Why I’ll Never Be A Fashion Blogger

by | Oct 21, 2015 | Throwback | 28 comments

When Kristina blogged about this Old Navy dress, I didn’t hesitate.  I immediately ordered it.  I’ve never done that before–ordered something a blogger suggested.  But it seemed so easy!  And hey, it was on sale.  Win-win.

Okay, story time.

When it arrived, I couldn’t wait to wear it.  I had plans to go out to see Who Rescued Who with ATA that night, the perfect opportunity.  This little number was going out on the town!  Oh, yes!

I slid it over my head, my arms outstretched.  And then…it stopped.  The rolled up sleeves wouldn’t go over my elbows, and I couldn’t put my arms down.  Now, something you might need to now about me is that I’m not necessarily claustrophobic, but if I can’t move my arms or legs, I panic.

I yelled for J.  I need your help!  I tried to stay calm and trotted out into the hallway, dress half on, underwear exposed, arms halfway up.

He was on the couch, turned around and laughed.  You’re ridiculous.  He started to get up, but he wasn’t moving fast enough and panic started to settle in.

Get me out!  I need to get out!  I…I…I…I can’t breathe!!  Before I could stop myself, I was in full blown panic attack mode, sobbing and all.  Because I was stuck in a dress.

I couldn’t get out of the dress fast enough.  Chuckling, he moseyed over to me and pulled the dress up over my head.

See!  I yelled.  A T-shirt wouldn’t ever trap you!

And that, my friends, is why I’ll never be a fashion blogger.

Because I get stuck in my clothes.

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  1. Stahhhp, you are too adoreble! That dress is so perfect and I'm glad you finally got it to work. That's the worst feeling ever when it traps you. Especially when the hubs is moving at a "moseying" pace!

  2. I am legit almost crying with laughter with reading this. I can just picture the whole thing in my head right now, lol. You're the funniest gush ever. I'm glad you were rescued from the evil dress & that J was there to the (slow) rescue 😉

  3. Amen sister, I feel the same exact way lol. I wear workout clothes most days since I work from home and workout every morning…it's just easier!! But you look super cute!

    Alexis @ http://www.chemistrycachet.com

  4. Oh my gosh, you have a way with words. That's hilarious. Leave it to a husband to take joy at your expense- mine would have done the same thing:) If it helps, you do look super cute!:)

  5. If I had a dollar for every time these boobs of mine have gotten me trapped in an item of clothing… oh girl I would be rich!! The worst is when you are all alone in the Target dressing room. Those times when you have pushed it, and forced something on, even though you knew you shouldn't have? lol

    So hey, I guess that's probably why neither of us will be fashion bloggers! You still look great though 🙂

  6. Haha I actually wrote a similar post about fashion blogging but I can say you take the cake on getting stuck in clothes lol

  7. Hmmm, I think that is exactly why you SHOULD be a fashion blogger because, hello? Getting stuck in a dress is way more real life for me than sipping my Starbucks while holding my Louis Vuitton purse and fanning myself with my Hermes scarf. 😉

  8. Getting stuck in clothing is honestly one of the worst feelings, it gives you such a sense of panic for whatever reason, haha, I've totally been there before! The dress is so cute though & I love those booties!

  9. Haha! The anxiety is really real getting stuck in clothes – thank goodness J was home!! You look great though so I say it was worth the trauma 😉

  10. you are hilarious! i got stuck in my wedding dress on my wedding night and was screaming like a mad woman haha, poor KC. I've definitely gotten stuck in other things as well, and i'm the same as you.. not claustrophobic but i hate that 'stuck' feeling. your outfit is adorable though, so apart from getting stuck, you could totally be a fashion blogger 😉

  11. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have laughed as hard at this as I should have. Hilarious!

  12. That dress looks awesome on you! I've just recently started going to Old Navy and I really like it for some things. Getting stuck in clothes is the worst though, but it is funny when it happens to others 😛 And you coulda fooled me , I think you'd be a great fashion blogger!

  13. Haha this post made my day, sounds so much like me!

  14. I am that exact same way. I can't stand clothes that are too tight. Ugh, it makes me fidgety just thinking about it! Glad you worked it out though, because the dress is adorable!


  15. Hahahaha I have been there!!!! Getting trapped in a dress is just the worst. Good thing for me is that Chris would never laugh at this because he is the worlds worst about hating the way certain clothes fit and immediately starts freaking out. He actually jumps to get in to his shirts and stuff and makes all kinds of weird facial expressions until he is settled in it lol. If I got stuck and asked for his help, I could see him coming to rescue me with a pair of scissors or something screaming dont worry I am coming to help! HAHAHA!

  16. hhaahaha wow that's funny. But don't worry that has literally happened to me so many times. That is no excuse!

    Sara Kate Styling

  17. hahahahaha, well if it makes you feel better, you aren't the only one! I've totally had to ask for help out of similar circumstances before.

  18. I get the same kind of panic when I get stuck in clothes plus I am definitely slightly claustrophobic too. Anywho you look fabulous in the photos and totally look like a true fashion blogger!

  19. HAHA! I love this. When I was little I lost a tooth one time because I put my head through the sleeve hole instead of the neck and now I have a slight fear of putting my head in the wrong holes. I've had to have help several times getting out of my clothes. It was really hard when I lived alone…

  20. Oh my gosh I know that feeling! I get really panicky!!!! You still looked good though!

  21. At least you weren't in the dressing room and trapped….been there. LOL! Glad you were rescued by a very slower ranger 😉

  22. i do the same panic thing–actually, my family calls it the Panic Dance. They think it's hilarious. I do not. 😉

  23. It happens to the best of us! I don't know how many times that's happened to me and my other half always thinks it's hilarious. You look amazing in the dress though!!

  24. So that totally happened to me at an American Eagle store with one of their sundresses. LUCKILY, I was still in high school and was shopping with my mom at the time. I frantically screamed for her to help me out. I have no clue what I would have done if I was shopping alone.


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