7 thousand steps daily (without working out) when I used to track easily 11,000 or more with the Fitbit.  I’ve noticed the watch does not count my hand motions as “steps.”  So when I sweep the floor, I’m not racking up a gazillion steps.  
    • NOTE: I do miss the social network of the fitbit community.  I find that I’m less motivated to track my exercise because why bother?  I found that having “friends” on Fitbit and the challenges to be extremely motivating.  Perhaps Apple will add this in the future?
There are so many features that I’m not even going to attempt to highlight otherwise this post would be forever long.  I watched a lot of youtube videos before purchasing and then after for tips and tricks.
I’ve spent $100 (total cost without the Charge HR return would have been $250) on worse, less useful things.  I think $250 is a fair price for the product for what the simplistic way I use it.  I was very worried knowing how simplistic I am that it would feel like too much money.  I wouldn’t pay the $350 for a watch and calendar (or maybe I would…) but if you’re going to tap into the other million features that I haven’t listed, I would say it’s totally worth it.
NOTE: I have the Apple Watch Sport.  The hardware (you know, the watch face) is the same technology across the board.  The higher priced watches are simply for the band.  My recommendation would be to purchase the sport edition (hello, cheaper) and then invest in a new band (because they’re interchangeable, hella awesome) at a later date, or as you feel it necessary.
*this is not a sponsored post, but how could would it be if it was?  I’m not cool enough to get Apple’s attention.

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  1. I loved this post. I hate that I can't pull the trigger on this product. I just can't see it as appropriate for wearing at my work and I'm there far too many hours of the week to justify only wearing the watch when I'm at home or running errands.

  2. I found this post really useful from the perspective of a 'real life person'. I find the scenarios Apple use to describe how useful their product is are just so unrealistic/unlike my life. Although my life is different to yours too, I'm able to see where the watch might fit in to my needs. Thanks!

  3. I've heard mixed things about the Apple Watch, I may check it out at some point.

  4. People seem to love the Apple watch. Not sure it's for me, but I do like that they have different bands to make it more stylish. And the fitness tracker is what I'd probably use most, haha!

  5. I love the sleek look of it, and like you said changing up the band is a nice option without having to pay a crazy amount of money. It definitely sounds like it was the right smart watch for you!

  6. I am SO glad you posted this! I have a FitBit Charge, and even though I've had it for a little over a year, it's falling apart. (Apparently, there's this adhesive issue that makes this happen. Anyway…) So I'm starting to look into getting something new. Not sure if I want to stay with a FitBit or not (I DO love it!), but this certainly gives me something to think about.

  7. I am glad you shared your thoughts on this. Chris got an Apple watch a few weeks ago and is obsessed with it now and wants me to get one so he can send my heart drawings and taps haha. I quit wearing my fitbit last week. I already know how many steps I am or am not taking and to be honest…I read a few forums saying that they give off some radiation and that scared the crap out of me! I am selling my fitbit now and I think if I sell it I will put that money towards the Apple watch.

  8. You're making me want one of these and that's something I swore I'd never get.
    It would serve a purpose in my life, I'm sure. But man…I realllllly don't want one.
    But then I read your review and I DO want one. It IS really pretty…

  9. i have no desire to buy this watch, but i loved this review as it was super honest and informative! thanks for sharing girl. i honestly had no idea you could use it for so many things, that sucks it doesn't have a community like the fitbit thingy. i kinda want a fitbit. i really don't need one but i want one.

  10. Thanks for this review! I've heard a lot about the Apple Watch, and it's nice to hear your take on it. The "plugged in" aspect is what has kept me from scooping one up.



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