My Strange Addiction

by | Nov 4, 2014 | Throwback | 27 comments

When we were first married, I bought a $20 waffle iron at someplace like dollar general or big lots.  It was just a random decision fueled by some kind of thought like Oh, we’re married now.  We should own a waffle iron.

Apparently these are the thoughts that go through my mind.
One weekend, I made waffles.  And they were awesome.  I used the waffle recipe on the side of the bisquick box.  They were golden and buttery and fluffy and oh my gosh so good.

These poor quality photos literally have nothing to do with this story except that this was our kitchen our first year.  And that’s me attempting to look all cute and wifely making banana bread.
I’m not exactly sure how this came to be, but before I knew it, I was making massive batches of waffles every single week and freezing them.  I would eat two waffles every morning before work while watching Boy Meets World.  Who says just because you’re married you have to be a grown up?  Obviously I wasn’t subscribing to that theory at all!
And I wonder why I was at my heaviest our first year.
It had to be that.
Or the fact that I worked in a cupcakery.
Imagine my surprise when one morning, the waffle iron just gave up.  Y’all.  It got worn out.  Who, may I ask, do you know that’s ever worn out a waffle iron?
Well now you all have an answer to that question.
This girl.
Like quitting an addiction, it might have been a good thing in the end, the waffle iron meeting it’s untimely demise.  Hi, my name is Joey and it’s been over 3 years since I’ve made a waffle.
And then this showed up on Saturday.
From my MIL.
It’s a good thing we don’t have milk in the house.

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  1. That's hilarious! We were given a waffle iron when we got married and I've used it… maybe 3 times. So now that you have a new one… are you gonna start the waffle-making trend again? We {and by that I mean David} make muffins on the weekends a lot.


  2. Hahaha this is too cute! I have that exact same waffle iron I do believe. Though, mine has probably been used about 20 times in the last 7 or 8 years that I have owned it ๐Ÿ˜› Time to start whipping up some super fun waffles. Maybe get cray and make some funfetti waffles or something. Is that a thing? Surely so. Mmmmm waffles.

  3. Waffles are seriously the best. AND it's always the cheapo $20, grocery store waffle makers that are the best. Screw that $100+ stuff from Williams-Sonoma, etc.

  4. That is so cute!!! I actually don't have a waffle iron and this post has seriously made me reconsider this!!! Love waffles!!

  5. That's hilarious! I've never heard of anyone wearing out a waffle maker ๐Ÿ™‚ I am impressed and slightly jealous of all those delicious waffles. Waffles and Boy Meets World sound like a great combo. My hubby doesn't love waffles so I don't make them very often. They do sound delicious now so I may just have to make them for myself for lunch! Good idea and super thoughtful of your MIL to send you a new one ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Love waffles!!! We don't have a waffle iron, fabulous investment though! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope that you are having a good day so far too!!

  7. We registered for one when we got married and while I love waffles, I hate cleaning the damn thing! So, we have pancakes more because you know, lazy.

  8. Oh girl. I think of all the gifts we received, the waffle iron was my favorite for our wedding. Waffles are dang good!

  9. Hahah I LOVE waffles too! Much better then pancakes and my Mom always makes me some when I come home ๐Ÿ™‚ Waffle-on girlfriend!

  10. Aw so sweet she got you that! I love that pic of you, being all sweet and wifely ๐Ÿ™‚ Confession. We have a really nice waffle iron my mom got us for Christmas a few years back. I LOVE waffles from it, but we never use it. I HATE cleaning it haha. You've made me want to use it though, I need to make a bunch to freeze!

  11. This is awesome!! We registered for a waffle iron for the same reason (married people should have one), but we almost never use it! Even though we both prefer waffles to pancakes, we HATE cleaning the thing. Maybe you should send some frozen waffles our way ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. LOL!! I LOVE waffles, there is just nothing like hot waffles with blueberries and butter and syrup!

  13. What is your secret to making a waffle? I have a waffle iron and my grandparents bought me the nice kind because before I couldn't make a waffle even with a waffle iron. It is one that you flip when the light turns a certain color but even if I follow all the directions and the correct times I am still messing up and opening it too early and making a huge mess! I haven't had the heart to tell my grandparents that even though they got me a nice waffle iron I still can't make them.

  14. I cannot make a good waffle to save my life. They come out nice and perfect, but I haven't figured out how to keep them warm but also still crispy on the outside while I make the rest of the waffles (we have a Belgian waffle maker so it only makes one at a time). My husband LOVES waffles. I could take or leave them…they're good, but I don't crave them.

  15. That's awesome. I love waffles, but we rarely use our waffle iron. I should bust it out more. But I will say my waffle iron is like 10 years old and still works. That's a good MIL to send you a new one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Lol! Good luck managing your addiction. Although, I gotta say – if you're going to be addicted to something, waffles is probably the way to go.

  17. That's hilarious!! We have a waffle maker too and I've used it a few times but not enough to wear it out ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love the idea of eating waffles everyday though!!

  18. oh wow, I would love a waffle iron! Or maybe not, I'd probably wear it out, too!

  19. Tyson loves waffles but never made them when we had a waffle maker so away it went. You'll be waffle making this weekend is my guess. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. Hey, that was really nice of your MIL!

    My parents got a waffle maker and I used it maybe 3 times. We don't have one, but I have a friend who swears by Saturday Waffles as a tradition. We're more bacon and eggs people on the weekends.

  21. Such a cute story now i am craving some waffles lol!!

    Aloha, Kathleen

  22. Too funny! I would definitely love a waffle iron, though it's probably a good thing I don't have one because I would probably be the same way!

  23. But do you eat chicken with your waffles….that is the question!!!

  24. My old roommate inherited a waffle maker that her mom was getting rid of and quickly became obsessed with making homemade waffles! Her obsession was the very best on Snow Days when we would lounge around in our pjs eating waffles and drinking coffee!

  25. That is seriously the cutest story ever! I love waffles but I put like chocolate chips and cool whip with syrup on mine…..then I go into diabetic shock.


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