Stuff & Things 6/25

by | Jun 25, 2015 | Throwback | 20 comments

Emily Ley Simplified Planner: Daily Edition.  While I still love my Plum Paper planner (and still highly recommend it), I find that I need a bit more for my days.  It’s time to graduate to a daily planner.  I’ll have a full overview soon, but for now I just couldn’t believe I got my hands on it. It runs August 2015-July 2016.  They don’t release online until September 9th.  If you’re in the Charlotte area, Twisted Paper on Selwyn has a few in stock.

Bailey is ridiculous.  This is how she fell asleep the other night.  She’s in the crook of my arm, and the fact that she just had to have her dragon with her kills me.  Oh.  And her mouth fell progressively more open the deeper into sleep she fell.  And she was snoring.  I can’t with this dog, y’all. Does it again.  Bailey is completely obsessed.  I had to hide the thing in a closet, and I only allow for her to play with it during designated times because homegirl goes bananas with the thing.  In case your pup wants one, it’s called the Kong Squeezz Ball with Handle.  And it’s worth every penny.  I promise.
I finally finished The Girl On The Train.  Maybe it’s because it took me a century to read it–and I only got little spurts here and there–but it didn’t knock my socks off.  It was a good book.  It was interesting.  But it didn’t live up to all the hype in my opinion.  Then again, I’d probably feel much differently if I’d had the chance to sit and read it in a couple days.

Apparently when you connect your blogger profile with your Google + profile, you become a no-reply blogger.  I was getting some emails saying that I was a no-reply blogger which I knew wasn’t true because I’m all about NOT being a no-reply blogger (double negative, anyone?).  I just want to put it out there.  If you’ve recently connected those accounts, be aware that you’re probably a no-reply blogger now.  There are steps to fix that problem here.

Remember when I mentioned these RBX Active Leggings? Well the company has been kind enough to offer you guys a 25% discount for their new website launch.  I’ve never bought into the whole “good workout clothes are important” because honestly, I’m just going to sweat in them.  But these might have changed my mind.  I can’t stand that “wet” feeling.  You know what I’m talking about.  These wick away the moisture instantly.  And in this summer heat, that’s totally necessary.  Free shipping on orders over $50.  Use the code Active25 for 25% off your entire order!

That’s it for today!  Your turn!
Happy Thursday, friends!  


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  1. I need to get my lazy dog that toy! Cute planner. I've been trying to tell ppl about the whole linked my blog to Google+ and I became no-reply and they basically get rude on me like I'm stupid, meh, so thank you for acknowledging it and getting a tutorial. Smiles and hugs! xo Amanda

  2. YAY for a G+ no-reply tutorial. I had written a post about it, pre G+ so now it's pretty much pointless, which Amanda pointed out to me. "Good" workout clothes have become more important to me now that I've migrated south. Everything is just so… swampy on my body.. It's really the absolute worst. Also, hell the yeah to their pants not being stupid expensive.

  3. Awe, Bailey is so stinking adorable!!! As is that planner, love the stripes. I really need some new work out clothes, so I will have to check out that site, you are rocking those capris and they don't seem to have ridiculous prices. (I am looking at you Lululemon)

  4. We definitely need that toy – anything Kong is a huge hit around here! And oh Bailey, so funny and so cute! Happy almost Friday!!!

  5. Gizmo is OBSESSED with that toy, too! Bailey is precious! That is the best picture! We're planner twins too. I upgraded for the same reason you did and I can't wait to start using it! xoxo

  6. Oh Girl on the Train. I just read it for book club last month. It took me so long to get in to it and then I finished it in a day. But, I don't know. I just didn't love it. It almost felt like the author didn't want me to like so many of the characters or at least find them adverse that I felt that way about the whole thing!

  7. Thanks for sharing that no-reply blogger thing. I switched some of my settings because I was one too, but now no one gets an email sent to them letting them know that I have commented on their post. Oh and then my inbox gets flooded with "permeant failure" emails.. Annoying! Anyways… adorable picture of you and your doggie and love that planner!! 🙂

  8. Oh my goodness, Bailey is adorable!

  9. I've heard so many great things about The Simplified Planner, and I personally think it's just so darn beautiful. My new Plum Paper planner starts in just a few days, but maybe a Simplified Planner is next! Bert has been loving his KONG Squeezz Ball too… we had to cut the plastic handle off, because homeboy likes to eat plastic.


  10. I don't even know what the point of Google+ is?!?! And I like that planner… I'm itching to get a new MayBook to organize all my wedding stuff. I have a big "The Knot" planner…. but it's too big to tote around!

  11. That pic of Bailey cracks me up! I've heard great things about the Simplified Planners, my friend got one for the same reason 🙂 Oh girl, heading to check out those pants NOW!

    • Ahh I just got so excited when I looked! I have a pair of leggings I bought at TJ Maxx and LOVE, they're that brand and I didn't even know it. I recognized the symbol 🙂

  12. My Gus falls asleep like that most nights but no toy. LOL they're funny creatures.

    Looking forward to seeing more on the planner!

  13. I love Emily Ley everything but have yet to buy something! That planner sounds great. I do have one of her iPhone backgrounds on my phone right now 🙂

  14. 1. Dogs sleeping with stuffed animals is probably the cutest thing ever.
    2. I think I liked TGOTT so much because I listened to it and there were 3 different narrators, so that was neat. Also, I read it like as soon as it came out, so it was before the hype came about and I could appreciate it for what it was.
    3. I love The fact that I no longer have to buy dog food at the store has changed my life. (Especially because i used to just make Scott stop for it…I never realized what an annoying task it was.)

  15. Love those workout pants!

  16. The Girl on the Train is on my book list. It's so good to hear so many good reviews about it. I love your workout clothes! Cute workout clothes make all the difference:)

  17. When you fix the account, it will revert back to no reply. I've fixed my account 6 times and I'm done. Which is why all my comments end with my email.

  18. i actually felt the same way about girl on the train. it was good, but not knock your socks off. my expectations might have been too high though! your dog is adorable. one of my cats loves to sleep in the crook of my arm.. but she doesn't snore 😉


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