Stuff & Things: The One I Might Regret

by | Feb 11, 2016 | Throwback | 17 comments

What I really want to say to you here is this: I’m too lazy to make the commitment.  I’m hesitant to make the decision to try because it sounds like a lot of work.  And I have such little free time these days that I’m feeling less motivated to spend that free time being active.  Because really?  I’d much rather sit in a bath and binge watch Netflix.

Which is ridiculous because I’m not even currently binging a particular show.  In fact, I sit more frequently with something just on while messing with my phone.  So in other words, it’s a colossal waste of time.

I’m saying all of this to you now because I’m trying to convince myself to try something.  I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a fitness challenge. Now, before you fall out of your chair laughing or click out thinking this is going to be some weight loss driven motivational post, it’s not.

In January 2015, I challenged myself to run 40 miles in a month.  The whole purpose was to just do it.  To see if I could.  It wasn’t to lose weight. It wasn’t to become a better runner.  It wasn’t to feel good about myself, though all of those things did happen (except the losing weight part–I work very hard to make sure that doesn’t happen).  It was just to do it.  To shake things up.  To pull myself out of whatever boring habits and routine I had.

And I’ll be honest, I’ve been dreading writing this and putting it out there because then I know I just have to do it.  Because I don’t entertain the idea of failure when I put my mind to something.  Especially something I’m perfectly capable of doing.  Failing because you simply can’t is one thing, or because you’re learning is another. But failing because you’re just too lazy?  Yeah.  I don’t do that shit.

At least I try not to.

30 day fitness challenge

So here it is, I guess.  For the next 30 days, I will be active for at least 20 minutes every single day.

I am not setting myself up for failure here.  I won’t commit to run every day.  I won’t commit to just one thing, I get bored too easily.  And I know there will be days when I’m just completely exhausted.

But I can commit to doing something.

I can commit to running.
I can commit to practicing yoga (I have wanted to give this a try).
I can commit to trying pilates (ditto the yoga thing).
I can commit to going for a nice walk.

So there you have it.  It’s out there now, on the interwebs.  Which means I actually have to do it.  Anyone care to do it with me?

Oh, yeah.  It starts today.  So good luck!

Are you with me?

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  1. Does running around the house with Sofia on my hip count? If so, sign me up! 😉

  2. Totally in! One of my goals on my Fitbit is 30 active minutes a day. I'll go for walks and do yoga with you. One of my 21 day fix dvd's is 30 mins of yoga and we should do it together!

  3. Is it cheating if you already work out on the daily? Is this for people getting back into working out? If its for anyone then I'm always game to join in! You can do this…that high you get after a good work out cannot be beat! Now if it would just warm up a bit…this weekend is looking sh*** for us in NC! xoxoxo Amanda

  4. It's ALL about the habit of things. My routine runs on habits, so I know that at 4:30 each day, I walk with the dogs. After that, I do my Pilates for the day. I have a calendar where I keep track of it. I would set up a schedule (a loose training plan, if you will). Also, if you're into trying yoga, go to youtube and try Sarah Beth Yoga. Those are the videos I normally do.

  5. I know that you can rock this!!! Last month I did the Whole 30 challenge. I don't have anything I am challenging myself with right now other than trying to remain mostly clean eating with a few cheats here and there….but I suppose I could at least add something to support ya! I already work out 5 days a week, but perhaps I will add in 50 sit ups a day, every day. That is something I am currently not doing. Boom. Challenge accepted. I cant go to bed at night unless I do 50 sit ups 🙂

  6. I know you can do this! It's all about routine and once you find your groove you will do great!

  7. You can do it! I find that if I write it on the blog I feel like I HAVE to follow through. I would totally join in but on the tail end of surgery recovery, don't think I would be able to commit to everyday. But I'll be cheering you on.

  8. I'm in, I have gotten in the bad habit of couch sitting because it's SO COLD outside, negative 7 today:(

  9. Good for you girl! Just doing something is a great way to start. As long as your body is moving you're doing something good for yourself.

  10. I love that you're doing this! I've been wanting to be more active lately too, and even looked at joining a gym near our home. I feel like taking an actual class would be good for me, because I just need that accountability. Plus, I feel like their whole "Thigh, Tummy, and Booty Bootcamp" thing can't be a BAD thing, haha.


  11. This is a great idea! I'll have to think about a challenge for myself.

  12. I started lifting weights (I know right?) in January because I wanted to feel stronger and it's finally become a habit, I *gasp* look forward to the gym now. It's incredible how good it feels to be active once you actually do it.. the urge to Netflix (aka phone time) is hard to fight at the beginning. Try the youtube videos Yoga With Adrienne. She's hilarious and there are so many you'd be able to find one for any day! 🙂

  13. I love this– I think having variety in what you can do that counts towards your goal makes it so much more attainable. I signed up to do a 5k in April and I'm kind of freaking myself out because I haven't been running AT ALL… I have no excuse, I've just been sucked into Netflix, so I can relate!


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