Cups Lives On!

by | Sep 11, 2015 | Throwback | 8 comments

I don’t have a nail polish post for you today because I haven’t painted my nails consistently since last month.  I’m not sure who I am anymore, but once I figure that out, I’ll let you know.

Also, I’m not going to touch much on 9/11 today.  I’ve written about it before.  Many times.  But today I’m going to keep things a little lighter because, well, that’s where my heart is.

When we first got married, J called me Cups.  We hadn’t lived together in the 7 years we’d dated before our wedding day, but we had spent an awful lot of time together.  So I think it was a little surprising to us both that we had qualities the other hadn’t noticed before.  Quirks, if you will.

The nickname came from my habit of never putting cups away.  If the kids I nanny are reading this (hi) they’re so going to bust me on this.  Because I am the dishwasher Nazi.  When I was done with a cup, I’d set it next to the sink.  Not in the sink.  On the counter next to it.

At the end of the week, there would be so many cups gathered on the counter that J used to joke he could “play” them like a musical instrument.  There used to be a picture of this somewhere on the internet.  I can’t find it.

Anyway, I’ve gotten better over the years.  I’ve developed a relationship with our dishwasher, and I’m pretty good about putting the dishes where they belong.  I like a neat and tidy house, afterall.

Well.  This morning, I was running around tidying up (you know, so I have less to do when I get off work tonight), and this is what I discovered…

Cups lives on!!
That, partnered with the embarrassing number of water bottles I finally cleaned out of the car on an ice cream run with ATA earlier this week, no one can ever say I’m not well hydrated.
Have a happy Friday, friends!
**A special shout out to my sister!  Happy Birthday, Eileen!**

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  1. haha… I can so relate to this… I keep coffee mugs always next to the sink… & water bottles on the other side of it 🙂

  2. Hahaha I can totally relate! I used to have a terrible habit of leaving cups all over the place but I've gotten way better since tumbler cups have become a thing. Now I have a designated one for water beside my bed and one for water to carry around (it fits in the cup holder of my car perfectly) and another that I can drink pop or iced coffee out of, it's a little crazy but it mostly works for me!

  3. Hahahaha such a well fitting nickname. Can you teach Chris where the dishwasher is while you are at it?? He leaves his cups all over the place as well. Too funny! Happy bday to your sister!

  4. hahaha we have so many cups it's insane.

  5. I do this too and it drives my husband (and my parents) crazy, haha. But I'm with you on, not being mad about it if it means you're staying hydrated, right? 😉 haha

  6. I DO THIS TOO! And it makes DG nuts! I drink my coffee while getting ready in the morning, so on Saturdays, I carry all of them downstairs. Oops.


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