Real Life: Stuff & Things

by | Oct 29, 2015 | Throwback | 21 comments

Oh friends.  I finally just now crashed down on the couch, Cheetos and wine in hand.  In case you don’t follow me on Snapchat (@johodgespodges in case you want to)…the boot is back.

Wait, what?  Yeah.  My foot had been bugging me for some time now, but after running on the treadmill last Thursday, it entered excruciating territory.  In case you’re new here, I spent 8 weeks in a boot last spring for a stress fracture after completing the C25K program.  Well, apparently running on a treadmill will cause one of those to come back.  Cool.

I’m supposed to be in a webinar right now, but when I got home, I scrubbed the shower.  Which is by far my least favorite chore of all time.  Because honestly?  How the eff are you actually supposed to scrub a shower?  I tried Borax tonight.  It worked pretty dang well to be honest, if you’re interested.  I showered immediately after, slipped while shaving my legs, and fell.

So I think I just give up.

Instead I’m on the couch, finally, with my feet up.  The pup is inching her way onto the couch at my side (she’s not allowed up here without a blanket…but she tries).  And I’m sipping my wine and eating my Cheetos.  Because it’s only Wednesday and already my life is falling apart.

Dramatic much?

In other news, I’m completely obsessed with Adele’s new song, Hello.  J walked in on me listening to it the other day and now he won’t stop singing Lionel Richie’s Hello.  Over and over and over.

I also finally broke down and scheduled my life out on iCal.  I go on deadline for book number two starting next week, so life as I know it is about to come to a halt.  So basically, if it’s not on my iCal…it’s not happening.  Want a peek at what my mornings look like to balance deadline and blogging?  Here.

For the record, I go to my day job at 11:30.  I hid that calendar for the sake of this image for privacy reasons.  I don’t just get to hang in bed with Netflix as of 11, promise.  Although wouldn’t that be cool?

Okay, friends.  It might be bed time.  Because I’m old and broken.  Hope your week has started off better than mine.  Sushi Thursday night, though, and that can pretty much make everything else feel better.

Now, it’s your turn!


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  1. Oh no, so sorry about your foot!! I had a stress fracture in my left foot over ten years ago and it stills gets painful when I do certain things. Boo to hurting feet!

    And seriously, how ARE you supposed to scrub a shower? File that under things I insist my husband do.

  2. Bless your heart! You've earned those Cheetos and wine! I clean my shower with a mixture of vinegar, Dawn, and baking soda… but I'm always scared I'll slip and fall! 😉 Hope your Thursday is much, much better!

  3. A late night post?!?! What a lovely suprise!

    How I clean the shower: naked, usually before I actually shower with a magic eraser. Have you tried the magic erasers? They are magic. Sorry if this was TMI.

    Also, ugh… so sorry about your foot. This is my first time meeting "boot Joey", but sushi Thursday is the only thing that's getting me though this week. We're almost there… and I might have to go to Starbucks tomorrow cause I cannot wait until Friday!

  4. The boot?! Noo! I'm so sorry friend 🙁 But I hope the wine is always helps 😉 I need to try Borax, because cleaning the shower is also my least favorite task. I usually do it while I'm in there which is more or less putting some Clorox spray on the ground and swishing my feet around. I'm gross, I know.

  5. Oh NO! You totally earned the cheetos and wine! I haven't tried Borax but I have had success with baking soda. I HATE scrubbing the shower. Ours are acrylic and they totally suck to clean. Hope you had a relaxing night! And your schedule is intense–5AM wakeup! Yikes! I should be doing that but can never be functional that early!


  6. You definitely need to be bubble wrapped!!! Glad you got the iCal set up so you can get everything taken care of! xo

  7. Sorry to hear about your foot! I hope it heals quickly! Good luck with the new book!

  8. So sorry about your boot! That is such a bummer! I can totally relate. I have RA really bad, but my knee popped out of place years ago from the damage. Now it is so prone to it, I have to be so careful when I exercise or BAM, it's out of place again! I hope you get better soon!!!

    Alexis @

  9. I hate scrubbing showers too. It's been 3 weeks since I've tackled the bathrooms, so I might have to this weekend…

    Did you talk to a doctor about the boot/how long it will last? Honestly, just thinking about running on a treadmill hurts. I used to do it a lot, but haven't in awhile. I have a 5K in two weeks though so…maybe I should. Blah.

    I'm glad you have a nice unwinding routine. Sometimes thinking about how relaxing it will be once you accomplish all the other things is what will get your through the day!

  10. Oh no, not the boot!!!! You friend, need a break! I am so sorry to hear this. I hope it heals up ASAP!

  11. Love how you have your schedule set up! Really wish I could get up that early and get some work done! I want to Netflix at 11am haha

    Happy Thursday! Xo

  12. Feel better, lady! <3

  13. Oh girl, I'm so sorry! Although I did learn something here today – to try Borax on my shower which is in terrible shape, haha!

  14. Oh no! I'm so sorry about the foot and the boot, that sounds miserable. Good thing there are cheetos and wine though right? I ended up skipping out on the webinar last night too – was there for about 10 minutes and then decided since it was recorded I had a million other things I should have been doing. Like scrubbing the shower. Going to try borax now… It's hard to balance it all for sure! Hope you are feeling more up for things today, boot and all. We're almost to the weekend!

  15. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your foot, friend! That really stinks. Hoping it feels better soon. And, I'm totally with you on Adele's new song. I'm pretty sure Ty's sick of hearing it already! 🙂


  16. Bummer about the boot!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁 "Hello" has been on repeat for the past week. Can't get enough!

  17. I actually haven't listened to Adele's new song, I know I'm late to the game haha.

  18. Ouch! Take it easy so you can heal quickly. I haven't heard Adele's new song yet, but I've heard it's great 🙂


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