Coffee Chat: The Storm

by | Feb 11, 2015 | Throwback | 16 comments

Sinful Shine: your’s truly
Essie: jazzy jubilent
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.
So when life is pulling you back with difficulties,
It means you are going to launch into something great.
So just focus and keep aiming.

We’ve all seen hard times.  It’s just how life goes.  There’s a season for all things.  It’s what you do with those hard times that matters.  It’s what you learn.  It’s how you grow.  It’s about where you choose to put your focus.
You can sit in the corner and have a pity party for yourself.  Or you can praise God for the storm he’s given you.  Are you dealing with something really hard right now?  My guess is yes, you probably are.  I am.  And it’s easy to want to curl in, go fetal.  But what I’ve learned is to praise Jesus for this storm.  He is changing my life.  He is changing me.  And while it’s painful and scary…
It is good.

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  1. 2014 was a chaotic storm for me but we consistently hung to our faith. 2015 had a bump a couple weeks ago but through grace we're good. Now things are happening that just make us smile and see that in every single moment there is a HUGE purpose. Hugs to you, prayers too. Hit me up if ya ever need to I'll gladly share my story with ya and give you support!

  2. Beautiful words! Prayers going up on your behalf. I know it must be rough whatever it is but like you said – he is using it to shape you. xoxo

  3. It is where you choose to put your focus – love that take on it!! Side note – your nails look great! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  4. The only time we're ever really growing is during a storm. I mean, I hate that. But it's nice to know. Wasn't the Devotional of the day about that?

  5. Love this, it reminds of that song "Praise you in this storm" love that one! Such a good reminder that God is good and He is who He is, and no matter what we might be facing we can trust Him!

  6. I really love this, it is all so true.

  7. your nails look fabulous 😉 and i totally believe hard times make us stronger, and we can wallow in our sorrows or choose to learn from them.

  8. I love this. It's so true…trusting can be so hard, but it's so good to remember that God uses the storms we go through to shape us. Thanks for the reminder. Praying for you, girl!

  9. Definitely something that I need to hear so thank you. On happier note, your manicure is fabulous. 🙂

  10. I needed to read this today. Thank you for that, Joey. I really hope to learn from this storm. I pray that it would make my marriage stronger and that I would learn to trust God WAY more than I do!

  11. You are always so insightful no matter the weather. I just love that about you 🙂 And I am with Julia, I instantly thought Praise You in the Storm. That song rang in my head a few years ago when my sister's life was falling apart..quite literally because of a storm.

  12. Beautiful my friend!! And I definitely started singing "I will praise you in this storm, I will lift my hands" <3 you!

  13. Love this!

    I'm definitely in the middle of a storm–a big, giant one and I've clearly lost my umbrella–but I'm trying to keep my head up and do the best I can. Whatever the end is supposed to be, that's just what it'll be.

    On another note, your manicure is fabulous!

  14. Well, you know my life is in a state of chaos.
    I hope you get through this, and I'm sending you much love and strength.

  15. This is exactly what I needed girl. Thank you. Life is a like an arrow pulled back waiting to hit a phenomenal target…I know good things are ahead, I just wish all these things would arrive sooner.

    Love your nails in that photo by the way. Perfect.


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