Stuff & Things 1/1/15 (whaaaaat?)

by | Jan 1, 2015 | Throwback | 17 comments

>> We had a “Bailey Day” the other day.  I took her for a good long walk.  We took her to Tractor Supply to pick out some new toys.  And then we spent the afternoon playing with her new toss toy in the backyard.  By time we got inside and gave her big surprise to her, she was too tired to enjoy it.  I’d just like to point out that while I’m typing this, she’s working on the smallest little nub that’s all that’s left of that bone.  *we supervise her while chewing.
>> I met my friend Daniel for a drink last Friday.  He was in town from Nashville, and we’ve been buddies since middle school so I demanded asked to meet up!  It’s always just so good to see him!  While we were at the bar, someone taps me on the shoulder and goes “oh, my gosh.”  An old HS friend was there meeting another old high school friend!  We ended up having a sort of accidental high school reunion and it was such a great night or reminiscing!  Funny story: my friend couldn’t remember my maiden name.  It was on the tip of her tongue.  “It ended with an “ens,” right?”  I stared at her blankly.  “Really?” I asked.  “That’s the part you remember but you forgot about the Dick?”  Well, of course when I said that it seemed to go quiet in the bar and I swear half the bar turned and stared.  It made it to her instagram! hah!
>> Coming from the girl who admittedly claimed to hate sandwiches a few years ago: I’ve been on a massive sandwich kick.  First it was subway, but that was getting expensive.  So I bought all the stuff I like and I’ve been a sandwich making queen the last few weeks.  I’ve also discovered the wonder that is pickle slices on a sandwich.  Yes, I’m like 8 years old in my food discoveries.  Whatever.
>>It’s currently 7:30 on New Years Eve while I’m typing this and I’m minutes away from washing my face and slipping into my onesie.  The hubs and I have big plans of a massive cheese plate, some happy beverages and maybe some games!  Cheers to the New Year friends!!


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  1. I love a good sandwich haha…now I'm hungry. 🙂

  2. awww i love the bailey day!! that's precious!

  3. I have a obsession with subway ygm

  4. I bet Bailey was in heaven! What a fun little spur of the moment HS reunion 🙂 Glad you had fun! Happy new year friend!

  5. Jimmy John's has the BEST sandwiches, if you can track one down. And pickles DO make a difference.

    I was in bed by 9:30 last night and Scott was asleep by 9. Party animals.

  6. Gracie is obsessive when it comes to destroying her bones or any other toys she gets as well! So cute!!!

    How awesome that you ran into some old friends. That is always fun! Even if they forget about the Dick….

    Happy 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Oh, and PS…Chris and I were party animals last night and both fell asleep on the couch watching the Mississippi State game last night. I woke up at 10:45 pm and celebrated the eastern time zone "midnight" and headed to bed. My argument was that I was born in the eastern time zone and therefore it is perfectly to celebrate news years as such. Totally legit.

  7. Hilarious! You forgot the Dick? But how fun to accidentally reunite with them 🙂 Happy new year!

  8. How cute that you had a whole day for your dog! I need to do that more often.
    OMG your accidental HS reunion story is hilarious. Of course that's the moment everything would go quiet, right?!

  9. We have employee lunches every month at work and one of my favorite meals is make your own sandwich bar. The possibilities are endless! I love a good sandwich! Happy new year pretty girl!

  10. Sliced pickles on sandwiches is the best! Yum! Hope you had a wonderful NYE!! XO

  11. Bailey is so cute! I just adore days that we can devote to our dogs especially when we stay so busy! And how fun is your little reunion?! I only keep up with a few friends from high school but would love to see some of my old friends!

  12. Too many about that convo with your old highschool friends! haha, and so fun to catch up with them for a bit. Happy New Year 🙂


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