Goals for 2015

by | Jan 5, 2015 | Throwback | 23 comments

I know there are a lot of people out there who just aren’t fans of the New Year.  And I get it.  I do.  But I’ve always just loved it.  I love the concept of turning a new page, starting fresh, and having the opportunity to reevaluate.

I’m a goal oriented person.  I’m constantly making todo lists, striking things I’ve done off with a bright colored highlighter.  I get such satisfaction looking over my planner from the week and seeing productivity.  While I think the new year is an awesome time to make goals (see how I used the word goals not resolutions), I use those goals as a road map to make weekly and monthly goals as the year goes on.

While resolutions always sound like a great idea, often they are too broad therefore setting you up for failure.  Be a better person.  Eat healthier.  Work out more.  Blah blah blah.  But goals are specific.  They give you concrete guidance.

So I wanted to share with you my goals for 2015.  But with that said, I feel like I should attach a disclaimer.  My situation is different than your situation.  And your situation is different than your friends’ situation.  Everyone’s lives and priorities are hugely different.  But for the sake of transparency…here we go.

  1. Replace final Charlotte income with writing (clarification: match the income I was making before we left Charlotte nannying with writing) by the end of the year.
  2. Write and complete a second book, writing at least 1000 words per week day.
  3. Tackle query process.  Bonus: acquire agent.
  4. Find a church and commit.
  5. Read 50 books.  Review read books on blog each month.
  6. Create a cleaning schedule and maintain house.
  7. Run consistently, create weekly and monthly mileage goals.
  8. Make business cards.
  9. Buy (or lease) a young, new (to me) car.  
My goals might not seem all that lofty, and I do that intentionally.  I don’t like setting myself up for failure.  I make small, attainable goals.  I take one small step into each challenge.  I find that I’m more productive, and I stick to my goals when I feel accomplished creating a sort of domino effect.  
Do you make goals at the new year?
Do you find that you stick with them throughout the year?
Do you also break those down monthly and weekly?
Let me know!  What are some of YOUR goals for 2015?

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  1. I love those goals! You're gonna rock this year! I can't wait to learn more about your books and see the ones you review on here. I need to do a better job of reading… as soon as basketball season is over. I would say good luck but you don't even need it! You've got this ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. I definitely make goals instead of resolutions. I have a written list here at home. I feel like writing them down really keeps me accountable. I like adding weekly and monthly time tables as well. Thanks for that advice!

  3. A cleaning schedule might be something I'll NEVER be on top of. Although, things are pretty neat and clean right now because I had nothing to do but organize and clean for 2 weeks.
    I'm setting a mini-goal each month. January is doing a yoga youtube video everyday.
    Find a church and commit: let me know how it goes. We haven't had a church since 2013. Terrible.

  4. I used Zazzle for my business cards and loved how they turned out so I highly recommend that site!! Can't wait to read your 2nd book girl!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  5. Love these goals! Read more is definitely a big one for me, too – I never make time for it anymore which makes me sad! And we've been on the church hunt since moving, it's so hard! I think we might have finally found one that we like, don't love like our last one in Chicago but like it enough to go back each week at least, haha. Happy 2015!

  6. Love the goals – I can't wait to see you get them all checked off! I like the new year too, there is just something refreshing about new beginnings!


  7. I think you have great goals! I dont set resolutions either, that is why I do seasonal goals. I keep myself accountable and in check…but they are attainable things that need to be done! I do like how the new year is a new black book for us to write in! Cheers to the best year yet!

  8. Great goals girl! I'm really with you when it comes to committing to more specific goals. I've got my Goodreads Reading Challenge all set to 50 for this year too! ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. These are great! I'm with you – I prefer goals over resolutions. Resolutions are made to be broken. Plus, they're too much pressure.

  10. These are great goals! ๐Ÿ™‚ A new year is always exciting to me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Can't wait to see your business cards ๐Ÿ˜‰ Whew 50 books! I'd be in trouble haha. I do normally set goals, but for some reason this year I'm not. I feel like this is more than likely going to be the last year of just the 2 of us so I really just want to relax, have fun and enjoy the heck out of this year! I want to make sure to continue on with my workout routine though and be the healthiest I can be! Oh, and I'm with you. I am super excited for this new year, excited for a fresh new start.

  12. I agree, I LOVE the New Year! It feels so fresh and exciting, so many possibilities! And YES to setting realistic, attainable, specific goals as opposed to broad generalizations like "Eat better" or whatever. Love your list!

  13. I like attainable goals, but lofty goals are fun too. As long as there's a good mix of each, I don't get too bummed out by not achieving EVERYTHING. And sometimes it encourages me to do things I otherwise wouldn't have.

  14. i feel the same about the new year and I totally try and make goals instead of grand sweeping resolutions. however there is always one or two lofty goals on my list haha! good luck with your goals!

  15. I have monthly goals this year. I don't fully believe in New Year's resolutions so I never do them. The only goal in life I have is to live simpler and healthier. That said, I need to buy more fruits and drink more water. I really need to improve that part of my life. It's important.

  16. I've used a cleaning schedule for years and it's the only thing that keeps things afloat. Good luck!

  17. Ok, I wrote a comment & it got lost. I am too jet-legged to form completely coherent thoughts but I love the new year and the whole goal setting mindset it brings! This year in particular I am feeling the need for very specific and focused goals, to at least manage expectations!!! Vistaprint has some cute free business cards, and cuter ones you can pay for ๐Ÿ™‚ I think writing a new book will be so great ๐Ÿ™‚ I haven't quite organized my thoughts into goals yet, but I think soon I will have a list as long as yours, probably with a few common ideas ๐Ÿ™‚
    HAPPY 2015!!

  18. Great goals! Coming up with a cleaning schedule is something I should really work on too.

    I'm in favor of smaller, more attainable goals too. I think they're much easier to stick to and follow through on! I heard on the radio this morning that (some large percentage) of "resolutions" (vague ones like 'lose weight' and 'quit smoking') are broken by the second week of January!

  19. Great goals. It is always nice when a new year begins. ๐Ÿ™‚ I need to be better about going to church and reading. I bought a book for our last trip and I didn't even read it haha. Sorry for the late comment too, I was away for the holidays. I hope that you had a nice holiday season though and Happy New Year to you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. So I need to do just about every one of these goals too- specifically 4-7 ๐Ÿ™‚ I can't wait to see where this next year takes you with writing!

  21. These are really good goals Joey! I want us to try to get a cleaning schedule put in place and work on our meal planning and prep. I didn't really set any specific goals for us for 2015, but I love yours!


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