The Better You: Keep Going: What Running 40 Miles in One Month Taught Me

by | Feb 2, 2015 | Throwback | 23 comments

Before you click out of this post thinking it’s all about running…
it is
but it isn’t.
I promise I draw an important parallel that I think 
is worth the quick read.

Let me first say, my comfort zone (and I’m using that term very loosely) was running 24 miles a month.  Basically, I was comfortable running 2 miles 3 times a week.  But even then, I’d find excuses not to do it.  So when I made the goal to run 40 miles in a month…I don’t think I really thought it through.

And sometimes it’s important to do that.  To make a goal from your heart, not from your mind.  Some would argue that is irresponsible, and maybe so.  But how will you know if you can really do something or not if you don’t give your body a chance to chase what’s in your heart?

Or something like that.
(Please tell me you get that reference.  And if not, you should really watch HIMYM)
If I failed, I would have been okay.
At least I tried.
I’d assess and regroup.
And set another goal for the next month.
But I didn’t fail.  As of Friday afternoon, I officially ran 40.1 miles in the month of January.  As I laced up my shoes and slipped on my gloves that afternoon, I didn’t want to go.

I pushed the thoughts outside my mind.
I finished gearing up, not allowing myself to think about each and every step.
But with one thought in mind:
how great it would feel to be done.
And off I went.
During those final 3.1 miles, I ran the gamut of emotions.  But one thought was on repeat:
  just keep going.
That was a thought on repeat most of January, honestly.  Not just with running (though that thought was definitely a consistent companion during each and every run), but with everything. 
 Life has an epic way of continuing to surprise us, doesn’t it.  And I’m not sure about you guys, but there are days I’d rather hide underneath the comforter and pretend not to exist.  But you can’t always do that.  
You have to just keep going.  The fortunate thing when you keep going is eventually you end up somewhere different.  Even if you’re moving without a set destination in mind, if you keep making the decision to put one foot in front of the other, despite what may have happened that day, you will get somewhere.  It may not be where you set out to go–but it’s not where you were before.
And that’s the important thing.
Some days are going to be hard.  Some are going to be easy.  Some are going to be cold, or hot, or rainy, or miserable.  Some days your knees (or head, or heart) are going to hurt.  Some days you might have forgotten to wash your gear.  Sometimes you might have to slow down.  Or stop for a second to catch your breath.  Sometimes people will pass you.  Other times you might pass someone.  Some days you’ll do better than you did before.  Other days you’ll do worse for no apparent reason.  
But at the end of the day, as long as you have a little faith in yourself, commit to your goal, and just keep going, you’ll get somewhere new.

Did you have a challenge for yourself in January?  How’d you do?
What about for February, what are your goals for the month?

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  1. That's incredible! I can't believe you ran so much but I completely agree about making a goal with your heart than your head. Too many times, we use logic to defeat ourselves. Great series! xoxo

  2. Just keep swimming it the motto I live my life by. Deep friend. You are so right, as long as you keep going…you end up somewhere!

  3. 40 miles, good job! That's awesome! And I've never thought of that but so true, you WILL end up somewhere. Good words friend 😉

  4. 40 miles!!! Wow!!! That is an accomplishment! I absolutely love this series on a Monday — always so uplifting!

  5. Love this post, this is so good! This is going to be my motto for this month. January I started out strong but lost my drive and focus about halfway through the month, so this month is ALL about just keep going! Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on crushing your goal! And YES I got that reference, because I finally watched HIMYM and I'm one of the cool kids. 😉

  6. Congrats!

  7. Good for you!! I am not a runner but my husband is. Every night when I say my prayers I always ask for strength to keep going/moving forward. You're right that some days are hard, but when you push yourself to just keep going, it is definitely better. 🙂 Hope that you had a nice weekend too!

  8. way to go on your 40 miles girl, that is amazing. and i totally agree with the just keep going.. sometimes i wish i could crawl into bed and not come out till i want to, but with running – and life in general – i always feel better when i'm done, even if i didn't want to go in the first place.

  9. You are awesome! 🙂 Way to go.

  10. LOVE this post! So proud of you for your 40 miles, but more importantly for the lessons this has taught you! Reminds me of Finding Nemo "just keep swimming!" Love you friend!

  11. I'm a fan of "it takes 21 days to form a habit". I think it takes a lot less actually. If you can do something for a week straight, you can keep it up for a month. Then it's solidified.
    That's awesome for jumping to 40 miles in a month! Sometime we're just too stubborn to quit 🙂

  12. Awesome job Joey! I love this idea as I've been trying to figure out the best way for me to motivate myself and stay accountable with exercising weekly. I'm not sure if I want to go off distance or time- so I like that either way you have a goal per month.

  13. Awesome job hitting your 40 miles! Whenever I don't want to do something, I think about what I'm going to gain if I don't keep going…and the answer is "nothing." Not doing that thing I don't want to do isn't going to get me where I want to be an hour from now or tomorrow or next week or next year. Definitely true in running but in life in general. Running is such a powerful motivator!

  14. Congrats on hitting 40 miles!! That would be a huge accomplishment for me, too – I've never been a runner but then again I've always given up 😉 Good for you for pushing through because you're totally right, you just need to do it!

  15. Love this! I especially love when you said to make a goal from your heart instead of your head. That's so important! I did that last month, and actually took a step to make it real instead of just living inside me (does that even make sense?)

    Congrats on all that running! That last step, when you realize exactly what you're capable of, is always the best one.

  16. My head is so stupid. It literally causes me to shut down when running. I love that you did it from your heart and not from your head. I need more of this! xo

  17. I'm no where near 40 miles but I feel the same way every day I run. I never want to do it but I do. And every lap I want to quit, I tell myself just one more! Good job on reaching your goal!

  18. First of all, I'm so impressed with how much you ran!! I literally can't even imagine. And I love the parallel with life in general…it's so true, sometimes you just have to keep going when it sucks, and end up somewhere better!

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  21. Yes! Love this one girl. We did a no spend month in January which was challenging to start, but once we got the momentum going it was easier than I thought it would be. Just keep going! Love it!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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