Stuff & Things 7/30

by | Jul 30, 2015 | Throwback | 14 comments

++ I really appreciate the support  I got from Monday’s post.  The reality is, some people just fade from our lives.  And while it sucks, it’s kind of necessary in my opinion.  When I think back on that particular friendship, I’m happy for the memories.  But as we’ve grown up, we’ve developed into very different people with much different priorities.  Part of me will always miss them.  Part of me will always have to squash away the desire to call, text, email them when something big happens.  And that’s okay, too.  This is the type of of “life prep” they should teach a course on in college.  It would have been much more valuable than say…well…all those other things I’ve already forgotten and have in no way used in my real life.

++ If I’m being honest, I feel like I’m just surviving the days right now.  I’m out of my routines.  I’m off the productivity train.  And I feel like everything moves so slowly in the summertime, but in a flash the day is over and I’ve accomplished nothing.  I’m in the process of trying to adopt a new approach.  I guess we’re still just adjusting to this whole new life thing.  It’s a process, that’s for sure.

++ My week is pretty wonky.  I’m off today (and actually spending the day in South Carolina with my bestie!) in exchange for an over night tomorrow night.  With eight kids.  If I survive, someone better be waiting at my apartment on Saturday evening with the biggest bottle of wine you’ve ever seen.  Deal?

++ I’m practically forcing myself to get back into reading.  I’ve so completely lost my groove with it.  And to be honest, any free second I have to myself I much prefer to just veg in front of a screen.  It’s awful but true.  The goal is to read a book a week.  I probably should have started with a shorter book that The Pact by Jodi Picoult, but I’m going with it.

Okay friends, that about does it for today!  Your turn!


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  1. I need to force myself back into reading too!

  2. I think this whole week has been a wonky one! I'm trying to find my groove too and haven't been able to this week at all. Maybe we all just need the weekend 🙂 Hope your day trip to SC was a great time, friend!

  3. The Pact – stay with it a good read! Found your blog from Penny's Passion. Thanks for the party and hosting.

  4. This week's been off for me as well :/ Hope you get your routine back! And I completely know what you mean about reading, at the end of the day it's so much easier to just watch tv but if I actually make myself pick up a book it's so much better!

  5. I'm staying away from home during the week at the moment (and sometimes away at weekends, too) and it's totally thrown me for a loop. I mean, it's fine really, I'm just desperate for a recalibration phase! An overnight with 8 kids? I take my hat off to you and wish you the very best of luck!

  6. Audiobooks. I used to shy away from them but when I realized I could read while driving and it makes me excited to read more 🙂

  7. Ugh, I'm feeling particularly off my routine & unmotivated right now too. It's kind of frustrating.. Enjoy your day with your bestie!

  8. This whole week has been strange for me too — so, you're definitely not alone. The Pact is a good read, stick with it!


  9. I've been out of my reading groove too lately… miss it.

  10. With reading lately I feel like I'm either reading a book I'm obsessed with and finish it in a day or I'm reading one that takes me forever to read because I'm just kind of meh about it, there is no middle ground! Totally understand about just wanting to veg in front of a screen, that has been me lately too!

  11. Hope you're having fun in SC! And holy crap… 8 kids?!! More power to you sister, but I'm sure the paycheck will be good! xo

  12. GIrlfriend, good luck tomorrow night! But I know you'll rock it. And hopefully with extra kiddos – they'll just keep each other busy. My fingers are crossed for you. And is it wrong to say I'm so glad to hear another blogger say they're off their reading game? Because I've been off mine forever. Probably since I became an English teacher. All I can read for is school anymore. Right now I have like 6 books I need to read for a class I"m teaching this year. I've only read one.

  13. I am feeling unmotivated with a lot of stuff right now, it happens. I have been on my reading game averaging a book a week right now. Way more than I usually do. I like audiobooks when I am driving to and from work, helps me get in an extra 1-2 per month. 8 kids? Yikes! Double the wine!

  14. I feel like this is how much life goes. It's just so busy but I'm in survival mode but I don't want to be and I don't know how to get out of it (I meant that to be dramatic). Getting into a routine shouldn't be this hard, should it?


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