Stuff & Things 9/10

by | Sep 10, 2015 | Throwback | 10 comments

>>I wasn’t home 30 seconds tonight (Wednesday) before I changed into my pajamas and washed my face.  J came home to find me at the kitchen counter with a glass of wine and a bowl of popcorn.  We were both up super early for work this morning (him earlier than me…Mr-I-Left-For-Work-At-3:09-AM), so to say we were both ready to collapse into the couch tonight would be an understatement.

>>Speaking of early starts–J’s new job has him going in pretty dang early.  As we got into bed last night, he admitted that he opens the door to our apartment so cautiously when he’s leaving.  “I just have this fear that there’s going to be a raccoon asleep up against our door, that I’ll wake it up, and it’ll run into our apartment in a panic.”  I guess this experience had a bit of an impact on him.

>>In case you don’t follow me on instagram (you should, by the way), I chopped my hair.  Some will say it’s still long, but this is the shortest my hair has been since I was growing it out a many years ago!  It’s so dang healthy now, which is exactly what I was going for!

>> I pushed myself to go for my run today (yesterday, when you’re reading this).  I wasn’t feeling too hot (hello, flo), but it was a run day.  I tossed around the idea of just not going but knew I’d feel much better about my life if I just went.  I was right.  If I accomplished nothing else, I ran.  I love that about starting the day with a workout.

>>Exciting things are happening this weekend!  I’m hosting a blogger party for local bloggers at The Gallery in South End!  If you happen to live in the area (or nearby!) email me for deets!  I’d love to have you attend!

Okay friends. I’m hardly able to keep my eyes open.  I’m out.  Have a good Thursday!


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  1. Good for you on the run!! And that's pretty early for his job….I can't even! Hope it gets easier!

  2. haha to the raccoon thing. I always have those thoughts when I'm leaving the house in the dark.

    And yeah, I was unsure about shorter hair because this is the shortest mine has been in several years, but it's so much easier to actually style. I like the waves in yours!

  3. i follow you on the Insta! i love the new hair! 🙂

  4. Love your new haircut! I've been toying with the idea of chopping some of mine off for ages, but I always chicken out!


  5. Ohhh your hair is so pretty!!!! I love the J thinks there is going to be a racoon when he opens the door. I mean, you can never play it too safe with wildlife. I have a huge fear of a gigantic spider hanging from the door in the garage when I go out for my run in the mornings. Have fun at your blogging party!

  6. you go girl for going on your run! and your hair looks fabulous. mine is the shortest it's ever been (about shoulder length) and i'm itching for a little more length lately. wish you could un-chop sometimes lol. i just went and read the old post, haha the raccoon is so cute though! on my run the other day i saw a SKUNK a freaking skunk. i have never seen one before so you better believe i hightailed it out of there.

  7. I love your hair! That's great that you pushed yourself to run even when you weren't feeling it, you truly feel so much better after!

  8. Your hair looks awesome!! So healthy and voluminous! And I hear you on early work mornings – Nick had a day trip today to Baltimore so he was up at 3am… and then so were we because Brady thought it was time to get up for the day and be a psycho, ha!

  9. Way to go on the run! I started back this week and boy do I feel gooooooood. My husband gets in around 3am each night so in a way I feel ya. Have fun at your South End event! I think something around South End made my This Week in North Carolina post yesterday 🙂 xo


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