Stuff & Things 9/24

by | Sep 24, 2015 | Throwback | 13 comments

>> Through an unfortunate series of events dealing with a hair salon, I ended up cutting my own hair on Monday night in a fit of frustration.  Bangs, no less.  They turned out okay considering I broke the cardinal sin of womanhood.  I did eventually make it into a salon to texturize them, but they’ve been pinned back ever since because I absolutely hate them.  Go figure.  I’d share a picture, but no.  I did document it on snapchat though (johodgespodges).

>> I’ve been living through music lately.  When I was young, I would sit for hours in my room with the radio on feeling everything and journaling it all out.  It was cathartic and important, better than therapy.  I’ve strayed from it lately because really…who has the time for that?  I think maybe that’s why I enjoy running so much because it’s just me and the music.

>> Speaking of music, I finally watched the last season of Glee.  I’d given up on that show years ago. I’ve basically quit watching live TV all together, and Glee got the ax in that shift.  I always have such sad feelings watching the final episodes of a show, but not in the way most do.  Sure, I liked the show and I’m sad it’s over–but I have this weird thing where I can’t stop thinking about the actual actors in that situation.  That graduation feeling, knowing a beautiful chapter of your life is ending.  And this particular series ending induced all the feels because of losing Cory Monteith.  Such a sad situation, and now that whole chapter of these actor’s lives is over.  Life, it goes on, huh?  #DeepThoughtsWithJoey

>> I got to grab coffee with sweet Erin of Why The HECK Not blog on Tuesday, and it was easily the highlight of my week!  Such easy conversation and an all around lovely girl.  She’s relatively new to blogging so go show her some love!  I’m already eager to have another coffee date!  So many

That’s all I’ve got for today!  Hope you all have a great Thursday.  Now, it’s your turn!


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  1. Eeeek on the hair thing. I'm growing mine back out and I swear the last time I was at the salon and told my girl that she cut me a mullet to grow. #ohhellno Powering through it though and being very creative

  2. Ohhhh no! I'v always loved your hair. But I'm sure it still looks great… you really need a picture 🙂 Are these like big swooping bangs to one side? Full on, straight across bangs?

  3. I did the same thing a few weeks ago with the bangs..still deciding. And so funny you should say that about the music, I have gotten away from it too and recently resurrected my old iPod and boy did it make me feel better! Music IS therapy. Great post.

  4. I thought your bangs looked great! You can definitely rock them.

    Kat 🙂

  5. I have been in your shoes on the bang- bandwagon. It was rough… I looked like a muppet, but not a cute one. Good luck!

  6. I didn't make it to the last season of Glee, and part of the reason was losing Corey. I mean it's not the same with out him and I felt like the plot line started to stretch a little too far. I may need to go back and revisit it though. Because seasons 1-2 I was a DIE HARD fan.

  7. I'm sure your hair looks amazing!!

  8. You cut your own bangs? Girl!!! Hurray for blates!!!!

    Confession – I am not a Glee fan. Not even a little.

  9. Hi friend! Your bangs look AWESOME. I can't believe you did those yourself. I lost my give-a-damn for Glee a few seasons back, but maybe I need to reengage? Was the finale worth it?

  10. (And just to clarify – I'm not just imagining your bangs; I totally saw them on Insta! Ha.)

  11. How did I miss this new blog design??? I feel like I've been living under a rock when it comes to blogging…

    Picture, picture, pic-ture. I don't have snapchat. Did you cut all of it or just bangs? I've cut mine before trying to get gum out….for real.


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