Utter Chaos

by | Oct 28, 2014 | Throwback | 25 comments

First of all, thank you all so much for your support yesterday.  I try to keep things as real as possible around here.  Because you know what?  Perfect is boring.

So to say that things have been chaotic would probably be an epic understatement.  And when things get chaotic, I reach for the things that ground me.  I grasp at anything that I feel like I can control.

So the other night?  When my mind wouldn’t shut up?  I tackled something I’ve been avoiding for a long, long while.

Does anyone else do this?  Your insides feel all messed up so you do your best to make your surroundings make sense?  You should see my house.  Cleanest it’s been in a long, long while.  (For the record, I keep my house clean.  But it’s not always neat, much to my husband’s dismay).

Can I ask a question?  Why is it that whenever you take on a major cleaning project, at some point you decide you’d rather quit…but you’re standing amidst a bigger mess than you started with?

I remember when I was kid, my mom used to make us trash bag clean our rooms every so often.  If your moms weren’t that mean (I’m totally kidding, Mom), that means we had to give stuff away.  And I remember it was like a week long project.  And I’d live among the chaos until finally everything found its place and things were so neat and pretty…for like a week.

Ahh.  Much better.  Now if only I could get the inside of my head to look the same.  
Tell me, what do you do when your world feels out of control?  Do you clean?  In case you all are convinced that I’m crazy (I am, for the record), I also bake.  And eat.  So I’m sort of normal, too.

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  1. I totally feel the same! Our apartment is still a little disorganized since we moved in September, and every time I successfully clean and organize an area I feel so much better. It's one area of your life you have complete control over!

  2. Looks great! I clean. I'm able to ignore the chaos if I create physical chaos in the house. I also clean to avoid studying if I'm dreading it. AND I study to avoid cleaning sometimes. 🙂

  3. Ok, I tried to comment a minute ago but my computer did something weird. So if this is a duplicate, feel free to delete! 🙂 But I definitely do the same thing when I'm stressed. When life feels out of control, my house is always super clean!

  4. When I feel out of control, I will usually go to my closet, and get rid of anything I haven't worn for awhile, and bag it up for Goodwill. Or, I eat. Lots and lots of Oreos!

  5. I need to do that here but it keeps being warm and I keep procrastinating!

    I do get to a point when I'm standing in a bigger mess wondering why I thought this was a good idea.

  6. I do the same exact thing – I just start cleaning…I think maybe if everything around me is clean and organized then my life will follow suit lol!

  7. I actually cleaned my closet out yesterday!! Feels much better now. Whenever I feel that way, I just go for a walk. Or I go to the gym. Those things always make me feel better. So does getting a manicure, or calling someone who I know will listen. Life is definitely less stressful when things are organized. I hope that you are having a better day today too. 🙂

  8. when i'm angry, i go in the kitchen and cook or clean or bake. it's so therapeutic!!

  9. Oh my gosh, I tend to be the same way when it comes to things like that– and I end up with more of a mess than when I started, my husband thinks I'm crazy because I take so many "breaks" aka I get bored… anyway so jealous of your walk-in, it looks like you did a great job organizing!

  10. This is me literally every single weekend except my fat preggo ass just flops on the bed and leaves everything in a giant laundry mess. I'm too tired to nest or maybe I just missed that gene, can you come do my closet too?

  11. Oh my goodness. I was seriously standing in front of my closet thinking that it needed a good cleaning out and organizing YESTERDAY! Great minds think alike.

    I am the same way. I'll be practically neck-deep in a project and then think, "ehh… I'd rather not". 😉

  12. I relate to this post so much! Whenever I get really stressed with school and work I clean too because for some reason if all my surroundings are clean, I feel much better! Your closet looks so nice!

    xo, carli
    Puppies and Polka Dots

  13. I think about cleaning. I sit there and visualize all of the progress I'm going to make, mentally making a to-do list…..lol and then I get hungry and find a snack! But I can totally relate. Life is feeling a little bit out of control right now and so all I want to do is get rid of the copious amounts of junk in our house!! I do think life feels a little bit better with a clean closet!

  14. My mother would always threatened to 'clean' our rooms by throwing everything out. What is it with moms that do that??

  15. Cleaning and organizing always helps me work things out.

    Plus I feel unsettled when my surroundings are chaotic.

  16. I need you to rub off on me…when I'm feeling stressed and chaotic the last thing I want to do is clean. I want to turn on Netflix and employ tunnel vision to help me ignore everything else around me!

    My mom would tell us to go clean our rooms or "she'd clean it for us." We knew what that meant (major purging of our belongings) so as far as I can remember, we never let it get to that point!

    The closet looks great, by the way!!

  17. Oh yes, I do the same thing! Looks good! Enjoy that run today 😉

  18. Running is a top fave for me. Its a good chance to think things through. Especially since I'm training for a half marathon right now. estherdavison@gmail.com I need to tackle my closet too. Its a total disaster.

  19. I am the exact same way! If something is going on that I can't control I start tackling things I know I CAN master.

  20. I'm exactly the same way with this. I turn into a psycho cleaning/organizing machine when I'm stressed out… which is often. So, on the bright side, our house usually looks pretty presentable!

    Hope things clear up and you can take some time to relax soon, girl!


  21. I'm the same way when it comes to cleaning. I'll get into it and then I'm done in the middle. It's hard to keep going sometimes.

  22. Looking good! I totally clean when I am stressed, thinking, mad, sad, whatever. It is great relief and I always feel better with a clean, organized surrounding.

  23. Oh hell yeah – what a great before/after for a project!


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