How To Use Wunderlist and Why + 2016 Projects Revealed

by | Feb 10, 2016 | Throwback | 12 comments

People are either talkers or doers.  Very few are both.  In the last few years, I believe I’ve transitioned from talker to doer, but I’d started to lose my edge recently.  I had this general sense of OMG I have so much to do, but couldn’t ever pin down exactly what it was that I needed to do.  Tell me you feel me on this.

I have a lot going on right now.  I work a full-time job outside of my home.  I run this blog, creating new content three days a week, sometimes more.  I’m writing a novel.  I’m writing a non-fiction ebook.  I’m launching a new website.  I’m building a new business.  I’m recording a podcast in collaboration with a friend and preparing that to launch.

It’s easy for me to get swallowed up in the overwhelm.  To give up.  Or to simply have no life because I’m busy working every minute of every day.  I don’t want that.

That’s when I found Wunderlist.  My number one issue with productivity was that I knew I had a lot to do, but when I would sit down to do it I wouldn’t know what to do.

how to use wunderlist

Nothing fuels procrastination like the lack of a plan.
So what is wunderlist?  Okay, let me break it down.  Side note: you’re about to get a real, honest look into my life.  Ready?  Good.
how to use wunderlist
Think of it as your todo list on steroids.  I think of it as the gate-keeper to my success.  I plug in the formula and failure is not an option.  Okay, let me explain that to you.

If something is on my todo list, broken down into actionable tasks, I will do them.

With Wunderlist, you can create different categories and add lists into those categories.  Take my Hodgespodges Inc category for example.  Hodgespodges Inc is something I have set to launch summer 2016.  Within Hodgespodges Inc, you’ll find the blog, a few non-fiction ebooks, and a podcast (at least when it first launches.  There will be other features launched after).

Those are all pretty big projects.  And for about 5 months, they left me completely paralyzed.  I had the ideas, but I wasn’t taking any action because to be honest, I didn’t even know where to start.

But once I could break everything down into categories, and then break each of those projects down into actionable todos, with specific deadlines, life started to feel a lot easier.  I started to be so freaking productive!

There are several ways to view your todo lists and projects.  My favorites are today, which is demonstrated in the image above, and the week view.

how to use wunderlist

The weekly view helps me the most when I’m creating my iCal blocks for the week.

I can search by the hashtag, too.  I break my iCal blocks up into #write, #focusedwork, and #unfocused.  This helps me know what needs to get done during each blocked off period of time, and how much time I need to block off.

#write is pretty obvious.  It’s writing.
#focusedwork means no distractions, headphones in, preferably alone.
#unfocused means if I find myself with a spare minute here or there, do one of these projects.  Or if I’m sitting watching tv.  It doesn’t need my total, uninterrupted attention.  This usually includes emails, social media scheduling, photo editing, etc.

Setting deadlines is key, so do it.  I aim high, but life happens.  Sometimes you get invited out to do something.  Sometimes you don’t feel well.  Sometimes you’re just too dang tired.  Or whoops, you sleep through your alarm.  Don’t set yourself up for failure.

 If you miss a deadline, it’s okay.  This app helps me prioritize everything.  Having a visual representation of everything that has to get done helps me make wise choices.  It’s helped me have a better grasp on balance.  With so much going on, it’d be very easy for me to work every second of every day.  Wunderlist helps me make sure I’m still a friend, and a wife, and a young woman who lives in a fun city while planning to take over the world.


-Free downloadable app across all of your devices.  I use it with my macbook, iphone, apple watch and ipad.  I believe it’s compatible with android and others.
-Syncs across your devices
-Additional features available with a monthly membership.  I use the free option.

*This isn’t a sponsored post.  Wunderlist has no idea who I am.  But when an app can completely turn my productivity around, I believe in sharing it with all of you.  Because we all have dreams and plans and lives, and if something can make all of that a little easier to manage, then you need to know about it.

Okay, now go.  Download it.  It’s free!

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  1. 1. Downloading this immediately. I am a to-do list junkie and it seems you have hit the jackpot with this. 2. Can't wait to see these projects come to life!

  2. Oh my, my list loving heart just got really excited 🙂

  3. I had downloaded this AWHILE ago, but I'm dusting it off and am going to try and make it work for me. Great post! 🙂

  4. AMEN! I love Wunderlist and I'm so glad you told me about it! Mom brain is in full effect over here, so having everything written down is so helpful 🙂 xo

  5. Ohhhh I am going to have to check this out!!! I have so many things I want to get done this year and this might help me channel that. Cant wait to hear about your new venture and podcast!!

  6. My goodness Joey, you have so many great projects going on. I can't wait to see them all play out! I'm big on having to actually write down (pen and paper style) my to do lists to be productive, but this app looks like it's worth a try!

  7. This sounds SO GREAT! And, all of your projects sound so exciting! I'm definitely going to take your recommendation and check this thing out.

    Kat 🙂

  8. I've heard about this app before but have never tried it. You may have just convinced me. And girl, you do have a lot going on. Holy cow. Excited for the launch of all this goodness!

  9. Squeeee! I'm jumping on this app NOW!

  10. I love how organized you can be with this! I use Evernote (when I remember) and I like that it keeps things on all of my devices, but this looks like an awesome way to stay on top of things! So excited for all of the exciting things you're working on 🙂


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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