January Books

by | Feb 3, 2015 | Throwback | 19 comments

My Story by Elizabeth Smart
As I mentioned last week, I downloaded this audiobook to listen to on my drive to and from SC.  I was a teenager, just a few years older than Elizabeth herself, when she was kidnapped. I remember this happening.  I have a weird fascination with getting the inside scoop on things, especially when it involves learning about someone’s unimaginable strength.  Call me crazy, but I thought I could learn a thing or two from Miss Smart.  And I was right.  As for the book itself, it was very well done.  I was navigating out of town, so I must have missed the introduction where it mentioned that the narrator was actually Elizabeth Smart herself, but I imagined it had to be.  I think if you read this book on your own, it would be a very quick, interesting read.  But let me encourage you, if I can, to listen on audiobook.  Hearing Elizabeth herself recount the events is bone chilling and nothing short of admirable.  Highly recommend.

Maybe Not by Colleen Hoover
This was a cute novella based off of the roommates from the book Maybe Someday.  (Doesn’t Maybe Not sound like it could be the sequel to my book, “Yeah, maybe?” hah).  Anyway, this was a cute, quick read.  I liked seeing what was going on on the other side of Maybe Someday(5 stars)–who knew there could be a whole story there.  I ended up really liking the character Warren, and I really liked finding out why he was watching so much porn in the first book!  Take this for what it is, but the last few books by Colleen Hoover have read like a soft porn in some parts.  This one was like that.  And while everyone likes a good love scene, I think sometimes it goes too far considering the audience.

Never Never by Colleen Hoover + Tarryn Fisher
This was way different than anything I’ve read before.  I was sucked in from the very first paragraph, and it was an impressively quick read.  I liked how the fast pace of it made the book almost un-put-down-able.  I’m not sure I’m in love with it because it’s the first of a series, and I pretty much got enough information from this one book to know that I will, without a doubt, have to read the next one. But as a stand alone it didn’t do much for me. It was a little irritating how it left on such a cliffhanger–but I guess that’s sort of the point of a series!

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Let me start by saying, I do not read the backs of books.  So when I go into a book, I have no idea what it’s about unless someone has told me.  This wasn’t at ALL about what I was expecting, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  I really enjoyed the characters and the main story.  Like, a lot.  But all the fanfiction stuff I honestly couldn’t have cared less about.  I realize it was important to share because that’s what the whole book was about, but as someone who only read Harry Potter after being brutally bullied into it (I know, I know) I had absolutely zero interest in the fanfiction that Cath was writing considering it seemed an awful lot like Harry Potter.  (Don’t get me wrong, I loved Harry Potter and was seriously impressed with the writing, the world, the story and all of the above. It just wasn’t my normal cup of tea to read so it took some convincing to dive into it).  About halfway through, I realized the storyline in the fanfiction really had nothing to do with the actual storyline of the book, so I honestly started to just skim those parts.

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  1. I rarely read the backs of books either – I love not knowing, though sometimes you pick up based on other peoples recommendations or whatever. Elizabeth Smart's book sounds interesting, though I'm not sure I could read it.. I of course think she is amazing for overcoming that but it might give me nightmares.

  2. I tried that Rainbow Rowell and I just couldn't get into it.

    I don't think I could read Elizabeth Smart's book.

  3. The Elizabeth Smart audio book does sound like a good time in the car!! Maybe after I plow through some of these podcasts I will switch over to it! Maybe Not totally sounds like it could be your sequel!

  4. I might have to get the Elizabeth Smart one! Is Maybe Someday a stand alone novel or are there book(s) before/after? I might be interested in that one too! Thanks!!

  5. Never Never sounds really good – especially since you said you got sucked in from the first paragraph!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  6. Thanks for the recommendations! The Elizabeth Smart story sound intense but interesting!

  7. I also remember the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping happening and I read the book and couldn't put it down. I didn't know she narrated the audiobook (though I agree it makes sense that she would!) I completely understand the pull of learning all you can about things like that, I have always been drawn to those types of stories.
    On a lighter note I also was about a decade late to the Harry Potter party and read it because I couldn't take the constant insisting from well EVERYONE! I of course also love it, but I feel like the fact I skipped growing up with it kind of separates me from the fanfic world!
    #longestcommentever #williteverend #hashtagsincomments? #can'tstopwon'tstop #whereismiley? #imisshannahmontana

  8. I'm reading something right now, but when I'm done maybe I'll read one of these books. Thank you for sharing your reviews! 🙂

  9. I felt the same way about Fangirl. I could not get into all the Simon Snow parts. As in, I completely skipped them. Did not read them at all. And it makes me sad that her next book is going to be a sci-fi/fantasy book based entirely on Simon Snow. It's too Harry Potter rip-off for me.

  10. I am always looking for new books to read! Thanks! 🙂

  11. I'm not a big reader (weird, I know) but I bet that Elizabeth Smart book is really interesting. I think I saw part of the lifetime movie once?

  12. That Elizabeth Smart book has been on my list for awhile! I need to get on it! Thanks for all the other recommendations!

  13. As much as I really loved Attachments I really can't see myself liking Fangirl even though it has such good reviews. I totally thought of Yeah, Maybe, when you mentioned Maybe Someday, haha. I had a wait, what? moment!

  14. Gosh I wish I had more time to read! I'm jealous!! It's taking me months to get through one book. I need to do the Elizabeth Smart audiobook though. Where'd you get yours??

  15. I remember Elizabeth Smart, too! I definitely want to listen to this on audio. Do you listen to books when you run? xo

  16. WOAH, that does sound like the sequel to your book 🙂 And the Elizabeth Smart one…I remember hearing about her on the news too. I think listening to her narrate the book would be so emotional!

  17. I never read Harry Potter at all, so I'm surprised I dealt well with Fangirl. I listened to it, otherwise I would've skimmed those parts too!

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