It’s only rain

by | Oct 27, 2014 | Throwback | 18 comments

Do you have a second?  Maybe grab a cup of coffee?  I’ll wait.  I really just want to hang here for a minute and chat with you.  My people.  My friends.

It’s never a good sign when your faith literally falls and crumbles.  I got home on Saturday night and heard a bang.  When I opened my bedroom door and saw this, I couldn’t help but laugh a little to myself.

Figures, I said.
It’s been a rough few months, friends.  Sure, there are little things that pile up and those just suck.  But those are easy.  Those you just get through somehow, you know?
But the big things?  The big things aren’t as cut and dry.  The last few months I’ve found myself navigating a foreign adult territory.  There are times in your life when you can clearly see definition.  Does that make sense?  A moment in time between what was and what is now.  Before and after.
I have a collection of those moments in my life.  And usually as they’re happening, I’m aware.  Some are obvious.  Graduation.  Marriage.  Moving.  Some are less obvious.
I think we feel the ones that are less obvious more.  We prepare for The Big Ones.  We know The Big Ones are coming.  The ones that come out of the blue and sucker punch you?  Yeah, those suck.
The thing is, you just do it.  You don’t know how, but you do.  Fake it until you make it.  You try to keep your head above the water for so long that before you realize it, you’ve learned to swim.

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  1. 1. You know I didn't grab coffee… totally don't drink that stuff.
    2. Praying for you! Adult-life does suck sometimes.

  2. All of this.

    I've been navigating the unfamiliar territory of adulthood for the last year in a way I didn't have to when I was in Alaska. I could avoid a lot there "because Alaska". Now, with home ownership and the comparison trap and all that…life is hard (but at the same time I have no right to complain).

    Thinking of you as a new week begins!

    (Funny what you said about friends. I was telling Scott that I don't have any friends here and he's like, "what about blogging?" and I'm all "I know but I had IRL friends last year…I got to used to it". I feel like I've regressed in my adulthood progress.)

  3. I may have laughed a little too long and hard at your faith crumbling joke…haha. I feel ya on the growing and changing and being able to adjust. It's the un-obvious ones like you said that sneak up and get ya. Sendin happy thoughts and swim lessons your way 🙂

  4. You will figure it all out. I think it helps to know all of us go through times like that and like you said… You just figure it out and work through it.

  5. Oh, irony, or something like that. I think the crappy part of adulthood is that we're never really ready for the unraveling… things coming apart slowly and progressively until we look up one day and realize that normal is gone and something else has replaced it. The slow changes are what get me. Here's to swimming and moving forward. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

  6. YES. Girl. It's been tough around here, too. I kind of giggled at the crumbled faith on the floor. Ohhh the irony.
    Hold your head up high. It will get better.

  7. Sometimes I wish I could trade my adulthood in for my childhood again. Or younger adulthood when you aren't really an adult quite yet but you like to pretend like you are. Know what I mean?

  8. Oh so true, 2014 has seen more than one sucker punch for me. I'm crossing my fingers this new year will have a few less! Good luck dealing with everything. Sending happy thoughts your way 🙂

  9. I didn't grab coffee but I was eating my lunch 🙂 You know I'm thinking of you and praying for you…

  10. I needed this. I think I am just drowning. I swam, I cramped, I am drowning.

  11. Sorry that you aren't having the best day lady. :-/ Try to stay strong and I hope that things get better for you!

  12. I know what you mean… fake it 'til you make it! 🙂 xo

  13. I have my coffee, and it's delicious. Sometimes, the best we can do is fake it til we make it.

  14. I think you're so right in that picture falling being a sign! Not that your faith is literally broken, but maybe as a reminder to step back and focus on that over the worry and stress that so often weighs us down in life. Hoping things are going better!

  15. Oh my……that picture dropping like that……I mean totally freaky girl! Sending you so much love!!!! If you need anything or someone to vent to please let me hear it! xoxoxoxo sweet girl!

  16. oh no 🙁 life offers us so much and whether it is good or bad or easy or challenging i learned that whatever it is there's a reason for it all. we may not see it right away but one day it will hit us and we will understand. it's just what it is. the picture dropping may be a sign, or it may not be. either way, hang in there, and know we are all here for you. sending you positive vibes!

  17. Girl I am with you. It has been a rough time around here too. I giggled at the crumbled faith photo. Ironic it is indeed. Thinking about you!


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Mama, indie author, wife, believer and friend.

My only hope is that while you’re here, you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and empowerment. Because life is too short to live it worried you’re not good enough.



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