Stuff & Things 11/13

by | Nov 13, 2014 | Throwback | 22 comments


>> Since I’m forever on the hunt for the perfect lip balm, I switched things up the last few weeks.  We’ve entered the time of year when my lips just hurt constantly.  Taking my own advice from this video, I had an idea.  I started applying regular vaseline at night just before bed and again in the morning.  My lips feel so much better overall!  Give it a try!

>> Taylor Swift.  Wildest Dreams.  On repeat.  I can’t even help it.

>> I accidentally hashtagged an instagram picture as “adult” the other day.  I was doing it ironically because it was a picture of hot chocolate with an abundance of marshmallows.  Because clearly…I’m an adult.  Um.  Luckily we can edit instagram photos now and I could remove the hashtag because holy penises.

>> I’ve been eating a really weird “dessert” lately.  It’s mostly because I ran out of candy and haven’t baked in a few weeks.  So this is sort of my when all else fails treat.  Take a tortilla.  Put it in the oven at 350 for about 8 minutes (until it puffs up).  Spread nutella on it.  You’re welcome.

>> I promise, if you’ll take just a few minutes to watch this video you won’t regret it.  These are the two youtubers I mentioned a few weeks ago.  They happened to hear this song on a pandora christmas station and couldn’t believe it was real!  So naturally, they made a hilarious music video for it.

>> According to my fitbit, I needed more steps yesterday to make my goal.  (Confession, I’ve been slacking lately.  Whatever).  My remedy for this?  I walked over to the little market on campus for an ice cream candy bar.  Makes total sense, right?

nails are WnW Megalast Fall Limited Edition in So Berry on Trend

Alright friends!  It’s your turn!


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  1. Yes–Wildest Dreams on repeat. I think this is my new favorite song of hers ever.

  2. That dessert sounds lovely. And mmmmm snickers ice cream? What?

    LOL at that song! Those two are super creepy!

  3. Haha wow…That. Video hahaha! Yes to T. Swifts new album, I've got the entire thing on replay and feel no shame in blasting it lol

  4. Mmmmmmm snickers ice cream is my fave. And thanks for the tip about IG- I'm glad we can finally edit the posts now!! xo

  5. That's it…you're coming over to paint my nails weekly…okay?! I think the dessert you made could also double as a crepe of sorts – really brilliant idea!!

  6. LOL at the adult hashtag! Ooops! I would not have thought of people using a hashtag for…that.

    Definitely going to watch the video later when I'm not at work surrounded by people!

    Hahaha, I love how you reached your fitbit goal by walking to the store for ice cream. Perfect!

  7. Matt has a fitbit too and he's been challenging me to daily things and that is motivation alone to walk as much as possible 🙂 Nothing like a little competition to make you want to walk further!!

    I think I'm going to have to go buy that nail color this weekend. I love it!

  8. bahahaha, hashtag adult! HILARIOUS!

  9. My husband and I were JUST talking about those Snickers ice cream bars last night!! I think this is a sign that I need one in my life 🙂 And sooo funny about the #adult! I wouldn't have thought about that either!

  10. My manicure looks like crap now, would you mind coming over and fixing it? Haha. I will tell you that I got a vinyl color and I had my girl put 2 coats of the top coat on. It lasted ten days without chipping. No joke. Anyway, I'll have to check out that Taylor Swift song, and I put Aquafor on my lips every night. I hope that you are having a good day so far!

  11. Lol! No one likes accidental penises. But I can totally see how that would happen. Half the time at work, when the guys who sit near me start snickering, I know there's some kind of dirty joke or innuendo, but I have no idea what it is. I thought I had a dirty mind, but apparently not.

    Nutella is good on everything.

  12. Your nails look AMAZING! Thanks for the sweet treat idea, that sounds pretty amazing. I'm really glad I didn't click on that hastag LOL. And YES! Wildest Dreams is sooooo good!

  13. Oh my gosh, #adult. TOO FUNNY. Also, love your nail color!


  14. Wildest Dreams is my fave too!! Definitely on repeat over here. 🙂

  15. Snickers ice cream YUM. I love your nail color!

    My blog, before I changed names to what it is now, was Daily Money Shot. I can't even imagine what I would get if that was on Instagram because the search traffic terms were enough. I'm pretty sure they were disappointed when they got to my personal finance site.

  16. Haha, that video!!

    I have that rose Vaseline lip stuff in my Amazon cart. I'm excited to try it – this time of year wreaks havoc on my lips and cuticles!!

    Also, nutella on a tortilla = winning. Another good one: Tortilla slightly warmed with peanut butter and chocolate chips. No shame.

  17. "Because holy penises"..OMG, I died. I once hashtagged "not it" #notit…look at that for a sec….didn't even realize. Whoops!

  18. LOLing at the #adult. Also, love the walk for the snickers ice cream! I think it cancels each other out! 🙂 xoxo

  19. Allow me to be the 130983408 person to say that nail color is incredible! For real, I'm not even looking at the chocolate in that picture. And I've decided that it's not even that your nail pix are out of this world… it's your whole manicure. Like my edges are never that clean. NEVER.

  20. I think snickers ice cream bars might be one of my favorite ice cream treats ever and I looove ice cream so that's saying a lot! I totally do the nutella and tortilla thing too- I usually just put them in the microwave- the oven is probably better though.

  21. Girl I have that whole Taylor Swift CD on repeat what you talkin' bout? Snickers ice cream I'd run for that!


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