Weekly Goals

by | Jun 29, 2015 | Throwback | 12 comments

Back in the day (oh holy crap this was a long time ago) I used to do monthly goals.  And then I’d break those monthly goals into weekly goals.  And I was so freaking productive all the time.  I do well when I have structure and I know what my expectations are.  I also really dislike disappointing myself, so I tend to stick with personal goals.  The only person I’m letting down when I don’t is myself.  And the world does that enough for us for free, am I right?

So I’m taking a page out of Kat’s book and sharing my weekly goals!  I would encourage you to do the same.  You’ll be surprised how much more productive you’ll be.

Reply to emails daily.  I hate that this isn’t something I’ve been keeping track of lately, but I haven’t been.  I enjoy talking to you guys.  I promise to get back into the habit of it starting this week.

Stay on top of laundry.  I hate that most of my Sunday is spent being a slave to the washing machine.  If I’d just do a load on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, I’d be much better off.

Finalize details.  This is the last planning week for the book.  A lot of what goes into the first few weeks is plotting and planning.  Developing settings and characters.  Back stories.  Details.  It’s intense but so much fun.

Read Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas.  This has been on my to-read list for far too long.  The fact that it took me several months to read The Girl on the Train is unacceptable.  A book a week.  That was always the plan.

These may not be lofty, but the point is to be productive, stay on track and get rid of this overwhelmed feeling that’s been looming over my head for months.  So tell me, what are your goals for the week?

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  1. There is no need for lofty goals because getting all of these done will be the best!! iI have daily goals but not really weekly – I like that! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  2. I try to be good about replying to emails but it's difficult sometimes.

  3. There was a blogger who used to do a goal linkup and that was neat to follow, even if I didn't actively participate. I'm guilty of the email thing. Like I mentioned with the planner discussion, I function with two different sets of goals: work goals and home goals. So this is tough during the school year.
    However, goals for this week:
    1. Finish my bulletin boards.
    2. Finish all 3 books that I'm currently reading.
    3. Stay on top of laundry (of course)

  4. love the idea of weekly goals! sometimes i get so behind on emails, so staying on top of them daily is super helpful. other than that, i want to read a couple of books and exercise 4 or 5 times, which might be a bit ambitious 😉

  5. Why do I always feel like I am doing laundry? Oh…because I am. Hahaha! Daily goals are a great way to stay focused. Hope you have a great week!

  6. So I pretty much needed to read this today!! I need to get into that habit as well. Thanks for the inspiration that will hopefully come full circle and happen.
    don't know if you remember meeting me at kristinas birthday

  7. I'm preparing for an interview this week and an interview next week for a job at my current company. I also have to clean the house like crazy because I'm having friends over. estherdavison@gmail.com

  8. I love the idea of monthly goals broken down into weekly goals– it seems so obvious, but i've never been that intentional about it! What is Dangerous Girls about? It sounds familiar but I'm not sure. One of my biggest goals for the week is to start using MFP again!

  9. I have weekly goals, and laundry and e-mail are on my list every week! xo

  10. I wish I could reply to emails daily too and in my last job I could, but not in this one. I definitely need to make weekly goals though!

  11. I like your "get 'er done" mentality with these goals. They aren't always pretty, but they are things we must do. 🙂
    So excited for you to start your new book!!

  12. I am so terrible at responding to emails or texts. I also hate laundry so I typically put that off until I run out of undies. haha I should really change that!


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