Chicken Soup for the Joey Soul

by | Dec 8, 2014 | Throwback | 17 comments

This weekend was just what the doctor ordered!  Things have been fairly crazy around these parts lately and so it was nice to just stop and breathe for a minute or two!

Friday night I got to hang out with sweet Kristina & some of her friends to celebrate her engagement!  We had sushi and drinks at Mura in North Hills and oh, man.  It’s just what my heart needed!!  
I totes stole your pic, Kristina 🙂
I took the time while I was in Raleigh (the hubs was flying in and out of RDU last week/weekend so I figured I’d crash at my parents for a few days and take advantage of being near civilization, ha) and I started and finished the hubs’ Christmas shopping!  I’m pretty excited about a few of his gifts and hope he loves them!
I also spent a good amount of time over the weekend going through our stuff and getting rid of a lot of things.  There’s just something cathartic about getting rid of stuff you don’t really need or use.  My goal for 2015 is to live simply.  I’m such a hoarder when it comes to certain things, and I think it’s time I just learn to let go.  My number one problem?  I have this thing about holding on to every card I’ve ever been given.  It was entirely freeing this weekend to go through them, keep the really special ones, and throw all the others away!
Alright Monday.  Let’s do this!
Linked with: Meghan, Biana, MMG

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  1. You look great! I love that picture. And… since you're all organize -y and cleaning out -y, I'll be your personal shopper and you can be my personal organizer. What do you say? I think we'd make a great team!!


  2. Ahh! I'm still struggling with what to get John for Christmas. I need to figure out something.

  3. Girl I am right there with you! I have probably said goodbye to half my closet and I'm all about the minimalist living. Now if I could just get a certain someone to be on the same page with me about that…….all in time…..all in time….

  4. So happy you were able to celebrate with Kristina!! I'm with you – getting rid of stuff you don't need and bringing in the new year fresh is always great!

  5. I have a box that I keep our wedding cards in, or any cards that are special to me. Otherwise the rest go into the trash. I'm glad that you were able to see some friends and that you had a nice weekend. 🙂

  6. I need to go through and purge some of my things, too. It's just hard to part with a lot of it.
    Glad you had a great weekend. A time with friends is always such a blast!

  7. I purged this weekend too! Donated three bags of clothes and tossed some that no one should wear due to the number of stains and holes, haha. I did throw away a total of four cards. I just can't part with cards or books. I tried to donate some of my books and I actually got teary, haha.

  8. Aren't those times with friends so awesome! Sometimes hanging out and talking with my girlfriends is just what I need! We are trying to get rid of a bunch of stuff too! It's so freeing to get rid of stuff and start fresh!

  9. A goodnight with girlfriends is definitely a great cure for anything 🙂 And congratulations on cleaning out some stuff! I am the same way I keep way too many things, it drives my boyfriend crazy!

  10. The hoarding…AMEN friend! I have the exact same problem, and living more simply is one of my 2015 goals too! Getting rid of things is so freeing. Also, the title of this post!! And sushi!!

  11. Haha want to know a good trick for a good purge? Plan to move across country from a home to an apartment, you'll get rid of anything and everything you don't need/use real quick 😉 We didn't get to move after all but our house is totally clutter free lol! Glad you had a great time with your girlfriends this weekend!

  12. Yay for a girls night!! Those are so needed!

    I am with you on getting rid of things. I took a second stab at our disaster room on Sunday morning (aka guest room/storage room/dogs room/my office.) I got rid of another huge trash bag full of stuff!

  13. I'm totally on the same page about living simply. I feel so free when there's less clutter in my life. We really down-sized when we moved a year ago, but stuff has a way of accumulating. I'm doing a bit of purge right now so that I can start the new year the right way!

  14. Oh my, getting rid of things you don't need anymore is so liberating it's fantastic. I love to keep a lot of things that have a meaning for me but at some point…it's not worth it. I got rid of a ton a few weeks ago and felt happier than ever.

  15. Aww so fun you were able to celebrate with Kristina! And totally agree with the living simply goal for 2015.. I'm right there with ya!

  16. So fun!! So did you and Kristina already know each other before blogging or through the blog?


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