Coffee Chat: Instead

by | Feb 18, 2015 | Throwback | 19 comments

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Greyfitti
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel: Greyfitti 
Share what you love
instead of what you hate.

It’s instinct for most of us to focus on the things that bother us or that we don’t like.  My challenge to you today is to catch yourself.  We do it so easily that we probably don’t even realize we’re doing it.  When you catch yourself doing it, share something you love instead.
I like chai tea lattes and brownies.  I love that throat lozenges actually numb your sore throat at least for a little while.  I like snow and ice as long as we don’t lose power.  I love walking vs. driving whenever possible.  And I like you.

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  1. Yes!!! I try to remind myself to focus on the little happies instead of getting caught up on the things that are bothering me. Sometimes it is hard but this is a great reminder! Like getting to gchat with you during the week! 🙂

  2. Yes for positive thoughts but girl its so hard when that white crap is outside my door lol!

  3. I hope you're starting to feel a bit better and your nails look amazing as always!! 🙂 xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  4. Your nails always make me happy!! Hope you're feeling better!!

  5. Lol. I have a bad habit of making a Facebook update every time something is pissing me off. My status history looks like one giant tirade! I'll have to keep this in mind:)

  6. haha you're so cute. i like reading and cats. hot tea and blankets. i love the feeling of getting in your car after a 100 degree day and it's so hot and stuffy that you can't breathe. love it.

  7. I absolutely love this! It's so important to focus on the good things. 🙂

  8. This is so hard for me to do sometimes, but this post is such a good reminder to shift our thinking. Right now I'm focusing on how much I'm loving the sunshine even though it's insanely freezing outside.

  9. I love your mug and nail polish…and mugs and nail polish in general.

    When I get complain-y, I do a quick and dirty five things I'm thankful for/love list. It helps!

  10. I'm trying with the grateful thing. I'm focusing in on what's good and right instead of what's bad and wrong.
    I like chocolate chips melted with peanut butter and eaten with a spoon. And I don't like chai lattes. 🙂

  11. I've been working on my positivity for so long. I am trying to see the good or find things that make me happy each day…and let them overpower the negative in my life. So far it's working. 🙂

  12. This is something I've been working on. Trying to think of all the things I like instead of the ones I don't. Including the ones about myself.

    I like tea and my dogs and books and peanut butter anything and when someone else does the dishes. And my hair.

  13. Stopping by your blog from Jayda's. 🙂 I love that nail polish color! It's so pretty! And perfect for this time of year. And I definitely agree with you – sharing what you love is so much better than focusing on what you don't like. 🙂

  14. Yes! This is exactly why I started doing the 5 Minute Journal. Focus on the positive. I'm focusing on the nice weather even though I wish we had snow. 🙂

  15. Positivity is how I stay sane. "I have lupus, but at least it's not ebola. Or the black plague" <3


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